

Extension of a Short-Term Stay Visa

2025年01月11日 11時50分51秒 | 在留資格

Extension of a Short-Term Stay Visa

Extending a short-term stay visa is generally difficult, but I have successfully managed to extend my short-term stay visa.
Below is an explanation regarding the extension of a short-term stay visa.

1. Required Documents for Short-Term Stay Visa Extension Application
Application Form
The form can be obtained at the Immigration Services Agency of Japan.

Return Flight Ticket After Extension
You need to arrange a return flight ticket after the visa extension. You must either purchase or at least reserve the ticket and print out the reservation confirmation.

Documents Showing Arrangements for Living Expenses
You need to provide documents demonstrating how you will cover your living expenses during your extended stay in Japan. These may include proof of financial support from a guarantor, such as a certificate of bank balance, a copy of a bankbook, or cash. The required amount will vary depending on the number of days you plan to stay.

Statement of Reasons
A document explaining why you need to extend your short-term stay visa. The reasons are typically reviewed strictly. General reasons such as "I want to do more sightseeing in Japan" or "I want to spend more time with a friend living in Japan" may be judged as insufficient for an extension. A compelling reason that can be deemed unavoidable for the extension is required.

The passport of the person wishing to extend their short-term stay visa (the individual currently in Japan under a short-term stay visa) must be presented.

Other Supporting Documents
You may need additional documents to substantiate the reasons for the extension. The specific documents required will depend on the reason for the extension.

2. Application Window for Short-Term Stay Visa Extension
The application must be submitted to the Immigration Services Agency that has jurisdiction over the address listed in the documents you submitted when applying for your short-term stay visa at the Japanese embassy or consulate abroad. For example, if you are staying in Tokyo for a visit to acquaintances or corporate training, the application window would be the Short-Term Stay Section on the 2nd floor of the Tokyo Immigration Services Agency in Shinagawa, Tokyo.

3. Fees
There is no fee for the application.

4. Processing Time
The processing time depends on the number of applications received by the Immigration Services Agency, but it generally takes about 2 to 3 weeks. However, the actual processing time will vary based on individual circumstances.

This concludes the brief explanation. If you have any questions, need assistance with preparing a statement of reasons or other documents, or require representation for the application, please feel free to contact me.

Contact Information:
Usui Legal Office
Representative: Takashi Usui (Gyoseishoshi - Administrative Scrivener, Registered Agent for Immigration Services Agency Applications)
Address: 2-19-8 Tsurukawa, Machida City, Tokyo
Phone: 090-6560-7099
Email: usuitks1967@gmail.com


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