

TOEIC course vol.1

2006-09-14 | English
At this time last year,I went to school in NewZealand again.The second school which I went was TOEIC course for 6 weeks.I didn't want to go another languege school but I wanted to study English more.I thought to try TOEIC because I did it several times before and all of the result was so terrible score...
There were so many Japanese and Korean in that school.I heard that TOEIC was popular for Asian especially Korean and Japanese,so my class consisted of only them.(I am also Japanese ^^)
I was upset while beginning that class because the level of classmate was so high more than I thought.I needed to understand grammer words like "present perfect" or "relative adverb" at first.They answered quickly when teacher asked something.I could only hear their conversation and take no question to teacher.I thought I would not improve even if I finished this class for 6 weeks.I felt depressedvery much. TOEIC score that I got the best was only 420 point....
But,I had never give up.I checked grammer words and face with class eagerly.
At that time, as I lived with 2 of Taiwanese girls,we talked and cheer up each other.All of us had difficulty with English.....Anyway, to get used to class was the best that I could do while the first week.


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