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国際ニュース 31  イスラエル・ハマス    ③(2023年11月14日~11月15日)

2023年11月15日 21時27分33秒 | 戦争
Jackson Hinkle @jacksonhinklle12時間
 Spain’s Deputy Prime Minister calls for an ARMS EMBARGO on ISRAEL!
ガザ北部で雨が降った。 神に感謝する。神がガザに下さった恵みだ。 人生で、これほどまでに雨が恵みであり、雨が甘い水と感じたことはなかった  
 Palestinian Resistance JUST COMMENTED on ISRAEL’S RAID of Gaza’s Al Shifa Hospital: “We hold the occupation and President Biden fully responsible for the Nazi occupation army's invasion on the Al-Shifa Medical Complex. We hold the occupying entity and its new Nazi leaders, along with President Biden and his administration, fully responsible for the consequences of the occupation army's raid on the Al-Shifa Medical Complex, and what the medical staff and thousands of displaced persons are subjected to, as a result of this brutal crime against a health facility protected under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
The leaders of the occupation and all those who conspired with them in killing children, patients, and unarmed civilians will be held accountable. The adoption by the White House and the Pentagon of the occupation's false narrative, claiming the resistance's use of the Al-Shifa Medical Complex for military purposes, served as a green light for the occupation to commit more massacres against civilians to forcibly displace them from the north to the south, completing the occupation's plan to displace our people, as stated by many ministers of the occupying entity.
The silence of the United Nations, and the betrayal of many countries and regimes, will not deter our Palestinian people from clinging to their land, their legitimate national rights. We will remain committed to our people by continuing to defend them and their rights with all our strength. The occupation will pay dearly for its crimes and aggression against our children, women, and sanctities. Gaza has been and will remain a graveyard for the invaders, and tomorrow is near for those who wait. And indeed, it is a jihad of victory or martyrdom.”
この占領は、私たちの子供たち、女性、そして神聖さに対する犯罪と侵略の代償を払うことになるでしょう。 ガザはこれまでも、そしてこれからも侵略者たちの墓場であり続けるが、待ち続ける者たちにとって明日は近い。 そして実際、それは勝利か殉教かのジハードだ。」

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