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国際ニュース 31  イスラエル・ハマス    ④(2023年11月14日~11月15日)

2023年11月15日 23時01分28秒 | 戦争
イスラエルとパレスチナの戦争:騙されるな。バイデンはガザでの大量虐殺に全面的に加担している ホワイトハウスは自分たちの共犯関係を曖昧にするための見せかけ話が必要だ。自暴自棄のホワイトハウスは長らく死んでいた2国家解決策を再び復活させようとしている。

‘Time of truth’ on Israeli ‘command centre’: Analysis


Andreas Krieg, a professor of security studies at King’s College London, says Israel’s allegations of al-Shifa Hospital being a Hamas command centre have been “going around for a decade”. “Israel has always pushed that narrative and now it’s the time of truth. They have boots on the ground and now they have to come up with evidence that this is actually true,” Krieg told Al Jazeera.



“Evidence presented over the last couple days from other hospitals has not only been inconclusive but to a great deal has been inconsistent and showed a lot of flaws and misinformation, which also makes it difficult to trust their word. “From an intelligence point of view, I’d say the Americans are just copying the Israelis instead of actually presenting their own evidence. So there isn’t a lot out there.”



Hundreds of patients at al-Shifa need to be evacuated: Gaza official


Speaking during a press conference in Khan Younis, the Director-General of Gaza Hospitals Mohammed Zaqout said 650 patients – including 22 in intensive care – needed to be safely evacuated from the facility. Zaqout added that 36 premature babies and people on ventilators were under “total threat” at Gaza’s largest hospital. Moreover, Zaqout said there were some 400 medical teams at al-Shifa who also needed medical care and needed to be evacuated.


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