AFPの映像には、12日にキプロスを出航したスペインのNGO「オープン・アームズ(Open Arms)」の同名の船が、食料200トンを積んだバージ船(はしけ)をけん引する様子が捉えられている。

 オープン・アームズと協力している米国の慈善団体、「ワールド・セントラル・キッチン(World Central Kitchen)」は、キプロスのラルナカ(Larnaca)港で豆、肉の缶詰、小麦粉、米、デーツ(ナツメヤシの実)などを積んだ別の船も準備していると明らかにする一方で、支援物資のガザへの搬入には陸上輸送を増やす必要があると強調。

 同団体のフアン・カミロ・ヒメネス(Juan Camilo Jimenez)氏は、「幹線道路を利用したガザへの物資搬入を目指している」とX(旧ツイッター)に投稿した動画で語っている。

 一方、イスラエル軍は、支援物資が荷降ろしされる間、桟橋周辺の「安全確保」のため、部隊を派遣し、支援船について「隅々まで保安検査を行った」と明らかにした。(c)AFP/Adel Zaanoun with Robbie Corey-Boulet in Jerusalem

Food aid unloaded: First delivery made through maritime corridor


The first maritime aid shipment to Gaza has been offloaded. But there are few details on how the aid will be distributed. And as the UN warns of a looming famine, Gaza residents desperate for food say the shipments won’t be the solution.



13 aid trucks roll into northern Gaza without incident


For the first time in months, a trickle of aid has arrived in northern Gaza without incident. 13 trucks delivered supplies including flour, to Jabalia and Gaza City. Volunteers and community leaders co-ordinated with the UN to secure the entry of the convoy. Aid organisations say this delivery is a test, to see if they can conduct more on Sunday.


A growing number of Palestinians are dying of hunger in the north, where the UN says famine is taking hold. In northern Gaza, one in three children under the age of two is acutely malnourished - that's according to the UN. Some food parcels have been airdropped. But it's nowhere near enough to meet the needs of millions of Palestinians.


What does German Chancellor Scholz hope to achieve in the Middle East? | DW News

ドイツのショルツ首相は中東で何を達成したいのか? |DWのニュース

German chancellor Olaf Scholz is making a two-day trip to the Middle east, where he's due to hold talks with the leaders of Jordan and Israel. His trip comes as international efforts to get aid into Gaza are expanding. Germany has joined an emergency airlift, dropping food over the Strip for the first time. A new maritime aid corridor between Cyprus and Gaza is also taking shape. But relief groups, and the people of Gaza, say it's nowhere near enough.


Before Scholz left Germany, he repeated his call for a swift cease-fire. And he urged Israel to do more to protect the civilian population.
