(前文省略), you'd better be quiet.”
“Then I hope his ghost will haunt you;(以下省略)”
He sat within earshot, milking the cows by the light of lantern, which I seized uncremoniously, and, calling out that I would send it back on the morrow, rushed to the nearest postern.
Fortunately, the beasts seemed mote bent on stretching their paws,(以下省略)
(前文省略), I ordered the miscreants to let me outー(以下省略)
I don't know what would have concluded the scene, had there not been one person at hand rather more rational than myself, and more benevolent that my entertainer. This was Zillah, the stout housewife; who at length issued forth to inquire into the nature of the uproar.
28行目以降の文章で、 [This was Zillah, the stout Housewife] の[stout] が、訳本によっていろいろあり、面白いと感じた。
新コンサイス英和辞典には、1.がんじょうな;がっしりした、丈夫な、強固な、頑健な.2.勇敢な、不屈の;頑強な、激しい.3.太った、でっぷりした. などと記載されている。