米民主党予備選:トゥルシー・ギャバード候補へCNNの言論封鎖と選挙妨害/Speech & election interference by CNN to Tulsi Gabbard candidate
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出典: Eventbrite「New Hampshire for Tulsi 2020」
YouTube: I love our country
出典:2020/01/15付・The IRANIAN「Must Watch: No War With Iran Discussion Hosted By Tulsi Gabbard」
YouTube: Tulsi talks IRAN with Guests Stephen Kinzer & Dennis Kucinich - Intro by Kim Iversen - Concord, NH
2020/01/14 にライブ配信
Serving in Iraq my fellow soldiers & I had each other’s back & worked side-by-side. My personal commitment to you is that I'll always have your back & treat you with respect. When we as Americans work side-by-side we can accomplish anything #StandWithTulsi https://t.co/Zct4twYUfX pic.twitter.com/XiHMXIOvle
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) February 6, 2020
CNN PROTEST#LetTulsiSpeak pic.twitter.com/8cD0AKIfcw
— EarthYogi 🕉🌐Ⓥ🌺 (@EYogi01) February 5, 2020
#LetTulsiSpeak @CNN pic.twitter.com/pHeqdAjAwG
— ALOHALWAYS🌺 (@Alohalways1) February 5, 2020
The #LetTulsiSpeak petition has reached 14,884/50,000. When CNN decides who gets a voice, the American people lose. Add your name below. https://t.co/nd2sOJwpWd
— Malik Amed⏳#HighFivesForTulsi🌺🥊#TeamSupreme (@MasterChiefAmed) January 31, 2020
As voting is underway in #NewHampshire's #NHprimary, we want to take a moment to raise the alarm about @CNN & @DNC's #DomesticInterferenceInOurElections:https://t.co/P2BI7doIwW Please sign the petition to say NO to #DomesticInterference. #LetTulsiSpeak! pic.twitter.com/pTeF2soSFw
— Open the Debates (@OpenTheDebates) February 11, 2020
How beautiful would it be to hear a clear, strong anti-war voice from a non-whiny, non-manic female? #LetTulsiSpeak pic.twitter.com/3sia17LoyA
— Tammy Kosiancic 🌹🐍 (@TammyKosiancic) February 8, 2020
But in context? That is only a small snap shot of that conversation. We need balance that is what was being conveyed. Though I'm glad you are covering @TulsiGabbard misconstrued arguments won't cover the msg. #LetTulsiSpeak pic.twitter.com/SyPZbnLIhS
— knockin' (@daathsduir) February 11, 2020
Why haven’t you invited the only woman of color @TulsiGabbard to speak? 1st female combat veteran, first Hindu to run for President. Seems a bit racist to me. #LetTulsiSpeak pic.twitter.com/CmVtm0mdOj
— BubbleYum 🦚🌺 (@ImaCruzn) February 4, 2020
#LetTulsiSpeak #SayHerName #TulsiTownHall #Tulsi2020 #StandWithTulsi pic.twitter.com/jkcFY0iLvI
— Evan 🌺 (@AyeeItsLaRock) February 4, 2020
#FreeAssange because #PressFreedom is as critical to our #Freedom as oxygen. #LetTulsiSpeak so we might have #Freedom from #EndlessWar, #Freedom to #Prosper. #Freedom to live in #Peace! She #Unites. She #FightsForUsAll. She pledges to #FreeAssange pic.twitter.com/2bOspVdzs1
— Lucid Primate 🦍UnUsUalApe🦍☮️ (@LucidPrimate) February 10, 2020
YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard discusses media bias against her
YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard on Overcoming Political Labels
YouTube: Tulsi Gabbard sounds off on 'clear bias' during her debate
Democratic primary for US presidential election
Speech blockade and election interference by CNN to the most influential candidate Tulsi Gabbard
YouTube: CNN's blatant and bizarre Tulsi Gabbard snub TheHill
CNN's blatant and bizarre Tulsi Gabbard snub
There's no plausible explanation for slighting a candidate quite ...
以下、2020/01/31付・THE HILL「CNN's blatant and bizarre Tulsi Gabbard snub」より
「CNN has held more town hall events than any of the three cable news networks over the past few years and continues that programming strategy as we head into the meat of the 2020 campaign.
For the most part, the network has made an effort to provide every candidate on the Democratic side during the primary season with an hourlong stage to answer questions from moderators and voters alike. And that's what makes CNN's decision to snub Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) from a series of town halls just days before the New Hampshire primary not only odd but optically nonsensical.
Note: Gabbard is currently polling at 4.8 percent in the RealClearPolitics index of polls in New Hampshire. That puts her ahead of tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang (4.0 percent), businessman Tom Steyer (1.8 percent) and former Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick (no polling available).
So what do these low-polling candidates all have in common?
They all received invites to the CNN New Hampshire town hall.
The most recent poll from American Research Group released out of the state even has Gabbard ahead of Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), with the Hawaii congresswoman clocking in at 8 percent to Klobuchar's 7 percent.
And if we're just talking CNN-University of New Hampshire polling, Gabbard is at 5 percent, which places her 3 points higher than Steyer and 5 points higher than Patrick, who clocks in a 0.0 percent.
"We have reached out, I think, more than once, and we received no explanation," Gabbard told Fox News on Tuesday regarding the noninvite. "I don't even think we've gotten a response to date about why they're excluding the first female combat veteran ever to run for president, the only woman of color in the race," she added.
The candidate has also broached the snub at campaign events since.
CNN followed up on its announcement of the New Hampshire town halls on Thursday to explain why Patrick was invited, again without mentioning Gabbard.
“Deval Patrick, who has not yet qualified for the February 7 debate, was offered an opportunity to participate in a CNN New Hampshire town hall, as part of the network's commitment to hosting individual town halls with the Democratic presidential candidates,” the spokesperson said.
The last time Gabbard appeared on CNN during one of its special events was at a Democratic debate in Ohio in October. It was then that the Iraq War veteran addressed allegations made by The New York Times and a CNN commentator that she was an asset of the Russian government, an allegation launched (and unchallenged) by 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.
“Just two days ago The New York Times put out an article saying that I’m a Russian asset and [a Syrian President Bashar Assad] apologist and all these different smears,” she said. “This morning a CNN commentator [Bakari Sellers] said on national television that I’m an asset of Russia. Completely despicable.”
Sellers actually called Gabbard a "puppet for the Russian government" without presenting any evidence to back up the claim.……」
(以上、2020/01/31付・THE HILL「CNN's blatant and bizarre Tulsi Gabbard snub」より)
Tulsi ahead of three people who were permitted to participate in the NH debate last night. The conscious, malevolent exclusion of her is so obvious and despicable -- it would be nice if more Bernie people called this out https://t.co/iVoKjPd6jQ
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) February 8, 2020
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・2020/01/31付・THE HILL:https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/480788-cnns-blatant-and-bizarre-tulsi-gabbard-snub「CNN's blatant and bizarre Tulsi Gabbard snub」