

ユダヤから主に身を避ける:トランプ「神第一」、保守派の新判事「創造主を畏れる」/We take refuge in God from Jew. "God first" "God-fearing"

2020-11-06 00:00:01 | ユダヤ支配下アメリカ2020
   True posted date & time:2020/11/04 01:11>

    I changed posted date and time for my convenience.)

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 ※ I have made composition by borrowing some references and pictures in this article, but I don't receive the income at all by this article.




 以上3点の出典:investorshub「Keep America Great !」



 右出典:2016/05/15付・Tammy Bruce「Does Joe Biden Know That Gay Marriage Is Now Legal?」

Infowars: Dementia Joe Biden Is Now The Democrat Frontrunner For POTUS Nomination

Infowars: Creepy Joe Is So Strange!

#Trump2020 #Trump2020LandslideVictory

#JoeBidenHasDementia #BidenHasDementia #CreepyJoe #DropOutJoe #IDoNotLikeJoeBiden

 We take refuge in God from Jew's attack
  President Trump "God first"
   New conservative Justice of the Supreme Court "God-fearing"

YouTube: You're the the most famous man in the world. No I'm not...it's Jesus Christ

  「President Trump: "A friend of mine said 'you're the the most famous man in the world'. I said 'no I'm not'...it's Jesus Christ. And it's not even close"」

 2020/10/13付・NewsWars「Impressive: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Up Blank Sheet For Hearing Notes — Memes Explode」

Impressive: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Up Blank Sheet For Hearing Notes — Memes Explode



 2020/09/22付・RT QUESTION MORE「Why is appointing a God-fearing mother of seven to the US Supreme Court such a problem for America’s liberal left?」

Why is appointing a God-fearing mother of seven to the US Supreme Court such a problem for America’s liberal left?

Judge Amy Coney Barrett will likely be the next nominee to the Supreme...

RT International





 The Old Testament・The Book of Psalms 18:2~3
  Yahweh is my rock, my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my high tower.
  I call on Yahweh, who is worthy to be praised; and I am saved from my enemies.



 The Book of Psalms 18:30~32
  As for God, his way is perfect. Yahweh’s word is tried. He is a shield to all those who take refuge in him.
  For who is God, except Yahweh? Who is a rock, besides our God,
  the God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect?

   「私の友人は 『あなたは世界で最も有名な男だ』と言った。私は 『いいえ、そうではない。それはイエス・キリストだ』と言った。」
  (2020/10/27付・日本経済新聞「米上院、最高裁判事にバレット氏承認 保守色強まる」より)








 2020/09/19付・RT QUESTION MORE「Trump tells Republicans ‘we’re in position of power’ to replace RBG」

Trump tells Republicans ‘we’re in position of power’ to replace RBG

President Donald Trump has asked the Republican Party to press ahead w...

RT International


 また、カーター政権時国家安全保障問題担当大統領補佐官で三極委員会(The Trilateral Commission:TC)のメンバーであった故ズビグニェフ・ブレジンスキーの娘であり、ジャーナリスト、トークショーのホスト、リベラルな政治評論家の東欧系ユダヤ人、ミカ・ブレジンスキーとその夫のジョー・スカーボロも、同様にバレット氏を汚そうと試みた。

 2020/09/26付・RT QUESTION MORE「Democrat activists attack Trump's Supreme Court pick Amy Coney Barrett, suggesting her kids were ABUSED or KIDNAPPED from Haiti

Democrat activists attack Trump's Supreme Court pick Amy Coney Barrett, suggesting her kids were ABUSED or KIDNAPPED from Haiti

It appears attacking the political positions and Catholic faith of Sup...

RT International


 2020/09/26付・RT QUESTION MORE「‘I'm deleting Twitter’: Morning Joe shares ‘deceptively edited’ video clip of Amy Coney Barrett, runs with tail between his legs」

‘I'm deleting Twitter’: Morning Joe shares ‘deceptively edited’ video clip of Amy Coney Barrett, runs with tail between his legs

‘Morning Joe’ host Joe Scarborough has vowed to “delete Twitter” from ...

RT International


 「Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett impressed many on Tuesday after holding up a blank notepad to show she needed no notes when answering questions for her confirmation hearing.
 On Day 2 of her confirmation hearing, Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) asked Barrett if she brought any preparatory notes to help her with the confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
 Barrett simply held up a blank notepad and smiled.
 The blank notepad, signifying her impressive encyclopedic knowledge of case law, create a perfect meme template that was seized upon on social media. ……」
  (2020/10/13付・Infowars「Impressive: Amy Coney Barrett Holds Up Blank Sheet For Hearing Notes — Memes Explode」より)




 2020/09/24付・RT QUESTION MORE「Hail Satan? Liberal mom tells how Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death drove her to SATANISM - only to be DISAVOWED by the Church of Satan」

Hail Satan? Liberal mom tells how Ruth Bader Ginsburg's death drove her to SATANISM - only to be DISAVOWED by the Church of Satan

It may sound like satire, but everyone from HuffPost to Twitter seems ...

RT International






 The Old Testament・The Book of Psalms 7:1
  Yahweh, my God, I take refuge in you. Save me from all those who pursue me, and deliver me,



 The Book of Psalms 25:20~21
  Oh keep my soul, and deliver me. Let me not be disappointed, for I take refuge in you.
  Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for you.



 The Book of Psalms 16:1~4
  Preserve me, God, for I take refuge in you.
  My soul, you have said to Yahweh, “You are my Lord. Apart from you I have no good thing.”
  As for the saints who are in the earth, they are the excellent ones in whom is all my delight.
  Their sorrows shall be multiplied who give gifts to another god. Their drink offerings of blood I will not offer, nor take their names on my lips.

Brother Nathanael: Ginsburg…The Death Of A Jew

 以下、上のBrother Nathanael「Ginsburg…The Death Of A Jew」より https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=1460
  「…… Stop there.
  Abortion and Same Sex Marriage defy God’s creational laws.
  Ginsburg died an enemy of the Creator.
  But the ADL will try to keep her alive as a ‘righteous Jew.’
  They promote a book about her for goyim children.
  The book makes a heroine out of Ginsburg, she who legislated from the bench that two men, and two women, can actually marry each other. [Clip]
  [”You recently became the first Justice to officiate a gay marriage. Why did you think it was important to perform that ceremony?” “Society had grown up enough to recognize that if two people love each other, and both are women or both are men, why should the law put up a ‘No’ sign?”]
  Who made you, Ginsburg, a legislator?
  And besides, same sex marriage is an “abomination” to God according to both Jewish, Christian, and Muslim religions.
  If society has now “grown up” according to Ginsburg to recognize same sex marriage then all the major religions of billions of people across millennia bear the insult of this ‘progressive’ Jew as being “stunted” and “juvenile.”
  Suddenly, Ginsburg has the gall to “grow up” every religion so as to comply with her political agenda.
  And with Ginsburg’s record of advocating for the murder of babies in their mothers’ wombs, goyim children are taught by the ADL’s book that when they grow up they have license to commit infanticide.
  Ginsburg’s legacy, in spite of the book’s glorification, is a long trail of innocent blood, broken families, and the destruction of Christian life and culture.
  The only redeeming feature of the book is that the cover unwittingly accurately depicts Ginsburg as a repulsive looking Jew.
  Thus the goyim children can instinctively see that the person they’re forced to read about is repugnant to look at.
  Children get it. ……」


 2020/09/28付・MintPress News「The Court of God: How a Catholic Secret Society Took Over SCOTUS」

The Court of God: How a Catholic Secret Society Took Over SCOTUS

A brief history of how Opus Dei came to wield influence in the White H...

MintPress News


  ・2020/10/12付:「米国の新たなイランに対する圧力は偽イスラエルへの胡麻すり!?/Does new pressure to Iran by US grind sesame seeds for Fake Israel !?」
  ・2020/10/13付:「終末期の米大統領選挙:黙示録の4頭の馬、トランプは白い馬?バイデンは青ざめた馬?/EndTime: White Trump ?, Pale Biden ? of Revelation 4 horses」
  ・2020/10/14付:『オバマまでの新自由主義経済で崩壊した米国と日本&トランプを叩くJYTの戦争前「600万人」/Collapse by neo-liberal. "6 million" by anti-Trump JYT』
  ・2020/10/15付:「真実を知る大勢の米国人は本当に911の真犯人を好きなのか?/Do many Americans who know truth like the real criminal of 911 really?
  ・2020/10/16付:『「イスラエルをそのまま大事に置いておけ」米福音派は何故その様に述べるのか?/"Leave Israel just where it is," why do Evangelicals state it?』
  ・2020/10/17付:「トランプ再選でユダヤ人が脱出?けど傀儡ヒトラーと違うてディープステートと闘っとるで/Do Jews escape by Trump reelection? But Trump fighting DS」
  ・2020/10/18付:『中東の泥沼、誰が罠を掛けるのか?&第二ローマ帝国EUの「属国」偽イスラエル/Who trap to swamp in ME? Dependency Fake Israel of "REⅡ" EU』
  ・2020/10/19付:「保守とリベラルとの根本的違い:創造主の御心を守るか冒涜するか/Conservative and Liberal different essence:maintain or profane to God」
  ・2020/10/20付:「米福音派に侵入するリベラル宣教師達は終末の偽預言者/Fake prophet of apocalypticism, Liberal missionaries break in Evangelicals」
  ・2020/10/21付:『終末期の偽預言者(1/3):魚はイルミナティ?それとも「イクトゥス」?/Fake prophet of apocalypticism:Is Fish Illuminati or ichthus?』
  ・2020/10/21付:「終末期の偽預言者-2/3:オスティーンの繁栄に反する内村鑑三の無教会/Fake prophet in End:Uchimura Non-church against Osteen prosperity」  
  ・2020/10/21付:『終末期の偽預言者-3/3:親日クリスチャンの歴史認識、NYTの戦争前「600万人」/Fake prophet in End:Pro-Japan Christian, NYT "6 million"』
  ・2020/10/22付:「ポリコレ下の世論調査は泥沼撹拌トランプのユダヤレジーム脱却を妨害/Swamp agitator Trump for break away from Jew regime, PoliCorre Poll」
  ・2020/11/02付:「SNSのユダヤレジーム:露骨なバイデン偏向とトランプ検閲/Jew regime on SNS:Open inclined toward Biden, censor Trump by Big Tech」
  ・2020/11/02付:「ユダヤの為の弁護士ポリコレとSPLC、米司法省Google提訴、トランプ通信法230条の修正指示/PoliCorre & SPLC are lawyers for Jews. Jew's Google」
  ・2020/11/03付:「#JewsForTrump とトランプ大統領を支持する超正統派ユダヤ人/ Ultra-Orthodox Judaism support President Trump」
  ・2020/11/05付:「親偽イスラエルのバイデンとハリスはユダヤレジームに浸り続ける/Pro-Fake Israel Biden and Harris continues to indulged in Jew regime」 

  ・2020/02/27付:「2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ 」 ・・・または、本ページ右サイド「ブックマーク」

2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


2020米大統領選挙まとめ/US Presidential election - Trump, Gabbard, Sanders, Bloomberg, Buttigieg, Biden・・・・・・ - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考


  ・2020/10/27付・日本経済新聞:「米上院、最高裁判事にバレット氏承認 保守色強まる」

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