

Hello Kitty 3-D painting called NURIPURA Transparent mould instructions

2010年09月06日 | 塗りプラ




Please imagine complete work, then start it.

Paint the back of the transparent NURIPURA mould as you imagine how the front side will look

Start painting from the smallest part , then after drying it paint other parts.

Apply each coat after prior coat has fully dried.

Let’s decorate it when completely dry

Use provided paints or commercial plastic paints etc.

Be careful that paints don’t get on your hands or clothes

Please take cation and read the instructions before you begin

Be aware of the warnings included with the instructions

White mould instructions

The mould is white plastic. The outer oval is for excess plaster

Fill the white plaster mould with water. Do not fill the outer oval

Pour the water from the white plaster mould into a cup, Gradually add plaster and stir slowly until the desired consistency is reached. The plaster will absorb the water,  stir it a few minutes quietly with stick

Place the white mould on a flat surface and pour the plaster mixture into the mould slowly(Don’t wait too long as the plaster dries quickly!)

The wax coating on the mould will wear off with use. Please use wax or soap water as a coating after several uses

Gently tap the mould to let out air bubbles. If you wish to hang the plaster after completion, insert a loop string before the plaster dries.

If the top of the plaster is rough after step , skim the excess plaster with a ruler to flatten it

Let the plaster rest for 1~2 hours for drying. Remove it from the mould carefully

Allow the plaster to dry for 1 day , preferably in a non-humid, ventilated and sunlit place

Finally, paint the plaster as you like!

Use the provided paints or you may use  commercial paints,magic markers, color pencils or crayons.

  We recommend using acrylic paint, for the best results.

take caution to avoid getting plaster or paint on your hands before the paint and plaster are dry

If the mould becomes damaged it may be difficult to remove the dried plaster. Please take caution

Do not dispose of the plaster into plumbing Refer to your local garbage disposal regulations

there is enough plaster for 3 or 4  3-D paintings

Economical use of plaster

Add less plaster to the mould then add small pieces of form polystyrene to the mixture

Cautions for both

Keep the kit out of reach of children

This mould is not for cooking use!

Be careful not to spill the plaster use news paper to prevent spreading

Be careful not to cut your hands on the side of the plastic mould

In case of contact with skin wash with soap & water immediately. In case of eye contact flush with clean water. Consult a doctor for serious symptoms


nuripura club  An interesting product

