It’s nice to paint with our hands! (Grade 1) part 4

2013年01月25日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C


We mixed the paint with liquid clay.

 “It feels cold!”

“It’s like you’re wearing gloves!”

 I could hear students saying while having fun.

We drew onto paper using our fingers and palms.

While painting we were thinking of the sound swish-swoosh as we made long strokes.

You need lots of paint on your hands to make the long strokes.

Students dipped their fingers into the tray of paint.

Using just a single colour we had to think about the shape.

 While looking at the shape they tried to think of what it could look like, and sometimes suddenly saw it.

“Oh, it’s really there!”

With a face of joy.

We could then add more colour to the form to finish the image.

We needed to start negotiating for different colours, or to wait for when someone else had finished.


 It’s a snowman.


It’s a whale.

It’s nice to paint with our hands. (Grade 1) part 3

2013年01月25日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


This was the 2nd time to try so we had more time to prepare.

If you used too much paint it could spill onto the desk and you needed to clean it up before moving on.


“Wow, this colour looks good!”

 “We’re using dark paper too!”

Unlike last time we will need to think how shapes and colours will look on black paper not white.

It’s a new way to draw!

Paint is dripping from the fingertips.

People can come up with their own ideas.

“Teacher, look at Ms.M’s crab”

Someone called over.

 “Oh, yes. It really does look like a crab!”

I replied.


Everyone showed their work to others and tried to look for what different forms they could see.

 In this work I can see “Ya-ki-to-ri”…

We keep looking for these images we might be able to see.


“This is a sheep”

Someone said showing the wool of the sheep.

Afterwards we had to clean up.

We needed to clean the desks and chairs too.

The whole room needed to be thoroughly cleaned.

 It’s a bird.

 It’s a mansion.

It’s nice to paint with our hands. (Grade 1) part 2

2013年01月24日 16時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

When we mixed paint with liquid clay it was a little cold.

“It’s cold!”

Voices said from everywhere, but it was an interesting material and people were happy to be working with it.


People taught me different techniques.

“Teacher, you can just dab little pieces on, dab-dab-dab”.

“And then you can drag from side to side”.

Now understanding the different techniques the students wanted to draw.

“Teacher, tell me what to draw!”

As we painted we started to notice the difference between this and ordinary paint. By using liquid clay and our hands we could make ‘bumps’ in our paintings.

We started to look at the work that others had done.

We could see lots of things in the work, but it was not yet finished.

After looking at other people’s work some ideas about what different people could see were shared.


 It’s a bike.


It’s a mermaid.

Making paper flowers (Grade 1) part 5

2013年01月21日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class C.


We tried to describe the sound after finishing.

Firstly the sounds you can actually hear.

Next, to think of sounds to describe the fluttering.

Finally to think of sounds which express how it has been crushed together.

“How do you feel about it…”

I said to people who were thinking hard about how to express what they were thinking.

Even before making the flowers.

 “I wonder which colour…”

This time we were able to make our paper flowers. We need to try and think how.

People were thinking about their final image.

What colours, and what shape of flower to best make which would suit the image.

Lots of interesting things were being formed.

How about trying a twist…

You can curl, or tear…

Work was being made quickly.

 At lunch time some Grade 5 students came to see.

 “It’s good!”

 “We want to try too!”

 They said while interested in the work.

Grade 5 must find it interesting because even as an adult I found it very interesting.


Many people enjoyed looking at other work in an exchange-appreciation activity.

 I’ll show a few pieces of work.

Ms. KN’s work: “Ms. M’s dress”

This dress is from Ms. KN’s homeroom teacher.I feel that the dress is spinning around and around!



Ms. HH’s work: “Colourful mix”

She has used all the colours. There is a beautiful us of shade.

 I can fee some sort of energy.


Ms. UK’s work: “Munching”

 Is the hiragana "く”showing a mouth?
It looks like the colour is running away saying "Ahh, I'm being eaten!"

It’s nice to paint with our hands! (Grade 1)

2013年01月18日 16時00分00秒 | Grade 1

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class B.


In this activity we paint using liquid clay on our fingers and hands.

“It’s all wet…”

“It’s cold…”

Students said as they mixed the paint in with the liquid clay.

This activity’s name was something like “Let’s have some fun!”, but I was worried that it was only really fun for me.


As I turned and saw the students putting paint onto paper,

“It’s interesting!”

“It’s fun!”

“It’s good, it’s good!”

Excited voices said. They were having fun.

Your fingers look like this!

“It’s a little like a bandage..”

Some people tell me.


I feel the way to paint has been changed by using our hands.

People experiment in their own way.

 “Teacher, I’m getting hot..”

People started to say.

 I went to put more colour in the middle.

“Pass me that colour!”

 “Alright! Let’s swap!”

Some people’s hands were totally covered in paint.

Some people carefully used different colours and still had quite clean hands.

Someone has been using their wrist!!

And even using their elbow!!

Some people try to make a drawing.

People worked hard for an hour on their work.