Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 2

2013年01月16日 16時00分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A


After last lesson everyone was very motivated to make a frame and do the next stage.

We could think about what we would do next.

The construction paper is very thick and difficult to staple together. Some people were working together.

I saw lots of people co-operating.

Some people put a twist in their frame, it looks like a zig-zag.

 I was called over by someone who finished early.

“Teacher, look at this shadow.”

“It’s like a rosary beead”

From the gap of the curtain there was an image which looked like rosary beads.



 We started to experiment with how things look on the screen.

”Some marbles. They’re rolling, it’s funny!”

“ Wow, pretty!!”

Lots of voices spoke up from here and there.

Lots of materials could be used which made fascinating shadows.

The screen had just been glued and was fragile.

You could glue it back together though.

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 1

2013年01月16日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.


We wanted to use different materials like tracing paper and cellophane to make a screen. Today we were making the screen.

First we had to make the frame for the screen.

The frame couldn’t be bigger than the piece of tracing paper or cellophane.

It seemed to be difficult to make a hole smaller than the tracing paper.

There were a few problems in trying to make out frame to the right size.


We could drill a hole in the frame without using a cutter, and then use scissors to cut it to the right shape.

We tried to design the outside of the frame.

The outside of the frame needed to be bigger than the tracing paper.

We had to think about the size to make the hole and the outside frame right for the tracing paper.

We put glue onto the tracing paper.

 You need to think about which glue is best for what you are trying to stick down.

Let’s use our frame to now make some nice work!!

Light and colour fantasy (Grade 3) part 0

2012年12月11日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


 I tried to explain the ideas and materials behind a unit on light and colour.

I used an ipad brought from home to try and help explain.

You can look at different things from different angles and see attractive images.

After looking at one someone said

“Teacher! I want to collect more things and look at them again!”

As people had more suggestions.

It was a good chance to look around the school at some of the patterns from light and shadows.

Do you know what this is?

Yes, it’s the shadow from a blind.

“Let’s look at the piano”

Someone said.

“It’s a really good idea!”

“Teacher, I really like Ms. N’s music” someone told me.

We went around the school looking for light and shadows.

The ceiling of the 1st floor appears red as light reflects from the floor.

Just as we were getting back to class

 “Teacher, the art room is yellow and green!”

 Someone reported.

Using a cutter knife (Grade 3) part 3

2012年12月07日 13時50分38秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.

Students from class B.

We are not just cutting shapes.

We must also think about the combination of colours and patterns.

Seeing a sheet of colour with a hole cut out can make you think of different things.

Here it looks like the pattern seen after the heart has been cut out is sparking from far back.

 Some people thought of the pattern they could make by cutting 2 pieces.

Some people cut boldly, while others used repeating patterns.

This student made the pattern of a Christmas tree for their design!


Using a cutter knife (Grade 3) part 2

2012年10月24日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class C.

After learning how to use the cutter knife we can finally start to make our coasters.

We drew our patters in pencil.

Some people have drawn a sketch of their idea.

We worked hard, and had to be even more careful about the sharp blade than with scissors.

 Being very careful to avoid injury…

I also needed to be careful not to distract from being careful.

 “Teacher look! I made a face!”

I heard a little voice say.

 The task was so open there were lots of different ways to make the coaster.

The art room was so quiet and peaceful as everyone concentrated so hard on their work.

You can make some interesting patterns with just a few simple cuts.

You need to use ingenuity to make a nice design.

I hope we can make some nice coasters! I’ll support the girls all the way!