Welcome to Futaba aquarium (Grade 2) part 4

2013年02月21日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 2

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.


We are starting to finish our shape.

Lots of people have come to see all the work in the Art Room.

Everyone has had fun seeing it.

People made lots of effort to try and make their work match the image in their head.

If the shape wasn’t quite right they used selotape to try and change it a bit.

It was a bit like when we modeled with clay.

Some people worked together.

You can enjoy the feeling as you work.

Lots of different creatures have been finished.

We could tie string onto the models.

It was difficult to find a good position at times because the model would tilt and swing.

We needed to change the position of the string sometimes.

