Rubber bands (Grade 3)

2013年02月07日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 3

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class A.

We dropped about 10 rubber bands and looked to see what we could see from the shape.

5 people worked around a piece of paper.

People understood what I wanted them to try to do in this activity.

 “Ahh, this is like …!”

 “I can see a …!”

“Oh yes, I can see. It’s interesting!”

I heard different groups saying.


 Here is some work.

“The surprised chef”


 “A whale trying to swallow a fish”


 “Auntie on the bike”


 “A boy with a football”


 “Muscles girl”


 It’s fun to sometimes have a free activity like this.

I was thinking we could have the same activity but with different groups.

It seemed people could think of new things in different groups.

 “It’s fun teacher!”

 I was pleased to hear.

