one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


カフェポレポレ polepole

2005-05-30 20:24:54 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The Pole-pole is a movie theatre in Higashinakano.
They screen good but minor movies of all of the world.
The theatre has a coffee shop.
It is one of the best coffee in the Nakano ward.
Now I visit there every day but on Monday when it is closed.

(@東中野4丁目、Higashi-Nakano 4-choume, Nakano ward)
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防火用水 l'eau contre le feu

2005-05-30 20:23:45 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The stone tank of water for fire is not used as it had been.
It is now a big plant pot.
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チャーシュつけ麺 nouille pour tremper

2005-05-30 20:22:42 | Foods(食)

The way to dip the chinese noodle into the soupe is the new style of these years.
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眩しい2005 eblouissant

2005-05-30 20:21:33 | cats(猫)

Your flash is too bright!
No, the noon sun is too bright!
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眩しい2004 aveuglant

2005-05-30 20:20:41 | cats(猫)

The morning of May is always too bright.
I find it in the Bunkyo ward.
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箱ワイン boites de vin

2005-05-30 20:19:45 | Foods(食)

The left 2 liters box wine is of the Australia.
The right is 3 liters wine of the California.
3 liters is for thirty glasses.
These wine are the same cost performance.
It is fifty yen for a glass.
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葡萄の葉 feuilles de vin

2005-05-30 20:18:49 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

There is a little garden near the Laputa theater.
The old landowner loves plants in the garden.
Every year I take pictures of this vine.
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坂の向こうの海 l'horizon

2005-05-30 20:17:37 | LA

I still dream a dream of L.A. All of dream begin with this sea horizon.
I ride the bicycle down to the maritime and to my dream.
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お昼寝中 queue et patte

2005-05-29 17:40:29 | cats(猫)

Here and there many cats are sleeping in the long fine May afternoon.
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ネズミの目 oeuil de rat

2005-05-29 17:38:58 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The mouse has something wrong and cann't move in the roadside ditch.
Its belly waves violently with breathing.
A witness says it has a trouble with its rear legs.
After a lunch I look for this one in vain.
The wittness says it has crept into the lid of ditch.
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