one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


ボラもかわいい un mulet

2010-06-28 21:01:46 | birds, fish and others(生物)

A school of gray mullet swim up the Tamagawa river to the Yaguchi Pump Site.
I find a good young handsome one.

(多摩川、矢口三丁目、Yaguchi, Oota ward)
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カルガモ、芝刈り後の雨 les canards

2010-06-28 21:00:23 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Two spotbill duck fly to the river side lawn drenched with the heavy rain.
Usually they swim around the Tamagawa river and climb up the land to rest.
But heavy and long rain water has covered the dry river bed park and other birds wouldn't come and rare human beings pass. Today they are master of the small woarld. In a ten minutes more five couples of spotbill duck come.

(多摩川、矢口三丁目、Yaguchi, Oota ward)
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こんなところで雨宿り l'abri de la pluie

2010-06-28 20:59:20 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Suddenly the rain comes, they can't find a good place for shelter. So the butterflies stop at a leaf without strong wind together to wait the rain stopping.

(多摩川、矢口三丁目、Yaguchi, Oota ward)
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ハルシャギク花畑の水没 dans l'eau

2010-06-28 20:58:32 | Plants(植物)

Somebody sowed seeds of plains coreopsis in the dry bed of the Tamagawa river.
And now we can see here and there.  Those flowers like a sandy and well-drained soils. I believe they should detest the rainy season in Japan.

(多摩川、矢口三丁目、Yaguchi, Oota ward)
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ああまた雨か cheminée

2010-06-28 20:57:23 | what?why?(ん?)

The tall chimney of the Yaguchi garbage burning plant has a disgusted look for the rainy season.

(多摩川、矢口三丁目、Yaguchi, Oota ward)
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カウベルは買えません Une clochette

2010-06-28 20:56:26 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I dare ask to the salesman whether I can buy the cow bell or not.
Of course, he refuse to sell it to me.

(万年屋本店、西新宿三丁目、Nishishinjuku, Shinjuku ward)
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鯵たたき丼 chinchard

2010-06-28 20:55:10 | Aujoud'hui(日録)

It's so nice to have a bawl of rice with saurel raw meat after a hot and long day.

(ととや、阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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チャーシューの仕込み viande de porc rôtie

2010-06-28 20:53:28 | Foods(食)

The owner is cooking pieces of boiled and grilled pork.
It seems it would be very good without fail.
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いらっしゃいませ Chat attirant les clients

2010-06-28 20:52:46 | cats(猫)

I met her firstly. Almost one year ago when I visited to this Chinese restaurant, she was a run-away girl, they said. Today she sits on the chair.

(神田佐久間町、Kandasakumacho, Chiyoda ward)
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古本屋 les livres d'occasion

2010-06-28 20:51:54 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The customer should pay the price of book and receive the change through this narrow valley of the books.

(穂高書房、阿佐谷北一丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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