one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


萩 lespedeza

2013-09-24 21:38:56 | Plants(植物)

Bush clover is Hagi in Japanese. And the three letters word of the advertisement flag of the next shop is O-ha-gi (seasonal rice cake for the Higan week when Japanese go to the family grave to clean and to pray).

(滝野川六丁目、Takinogawa, Toshima ward)
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単線の烏と蜻蛉 les corbeaux et les libellules

2013-09-24 21:32:22 | birds, fish and others(生物)

The Hachi-ko line is one of the railroads in the suburbs of Tokyo. It runs from Hachiohji and Takasaki, from south to north. The both sides of the railroad is the kingdom of the weeds where lots of insects live. Dragon flies, mantis and lizards hunt smaller insects. And the birds hunts them.
These young crows love to eat cicadas. They are not so good hunter. Two of three times they fails to catch the cicadas. Now they have just failed hunting.
The first crow found a cicada singing and waited the chance of the end of the cicada song stopping. They know well that the cicada would fly when the cicada ends the song.
The cicada jumped to fly and the first crow attacked to catch it with its bill and with crying the cicada, but the poor insect managed to escape and jumped vertically to the heaven.
Then the second crow attacked in vain. The cicada could escape into the bush.
Soon after, A bulbul dived into the bush to chase the cicada. I didn't hear the last cry of cicada.
The predators all failed.

The crows sit on the railroad wire with looking at the dragonflies and start playing chasing with dragonflies for several minutes. The game is over when a train comes.
(八高線、石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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十五夜 la pleine lune

2013-09-24 21:29:37 | sky/weather/season
In the mid of September, one night of full moon, Japanese hold a small watching-moon party. They set a vessel of pampas grass and a dish of rice dumplings on a small table beside the window or on the terrace.
I almost forget « the day » and remember it in the midway to the station. The big moon is about to walk up in the heaven.

(日野台、Hinodai, Hino city, Tokyo)
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クヌギ団栗 les glands

2013-09-24 21:28:12 | Plants(植物)

On the last Sunday, I worked in the heavy Typhoon rain. The rain stopped around the noon. (The typhoon passed through on the Monday.) I walked to the Toyoda station.
In the mid way, I finds hundreds of acorns on the ground. The heavy rain dropped those.

(多摩平四丁目、Tamadaira, Hino city, Tokyo)
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トカゲ le lézard

2013-09-24 21:26:54 | birds, fish and others(生物)

After the typhoon, the temperature gets down cool and the small creatures creep out of weeds to get warm themselves. I watch four lizards around my watching post. In the summer days, they never walked out from under the weeds and leaves.
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生パセリ Paseri, la chatte

2013-09-24 21:26:03 | cats(猫)

The hot days are over and the princess of the vegetable shop, Paseri takes a walk around the town. She finds her favorite customer woman to come close to sit beside her. She sits still with listening the conversation between her owner woman and the customers.
(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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パセリリフレッシュ Paseri nouvelle

2013-09-24 21:22:26 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The realtor which shop is the second house of Paseri renewed the figure of Paseri in the Tanabata week.
I want to see the cat's expression when Paseri finds her figure. But she has no concern for her figure and walks simply into the realtor's place.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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寺山修司演劇祭 l'affiche

2013-09-24 21:21:04 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

This posters of the Shuji-Terayama theatrical festival are put up all around Asagaya. This one is the most beautiful condition. I wish I could tear it off.

(阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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京浜運河の浅蜊採り ramasser des coquillages

2013-09-24 21:19:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

An old man gathers shellfish in the Keihin canal. His target is clam.

(Keihin canal, Shinagawa ward)
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江戸前の浅蜊 asari(espèce de praire)

2013-09-24 21:17:29 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

He gets a lot of clams. What a dish he would cook with those clams?
(Keihin canal, Shinagawa ward)
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