one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


74歳のロックンローラー 鮎川誠 |ムーブ Il a soixante-quatoze ans.

2022-07-24 08:57:45 | music 音楽
74歳のロックンローラー 鮎川誠 |ムーブ

J'ai 72 ans et Makoto Ayukawa a 74 ans. Il est une des rock stars japonaises.
I am 72 years old and Makoto Ayukawa is 74 years old. He is one of the japanese rock stars who plays on the stage now.

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BEST Auditions of WEEK 1 on Ukraine's Got Talent | Got Talent 2022

2022-07-24 08:36:58 | nocategory(雑)
BEST Auditions of WEEK 1 on Ukraine's Got Talent | Got Talent 2022
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粋な手甲 Le couvercle à main

2022-07-10 12:36:10 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具
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Le seul homme met les couvercles à mains.
I don't found but a man wears wrists-covers.
(品川駅、Shinagawa station, Minato ward)
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過ぎたるは無粋 Les quatre ventilateurs

2022-07-10 12:14:44 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具
220624017rx6.jpg ISO 160 65mm f/4 1/80s
Il a soixant-quatroze ans. Il pense que les quatre ventilateurs soient fraîches plus que les deux ventilateurs.
Mais il trouve enfin que les batteries pour les quatre est deux plus que les chose pour les deux.

He is 74 years old. He thought the four fans would be cooler than the two. But at last he valued that it wouldn't be so cooler as he had thought and that the weight of batteries becomes twice. Under the 38 degrees temperature, he got so exhausted as to give it up to keep wearing the four fans jacket. Next day he appeared with the old two fans jacket.

(品川駅、Shinagawa station, Minato ward)
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アメンボ L'araignée d'eau

2022-07-10 11:58:29 | birds, fish and others(生物)
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L'araignée d'eau patine sur la rivière, la Zenpukuji.
A water spider skates on the river Zenpukuji.

(善福寺川、near the Shinmachi bridge , Nishiogi-kita, Suginami ward)
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椋鳥の帰巣 L'étourneau

2022-07-10 11:50:41 | birds, fish and others(生物)
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L'étourneau rentre à son nid.
A gray starling flies back into the nest.

(阿佐谷南1丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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ブルーバックスの栞 Le signet

2022-07-09 21:36:01 | tools and parts 道具・文具・家具
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J'ai apprendu 3.1416 pour le rapport de la cireconfèrence au diamètre dans le temps d'écolier.
I learned by heart 3.1416 for the circular constant when I was an elementary school pupil.
The french pi is too much long, isn'it?
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経木 la feuille de bois mince

2022-07-09 21:21:22 | nocategory(雑)
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Ce feuille de bois mince est le papier d'emballage traditionel du natto.
This thin wooden paper is a traditional thin wooden rapping paper for natto.
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雨が近い Il pleuvra bientôt.

2022-07-09 21:12:11 | sky/weather/season
220426065tg5.jpg ISO 100 25mm f/2.8 1/160s
Il pleuvra bientöt.
The rain is coming soon.
(品川駅、 Shinagawa station, Minato ward)
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花名不詳 近所の空き地 Les fleurs du terrain inoccupé

2022-07-09 20:54:56 | Plants(植物)
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J'ai pris cette photo à l'avril et maintenant on commence à construire une maison là.
I took this photo in April. Now they've started a house construction there.

(阿佐谷南1丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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