one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


品川電車区の猫 un Chat dans le chemin de fer

2014-01-26 17:23:01 | cats(猫)

The first work is in the Shinagawa train yard.
As I passed almost three months at the site of Hachioji city, I feel the temperature in the Shinagawa area very warm. I am so happy to meet cats in the yards.

(品川電車区、Shinagawa ward)
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猫ストレッチはこうする un chat s' étends

2014-01-26 17:20:48 | cats(猫)

The door opened, one of those cats looks into the hut to watch the yellow uniform train watch guards.
They must enjoy watching the watch guard.
And when they bore to watch, they try stretching.

(品川電車区、Shinagawa ward)
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おお、冷たい froid

2014-01-26 17:08:24 | cats(猫)

The time and air around the cats in the no wind day is very leisurely and calm, but with something sad. Like the songs of Lana Del Rey. Their movements are so elegant and gorgeous with sad core.
In my bed, I often say to myself where they are now in this cold night.

(品川電車区、Shinagawa ward)
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開店準備 La préparation

2014-01-26 17:06:47 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

At the end of the new years holidays almost of the places people work for preparing the opening of the New Year.
The owner lady of this place dries vegetable for self-made pickles.

(阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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エスカレーター撮影安全季節L'hiver est sûr.

2014-01-26 17:05:05 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

Winter is the safe season for taking pictures at escalator. Lololol.

(東京駅、Tokyo station)
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お犬様用持参ブルーシート le chien

2014-01-26 17:03:33 | dog(犬)

These rare people sit on the terasse table with their dog with a big blue seat.

(サンマルク、阿佐谷南二丁目、Asagayaminami, Suginami ward)
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皮だけワンタンメン une variete de nouilles

2014-01-26 17:02:13 | Foods(食)

I've wished to taste this strange name noodle menue. « Only crust Chinese dumpling noodle .»

(龍、阿佐谷北2丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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武甲山残隗 Le debris du montagne.

2014-01-26 16:58:53 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)
The mountain has lost half of the volume and height for using the construction of buildings in Tokyo. Once this mountain has a wonderful mountain view in the northern sky line of Tokyo like the Mt. Fuji in the west.
And people almost forget its name now.

(西武池袋線仏子駅から、Bushi station, Iruma city, Saitama prefecture)
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電線のモズ une pie-grièche

2014-01-26 16:56:24 | birds, fish and others(生物)

Its territories are the fields of both sides of the railroad. So his watching place is on the cable.
This shriek has a better half. Sometimes I watch them flying around through the bush with happily chattering.

(八王子市石川町、Ishikawacho, Hachioji city, Tokyo)
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セロリとジャガイモのブレーズ la braise

2014-01-26 16:35:50 | Foods(食)
La braise is an easy cooking, I love it.
When you have a good thick pan, you only put it the foods and pore good olive oil and water to cook it with very weak fire.

The last Friday one of my co-worker left the job at noon for the sudden sickness.
He was a mask man of the read death of E.A.Poe. In the evening we knew he was caught with influenza.
All of my co-workers got fevers on Saturday. And all day long of the Sunday we all were knocked down to the bed. But our company wouldn't admit us to get off. The client got angry, the guards would threaten the health of other workers. But our bloody hellhouse company insisted there was no member to substitute the ill guards. Thus we had to keep working all the week through. Only the first patient can sleep in his bed comfortably.

Now I get well to enjoy easy cooking.
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