Je suis né dans la nuit de l'Halloween 1949. This is my day.
I was born in the evening of the Halloween 1949. This is my day. Hehe.
Je suis né dans la nuit de l'Halloween 1949. This is my day.
I was born in the evening of the Halloween 1949. This is my day. Hehe.
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Heureusement? Je n'en comprend pas!
Happy? I don't like the happiness in the pagan's fete!
(龍記 天沼2丁目、Amanuma, Suginami ward)
Elles deviennent les deux petites fadettes un instant.
The little girls turned two little fairies in an instant.
(西友荻窪、上荻1丁目、 Kamiogi, SSuginami ward)
Elle a fait le croquis de la nuit d'Ogikubo.
She drew a sketch of the night of Ogikubo.
(青梅街道、天沼2丁目、Amanuma, Suginami ward)
J'aime la tarte de citrouill toutes les saisons.
I love pumpkin pie all through the year.
J'achète une l'aile de poulet de la sorcière.
I got a piece of witch's chiken wing.
Pour la Halloween, on doit boire beaucoup de vin. Pour boire on a besoin du tire-bouchon.
For a happy Halloween, you need to drink lots of wine. To drink a bottle of wine, you need a cork screw.
mais...que tu imagine par ça?
It's only a pebble in the railroad...but...what you can imagine with this one?
(武蔵小金井派出、Musashikoganei train yard, Nukuikitamachi, Koganei city, Tokyo)