one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


来る年に接近合図を J'arbore un drapeau.

2010-12-31 20:03:18 | sky/weather/season

I flag to the New Year. May the 2011 be a good year for everyone in the world!

(板橋駅、Itabashi station, Itabashi ward)
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ブリ丼 fleur de sériole

2010-12-29 20:03:38 | Foods(食)

When I order this rice bowl with the yellowtail, the cook says to me, « I'm proud of your choice. This the today's best lunch menu. »
I leave the place with much happiness and satisfaction.

(酔芙蓉、西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Ota ward)
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鰯コハダ丼 Kohada et sardines

2010-12-29 20:01:27 | Foods(食)

The cook found this Kohada fish (gizzard shad) to make up his mind to serve this rice bowl with the fish. But after the calculation, he tops it on the steamed sushi rice with the sardine. The taste of Kohada is so wonderful that I eat the fish meat without rice to be laughed by the wife of the cook.

(酔芙蓉、西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Ota ward)
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ブリの照り焼き la sériole

2010-12-29 19:57:59 | Foods(食)

The wife of the cook recommends this grilled yellowtail with her pride and passion. It tasts so delicious with wonder and happiness.

(酔芙蓉、西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Ota ward)
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鯛の酒蒸し la dorade

2010-12-29 19:56:58 | Foods(食)

The red snapper steamed with sake wine looks gorgeous and the taste is fantastic for the lunch of one day.

(酔芙蓉、西品川一丁目、Nishishinagawa, Ota ward)
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ラーメン屋の置物 lunettes

2010-12-29 19:56:12 | what?why?(ん?)

Too big for the king of frog.

(金字塔、赤羽一丁目、Akabane, Kita ward)
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板橋街道冬午後一時 resemblance

2010-12-29 19:55:24 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

I feel these days the view of the Tokyo has resembled to those of deserted towns of Los Angeles in 1990s more and more. The calmness without the activity and hope for the future.

(赤羽台三丁目、Akabanedai, Kita ward)
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酒屋の解体 démolition sentementale

2010-12-29 19:54:05 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

An old liquor shop is broken up to construct an apartment building.
This is my favorite shop where I found the Pilsner Urkel beer and the grande-magnam bottle of blue Chimai beer. The shop is removed to the next door. So I feel no inconvenience to get those. But the something in my life would surely be lost.

(長田屋、阿佐谷北二丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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ケヤキ並木の夕べ Un soir des zelkovas

2010-12-29 19:52:54 | Asagaya(阿佐ヶ谷 高円寺)

The leaves of zelkova trees are falling down on the Nakasugi street.
Not a few customers of the supermarket stop their walk to watch the dancing leaves in the street lights.
(阿佐谷北一丁目、Asagayakita, Suginami ward)
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残り葉の影 les ombres de feuilles

2010-12-29 19:51:54 | what?why?(ん?)

The shadows of cherry leaves collapse on the surface of the wooden post in a small park for children.

(東十条二丁目、 Higashijujo, Kita ward)
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