one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


今日も朝霧 brouillard au matin

2005-12-04 17:04:40 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The fog is very dense in this morning but not enough to stop trains.

(@ Musashino line between Nishiurawa and Kitaasaka)
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ちょっとひしゃげたかも gateau transforme

2005-12-04 17:02:51 | cake(ケーキ)

The head of snow man of cake is a little pressed.
The distortion gets no effect on its taste.

(@榮太楼、 Eitaroh japanese cake shop, Asagayaminami, Sugiami ward)
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天丼ケーキータースペシャル bol de tempura

2005-12-04 17:00:36 | Foods(食)

This tenpura bowl is not found in the menu book of this tempura first food shop.
I ask the chef to add a fries of shrimps and adductors on the ordinery bowl of prawn tenpura.
It tastes delicious with my regret that I have too much calories.
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トマトラーメン lahmen de tomate

2005-12-04 16:59:32 | Foods(食)

I like tomato so much that I cook miso soupe with tomatoes.
I like putting boiled tomato into the instant miso-lahmen.
At last I find a bowl of tomato lahmen near the Nishiurawa station.

(@ 田島町 Tajimacho, Sakura ward, Saitama city, Saitama prefecture)
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西国分寺駅階段 lescalier de la gare

2005-12-04 16:57:13 | Tokyo view(東京神奈川千葉埼玉散歩)

The steps to the platform are written the names of stations of JR Musashino line.
I am now in the Nishikokubunji station where people change the train from the Chuou line to the Musashino line.

(@ Nishikokubunji station)
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これがなかなか joie de la fille

2005-12-04 16:54:15 | LA

It is difficult to keep balancing on the water.
Her effort makes a little girl joy.
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Swiss army knife

2005-12-04 16:53:03 | book(本)

I learn I should not trim my nails in front of somebody.
My knife is on a page of "All that remains" by Patricia Cornwell.
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