one shot, a piece of cake and a glass of beer @ Tokyo


猫のIQテスト1 IQ de chat 3

2007-02-10 06:55:02 | cats(猫)

It tries to bite something in vain.
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猫のIQテスト2 IQ de chat 4

2007-02-10 06:53:27 | cats(猫)

It is now thinking what it should do.
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猫のIQテスト3 IQ de chat 5

2007-02-10 06:49:48 | cats(猫)

It put its arm into a hole of fence to get fried fish ball.
It is not efficient.
(I havd put a piece of fried fish ball through a fence wire. )
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猫のIQテスト4 IQ de chat 6

2007-02-10 06:48:03 | cats(猫)

It tries again. This time, it attacks the fish ball from this side.
It succeeds to pull it into near his side.
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猫のIQテスト5 IQ de chat 7

2007-02-10 06:46:19 | cats(猫)

Finaly, it bites the fish ball and pull it off from the fence.

Next time, I curve the end of wire to make a hard hook.
The cat tries a few times and give it up.

Another two homeless cats come.
At first they watch the hook for five minutes.
Once they bite the fish ball to pull it through along the wire to the end of the wire and gets it.
The fastest one is a black cat. It takes only less than ten seconds.
They are smart.

The cat of the pictures is not so clever.
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銀杏 les noix de ginkgo

2007-02-09 06:58:44 | Plants(植物)

Beside the Park Kohrakuen, I finds lots of ginkgo nuts on the pavement.

(@後楽園, Kourakuenn, Bunkyo ward)
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UFOもどき comme un UFO

2007-02-09 06:57:29 | what?why?(ん?)

I find a jet plane flying above the sky. I take a picture of it.
This is the photograhy.
The time is around fourteen o'clock on February 3.

(@ Tokyo)
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