

EVとブレーキの将来 / The future of EVs and brakes

2024-11-26 19:27:50 | 夢を追いかけて ・・

sources : MotorTrend


Mercedes-Benz aims to reduce weight, improve ride comfort and reduce aerodynamic drag by mounting the brakes of EVs (electric vehicles) in the middle of the motor-driven wheels, instead of on all the wheels as in conventional vehicles.



界的にEV販売の勢いが衰える中、自動車メーカー各社は EV戦略の見直しを迫られ、その上、テスラの元幹部2名によってスウェーデンに設立された EV用バッテリー製造会社・ノースボルト が、中国のバッテリーメーかーに対する競争力が得られずに破産するなど、欧州の自動車メーカーは EV戦略を変更しています。メルセデスベンツも同様で、2030年までに新車販売の全てを EV にするとしていましたが、2024年2月、PHEV(プラグインハイブリッド車)の販売も目指すとして当初の目標を撤回しています。

お、ブレーキを中央に集約する設計の理由は、通常、EV での減速(ブレーキ)はその 98% をモーターによる回生ブレーキ(減速エネルギーで発電)が担っており、残り 2% が従来の物理的ブレーキが担当する事になるからとしています。そして、各車輪毎にブレーキを装着しない事によってバネ下重量を低減させる事ができ、乗り心地やロードホールディング(路面追従性)が高められる他、ホイールおよびホイールハウス内に冷却風を導く必要が無いので空気抵抗も低減でき、省燃費・省エネ・サスティナブルなど社会的要求にも対応出来ます。

日、世界的に有名なブレーキメーカー・ブレンボが、二輪用サスペンションダンパーメーカーのオーリンズを買収した報道がありましたが、これも、EV時代に ブレーキ専業では閉塞感が強く、脚周り全体を EVメーカー各社へ提案できる会社へと変革する為だったと思えます。

お、僕の個人的な推測では、より高性能を目指す車両には各車輪毎にモーターを内蔵する “インホイールモーター” 形式が進むと思いますが、その際には、各モーター毎に装着される物理的ブレーキも小型化され、いずれモーター内部に埋め込まれてしまうと思います。 これは 電動おーとばいも同じで、前後ホイールにモーターを内蔵する 二輪駆動車 がスポーツ用トップモデルになると期待していますし、その頃には ブレーキ という概念は、ディスクローターの有無ではなく、ブレーキレバー(ペダル)だけに残るのかも知れません。


As global EV sales momentum wanes, automakers are forced to rethink their EV strategies, and on top of this, Northvolt, an EV battery manufacturer founded in Sweden by two former Tesla executives, has gone bankrupt after failing to gain a competitive edge over Chinese battery makers. European automakers are changing their EV strategies. Mercedes-Benz is no exception, as the company had stated that all new cars it sold would be EVs by 2030, but in February 2024 it withdrew its original target, saying it was also aiming to sell PHEVs (plug-in hybrids). 

The reason for the centralised brake design is that 98% of the deceleration (braking) in EVs is normally carried out by regenerative braking by the motor (which generates electricity from deceleration energy), while the remaining 2% is handled by the conventional physical brake. The absence of brakes on each wheel reduces the unsprung weight, improves ride comfort and road holding, and reduces air resistance as cooling air does not need to be directed to the wheels and wheel housings. This also helps to meet social requirements such as fuel efficiency, energy saving and sustainability.

The recent acquisition of motorcycle suspension damper manufacturer Öhlins by world-renowned brake manufacturer Brembo was reported as another example of the company's desire to transform itself into a company capable of offering the entire suspension system to EV manufacturers, as a brake specialist in the EV era feels too closed-minded to do so. 

My personal guess is that the ‘in-wheel motor’ format, in which a motor is built into each wheel, will be used in vehicles that aim for higher performance, and in that case, the physical brake attached to each motor will also be downsized and eventually embedded in the motor. This is also the case with the electric ootbai. I expect that the same will happen with electric-o-tubes, with two-wheel drive vehicles with motors built into the front and rear wheels becoming the top model for sports use, and by that time the concept of brakes will probably remain only in the brake lever (pedal), not in the presence or absence of disc rotors.




3Dプリンターは生物を模倣する / 3D printers that mimic life forms

2024-10-25 22:56:33 | 日記


The latest supercars, low-volume, high-value vehicles, are all using parts made with 3D printers for metal.


sources : Life in the FAST LANE



しかし、近い将来、AIの利用技術は一般的になる事は間違いないので、3Dプリンターを使った同様な部品の製造が可能になるでしょう。少なくとも、マニングセンタやCNCフライスなどを駆使して作られた特殊な部品よりも、3Dプリンターで作られた最適形状の部品の方が評価が高くなるでしょう。更に、カーボンファイバーなどの複合素材用の3Dプリンターが開発されれば、圧倒的な優位性を持つ部品が F1等の車両に広く利用されるでしょう。オートバイだと、スイングアームに最初に採用されるでしょう。高剛性で軽量、しかも最適なエアロダイナミクスを持つ、チーターの骨格を思わせる様なスイングアームです。夢が広がる技術です。


The article shows, with images, that suspension structural parts are being made with 3D printers in the McLaren W1, Ferrari F80, and Bugatti Tourbillon. And the most interesting thing is that all of them are shaped like the skeleton of an organism or living thing. As you can see from the parts they are used in, this is not the result of prioritizing styling, but rather the result of designing using AI to make them lighter with less material, and to pursue higher strength and better aerodynamics. The most notable thing is that they look just like the skeletons of organisms that have evolved over billions of years.

In addition, with a 3D printer, it is even possible to manufacture hollow parts with truss structures inside, making it the perfect manufacturing method for low-volume, high-performance, high-value vehicles.

However, it is certain that AI technology will become commonplace in the near future, so it will be possible to manufacture similar parts using 3D printers. At the very least, parts with optimal shapes made by 3D printers will be more highly rated than special parts made using machining centers, CNC milling cutters, etc. Furthermore, if 3D printers for composite materials such as carbon fiber are developed, parts with overwhelming advantages will be widely used in vehicles such as F1 cars.
For motorcycles, it will probably be first used in swingarms. High rigidity, light weight, and with optimal aerodynamics, the swingarm resembles the skeleton of a cheetah. It is a technology that expands dreams.


ソックス / Socks

2024-10-03 20:25:52 | 日記

ここ赤穂では、昨夜から雨が続き、今日(10/3)は雨続きの日になりました。そのためか、日中でも20℃ ほどの気温で、足元が涼しく、思わずソックス を履きました。

It has been raining since last night, and today (10/3) is a rainy day. Because of this, the temperature was about 20℃ even during the day, and my feet were cool, so I instinctively put on socks.

ひと月前には暑い日が続き、足元にある PC からの排熱で余分に汗をかいていたのですが、今日はその 排熱 さえ感じられないほどです。そして、今週末には更に気温が下がるとの予報も出ており、本格的に秋が始まっているようです。

A month ago, the hot weather continued, and I was sweating excessively from the heat emitted by the PC at my feet, but today I can't even feel the heat. And it's predicted that the temperature will drop even further this weekend, so it seems that autumn has really begun.
Everyone, please take care of your health and spend a wonderful autumn in good health.


10月の花壇 / Flower bed in October

2024-10-02 22:42:17 | 日記


For residents who had never cared for plants before moving in, the home's flower beds are an opportunity for new discoveries and encounters.


First up is the morning glory. It has climbed higher and higher than last year, and is watching me from the window of my workroom on the second floor.

その「アサガオ」の足元には、白い花を咲かせた「タカサゴ フヨウ」。昨年は顔を見た覚えが無いのですが、秋を謳歌しています。
At the base of the morning glory is the white-flowered hibiscus. I don't remember seeing it last year, but it is enjoying autumn.

「アサガオ」とは違い、少し日陰になりがちな場所で上へ上へとツルを伸ばしているのは「マルバルコウ」。 小さなオレンジ色の花ををきらめかせています。
Unlike the morning glory, the vines that grow higher and higher in a place that tends to be a little shady are the marubarukou. They are sparkling with small orange flowers.

And the wood sorrel that occupied a corner of the flower bed last year. This year, the distribution of power in the flower bed has changed, and it is blooming with modest pink flowers.

この花壇では、何もしない住人に代わり、環境の変化(?)に合わせて次々の 新しい顔ををのぞかせてくれています。今日(10/2)、僕も 新しい場所へ出向き、新しい人々と出会いました。 また、明日からの人生の愉しみが増えました。

In this flower bed, instead of the idle residents, new faces are peeking out one after another in response to the change in the environment (?). Today (10/2), I also went to a new place and met new people. I have more fun in life from tomorrow onwards.



「縦糸(たていと)」の旅 / The journey of the "warp"

2024-09-28 19:05:09 | 日記


On September 27th, I went back home. As usual, I took my bike on the train, got off along the way and went over a mountain pass. It was a very physical exercise, and it also served as a way to check on my physical condition, so I visited my brother's grave, met him and gave him a gift. It was the same itinerary as last time, but it was a day that reminded me once again of the existence of the "vertical thread."


日頃、毎日過ごしている日常が「横糸」の連続だとすれば、「縦糸」があってこそ人生という布が織れるのでしょう。 独り身で、まるで “根無し草” の様に好きな事ばかりを追求している僕だからこそ、「縦糸」が恋しくなるのかも知れません。

If the daily routine that we spend every day is a series of "wefts," then it is only with the "warp threads" that we can weave the cloth called life. Because I am single and pursue only what I like like "rootless grass", I may miss the "warp".