0:30 心房細動の発作を確認、約 10日ぶり
心拍数 167 BPM (回/分)
4:00 発作は続く
心拍数は 174 BPM、
血圧は通常時よりも 上が 30 mmHg 以上低い
このまま 休むしかない
5:30 発作は収まる 最近は短時間で収まるようになった
心拍数は 74 BPM、通常時よりも 20 BPM 程高い
血圧は通常時よりも 20 mmHg ほど低い
12:00 心拍数 79 BPM、相変わらず 高いまま
体温 36.3 ℃、通常時より 0.4 ℃高く、身体はダメージ回復で奮戦中
December 22, 2024
0:30 Confirmed attack of atrial fibrillation, first in about 10 days
Heart rate 167 BPM (beats per minute)
After all, it comes out when you walk a lot and do cleaning work
I feel really bad, but I have no choice but to rest
4:00 The seizures continue
Heart rate is 174 BPM,
Blood pressure is more than 30mmHg below normal
I have no choice but to rest.
5:30 The seizures subside.
Heart rate is 74 BPM, 20 BPM higher than normal.
During an attack, the body is damaged, so there is no choice but to rest
12:00 Heart rate 79 BPM, still high
Body temperature is 36.3 °C, 0.4 °C higher than normal, and the body is
struggling to recover from damage
I want to take a break, but I have a lot to do, so I decided to move little by little.