It is the rainy season in Japan. Heavy rains have caused various floods in various places, but even under the sky that shows no sign of ending the rainy season, summer is blooming in my flower bed.
そのトップバッターは、このひと月で一気に伸びて、背丈が 1.5m にもなっている 「アメリカセンダングサ」です。キク科の植物らしい黄色い花を咲かせて、一見、可愛らしく見えますが、実際は違います。水田付近などでもよく見掛けるのですが、大食漢で一気に伸びる事から、周りの草花の栄養を奪ってしまう外来種で、農家の方からは嫌われているようです。 という訳で、僕も、明日、別れを伝える予定です。
First, I would like to introduce "American Bidens" which has grown rapidly in the past month and is now 1.5m tall. It blooms yellow flowers typical of plants in the Asteraceae family and looks cute at first glance, but in reality it is not. It is an invasive species that is a voracious eater and grows rapidly, robbing the surrounding plants of their nutrients. I plan to tell him tomorrow that I want to break up with him.
次は、昨年は見掛けなかった新顔・「オニユリ」です。これも花季が 7~8月の 夏の花で、その根っこに「ムカゴ」をつける植物です。だから、「ムカゴ」の収穫期が楽しみです。
Next is a newcomer that I didn't see last year: the tiger lily. This is also a summer flower that blooms in July and August, and it is a plant that produces bulbils at its roots. So I'm looking forward to the bulbil harvest season.
最後は、初めて知った「ヤブミョウガ」です。前の二人が比較的開けた場所を好む様ですが、これは 名前の通り、日陰の木漏れ日が差す場所が好みとの事。 僕のイメージですね。
The last one is "wild ginger", which I learned about for the first time. The previous two seem to prefer relatively open areas, but this one, as its name suggests, prefers shady places where sunlight filters through the trees. It's just like my image.