今日は trad_jp です。
明日からは4月なんですが、中々暖かくなりませんね。 今日もほぼ一日、冷たい雨が降ってました。
それでも自然界の季節は動いているようです。 今年初めての竹の子を収穫しました。竹の子は春の味ですね。
Hellor! This is trad_jp.
It is April from tomorrow, but does not become very warm. For approximately one day, cold rain fell today.
Still it seems to work in a season of the natural world. I harvested the first bamboo shoots this year. The bamboo shoot is spring taste in Japan.
I will have bamboo shoot rice or do whether you make food boiled and seasoned in entrusting you to wife.
Some cherry blossoms seem to begin to open, too. The reports in full blossom are ... later.
明日からは4月なんですが、中々暖かくなりませんね。 今日もほぼ一日、冷たい雨が降ってました。
それでも自然界の季節は動いているようです。 今年初めての竹の子を収穫しました。竹の子は春の味ですね。
Hellor! This is trad_jp.
It is April from tomorrow, but does not become very warm. For approximately one day, cold rain fell today.
Still it seems to work in a season of the natural world. I harvested the first bamboo shoots this year. The bamboo shoot is spring taste in Japan.
I will have bamboo shoot rice or do whether you make food boiled and seasoned in entrusting you to wife.
Some cherry blossoms seem to begin to open, too. The reports in full blossom are ... later.