

★★ MOLDAVITE:Starborn Stone of Transformation By Robert Simmons and Kathy Warner

2018-12-29 14:19:13 | 読書

○ At first,we did not think of Moldavite as a healing stone. To us it was more for meditation and expansion of consciousness . However,we soon saw that consciousness expansion and shift to one’s highest life path were one with the process of healing.

◯ It is possible to work with Moldavite in a number of different ways.The simplest is to wear or carry it,keeping the stone in one’s energy field for periods of several minutes up to a full day.
(いろんな方法でモルダバイトとワークすることは可能だ。最も簡単なのは身に付けたり、持ち歩くことだ、数分から丸一日、 石を自分のエネルギーフィールドに置いておく。)

◯ Both from our experiences and from the feedback we have received from others, we have found that Moldavite can clear blocks in any of the chakras.

