〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社
第6章 東南アジア世界
1 海の道の形成と東南アジア
2 東南アジア諸国家の再編成
マラッカ海峡と香辛料の産地モルッカ諸島を結ぶジャワ島東部では、11世紀以来、クディリ王国(Kediri, 928~1222)、ついでシンガサリ王国(Singhasari, 1222~92)がジャワ島内陸部の農業発展と香辛料交易の中継で繁栄し、三仏斉と覇権を争っていたが、13世紀中ごろにはスマトラ島にまで勢力を拡大した。13世紀末、元はシンガサリ王国を攻撃したが、ジャワ軍は元軍を撃退し、新しい指導者がマジャパヒト王国(Majapahit, 1293~1520ごろ)を建てた。マジャパヒト王国は交易発展の波にのり、14世紀後半には三仏斉を圧倒して、東インドネシア、ジャワ全島からスマトラ島東海岸に及ぶ、ほぼ現在のインドネシア全域の交易を掌握した。
カンボジアでは9世紀以来、クメール王国(Khmer, アンコール朝 Angkor, 802ごろ~1431ごろ)がカンボジアや東北タイの平原の農業開拓に成功して、アンコールの地に大都市アンコール=トムを建設していた。12世紀に入ると、カンボジアやタイの物産を集荷して、メコン川を通じて南シナ海交易に進出した。クメール王国は13世紀はじめには、アンコールを中心にカンボジアからタイ、ラオス、マレー半島北部にいたる広大な地域を結ぶ交易路を支配下に置いた。
クメール王国による大陸内部の交易ルートの形成は、チャオプラヤ、サルウィンなど大河川の流域で稲作農業を営んでいたタイ人をめざめさせた。13世紀後半、タイ人は各地でクメールから独立し、新しい交易網をつくりあげていった。13世紀末には中部タイのスコータイ王国(Sukhothai, 1257~1438)が、14世紀中ごろにはチャオプラヤ川中流域におこったアユタヤ王国(Ayuthaya, 1351ごろ~1767)が有力になった。とくにアユタヤ王国は、内陸の物産をタイランド湾沿岸に集め、これを中国や琉球に供給して発展した。また、上座部仏教を導入し、これを保護した。15世紀には北タイや東北タイで敵対する勢力をやぶり、ほぼ現在のタイにあたる地域の統合に成功した。
ビルマでは、11世紀中ごろにビルマ人がイラワディ川中流域にパガン王国(Pagan, 1044~1287)を建てた。この王国は、雲南とベンガル湾を結ぶ交易で繁栄し、灌漑事業をおこしてビルマ平原の農業開拓に成功した。また、大乗仏教や密教と混在していた上座部仏教をとくに積極的に保護し、パガンを中心に多数の寺院を建立した。パガン王国は13世紀末以後、元軍の侵略とタイ系のシャン人の南下によって衰退したが、南部のモン人はベンガル湾沿岸にペグー(Pegu)などの港市国家を建設し、ベンガル湾交易を担った。
第2章 アジア・アメリカの古代文明
紀元前後から盛んになるインドや中国との交流のなかで、1世紀末に東南アジア最古の国家ともされる扶南(1世紀末~7世紀)がメコン川下流域に建国された。インドから来航したバラモンと土地の女性が結婚して国をつくったという神話をもつこの国の港オケオでは、ローマ貨幣やインドの神像が出土している。また2世紀末、ベトナムの中部に、チャム人がのちにチャンパー(Champa, 2世紀末~17世紀)と呼ばれる国をたてた。
大陸部では、6世紀にメコン川中流域にクメール人によってヒンドゥー教の影響の強いカンボジア(Cambodia)がおこり、扶南を滅ぼした。この王国は、9世紀以降アンコールに都をおき、12世紀にはヒンドゥー教や仏教の強い影響をうけながらも独自の様式と規模をもつアンコール=ワット(Angkor Wat)を造営した。
イラワディ川下流域では、9世紀までビルマ(ミャンマー)系のピュー(Phū)人の国があった。11世紀にはパガン朝(Pagan, 1044~1299)がおこり、スリランカとの交流により上座部仏教が広まった。チャオプラヤ川下流では、7世紀から11世紀頃にかけてモン人によるドヴァーラヴァティー王国(Dvaravati)が発展し、上座部仏教が盛んにおこなわれた。なお、のちの13世紀半ばにタイ北部におこったタイ族最古の王朝であるスコータイ朝(Sukhothai, 13~15世紀)の歴代の王も、上座部仏教を信仰した。
諸島部でも「インド化」がすすみ、いくつかの王国が成立した。7世紀半ばには、スマトラ島のパレンバンを中心にシュリーヴィジャヤ王国(Srivijaya, 7~14世紀)が成立した。この王国は海上交易に積極的にたずさわり、唐にも朝貢使節を派遣した。義浄はインドへの往復の途中滞在し、仏教が盛んな様子を記している。中部ジャワでは、仏教国のシャイレンドラ朝(Sailendra, 8~9世紀頃)やヒンドゥー国のマタラム王国(Mataram, 732~1222)がうまれた。シャイレンドラ朝のもとでは、仏教寺院ボロブドゥール(Borobudur)が建造されたが、その後、ヒンドゥー教の勢力が強くなっていった。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、62頁~65頁)
第3章 内陸アジア世界・東アジア世界の形成
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、90頁~92頁)
Chapter 4 :The East Asian World
3 World Empire in the East
■Chinese Civilization Spread
The expansion policy of the Han dynasty(漢) was also directed towards the south. It
destroyed Nanyue(南越) ; introduced a province-prefecture system in the Yunnan region; and expanded its territory to the middle of Vietnam and established nine provinces there
such as Jiaozhi (near Hanoi). However, the political and social situation in the Vietnam
area was always unstable. Northern part of Vietnam became under the control of the
Protectorate General to Pacify the South of the Tang dynasty. In Yunnan, Nanzhao
(南詔) of Tibet-Burma became independent. The center of their movement was Dali.
These states accepted a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty
and introduced Chinese characters and other aspects of Chinese Civilization. Champa
(チャンパー Linyi 林邑) in the middle part of Vietnam, Khmer (クメール Zhenla 真臘)
in the west, and Srivijaya (シュリーヴィジャヤ Sumatra) were under the influence
of India, but maintained a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty.
The Sui and Tang Empires were the only superpowers in East Asia at that time. Other
nations around the empires had to always consider the movement of the empires to keep
their own existence and growth. They adopted Chinese civilization such as Confucianism,
Buddhism, law systems, Chinese characters, and city planning and tried to make Chinese
Civilization to fuse into their own cultures. Thus, in East Asia, one civilized area was
created, where the surrounding nations more or less shared a common base of Chinese
This East Asian Civilization came into contact with Indian Civilization on the Tibetan
plateau and Southeast Asia.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、74頁~75頁)
Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World
1 Formation of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World 東南アジア世界
Southeast Asia which is located in vast region of the southeastern Eurasia
belongs to the hot and humid tropical zone and the subtropical zone. Monsoons
blow from the Indian Ocean in summer and from the South China Sea in winter,
bringing plentiful rainfall to this region. The tropical climate provides a lot of heat.
All of these factors generate its natural environment such as thick forests and big
rivers with huge amounts of water. Corresponding to this environment, areas in
the region share a common set of cultural elements such as villages with raised-
floor houses, wrap-around type clothes and fish and rice eating culture. There is
ancestor worship and animism that worship nature such as mountains, rocks and
trees. This common culture of this region is similar to that of Japan.
The natural environment of Southeast Asia is classified to thre categories.
The mountainous areas in the north are laurel forest lands with many forests, and
their climate is very similar to that of western Japan. The mainland Southeast
Asian region has grasslands of tropical savanna which are good for rice farming.
The archipelago area is covered with tropical forests and yields international
commodities such as spices. The northern mountainous areas and the grasslands
are connected by big rivers namely, from west to east, the Chao Phraya River, the
Irrawaddy River, the Mekong River and the Red River. The islands and the mainland
areas are closely connected by numerous sea routes such as the Strait of Malacca.
There is no common language nor religion in Southeast Asia, and no one political
power historically could consolidate all areas there.
Southeast Asia is surrounded by rich seas such as the South China Sea and the
Indian Ocean, which has rich and large markets. Southeast Asia has been a place to
connect East and West markets via the sea routes. Southeast Asia has been also a
region to produce tropical commodities sought by whole world, such as spices and
ivory in the ascent time, and coffee, sugar and rubber in the modern time. Southeast
Asia is a self-sufficient region and also an international trade area.
Southeast Asia had kept close relations with international markets, being strongly
influenced by adjacent India and China, and yet generated its own culture.
In this chapter, we will see the period to the 8th century when the trade networks
had been developed on the basis of fundamental culture and the produce of
Southeast Asia became connected to international markets.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、85頁~86頁)
Chapter 6 :1 Formatio:n of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
■Fundamental Culture of Southeast Asia
Rice cultivation of the lucidophyllous forest-type came to Southeast Asia in the 1st
millennium BC. Based on the development of rice cropping, metal culture called Dong Son culture
(ドンソン文化) was born around the northern Vietnam and Yunnan in southwestern China.
Dong Son culture was affected by Scythian art and the Chinese Bronze Age civilization.
Dong Son culture spread over current Thailand through the Malaysian peninsula to
Sumatra, Java and the eastern Indonesian islands on a route of the river and sea of Southeast
Asia. In the basins of these areas, many small states based on rice cultivation, were
founded. Figures of raised-floor houses, wrap-around type clothes, and farmers pounding
rice with mortar and mallet, as well as narrow river boats, were drawn on the bronze drum
which characterized this culture and we can see that the original model of Southeast Asian
culture was formed at that time.
On the other hand, the culture of fisherfolk, called the Sa Huynh culture(サーフィン文化),
spread over the coastal areas of the South Chinese Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, connecting the land
and sea of Southeast Asia together. Before and after the Christian era, the land of Southeast
Asia came to be tied together with sea by a common culture.
■Opening of the Sea Road
Around the beginning of the 1st century AD, the ships of kingdoms of South India, which
prospered in Indian Ocean trade(インド洋交易), came to visit Southeast Asia for its products
including spices. At the same time, under the Han dynasty in the east, the demand for Southeast
Asian products such as fragrant woods, spices, rhinoceros horns, pearls, and hawksbill sea
turtles began to increase in the cities of North China.
At the end of the 2nd century BC, Emperor Wu-di of the Han ruined the Nanyue Kingdom
(南越) in South China. He established command posts in the former region of the kingdom such as
the Nanhai Commandery(南海郡) in the Guangdong area, the Jiaozhi Commandery(交趾郡)
in the northern part of Vietnam and the Rinan Commandery(日南郡) in the central part of Vietnam,
and made them into hubs of the southern sea (Nanhai) trade(南海交易). In those days, the Chinese
merchants advanced along the seashore from the ports in South China and Vietnam to the east coast
of the Malaysian peninsula, and crossed the peninsula on land route. They appeared in the Bay of
Bengal, and arrived at South India. In the mid-2nd century AD, a man who called himself
a messenger of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus arrived in the Rinan
Commandery. The sea road(海の道) connecting two worlds of the east and the west was opened to
■Birth of a Port Polity
When the maritime trade through coastal sea routes was developed, the port polities(港市国家) were
created on the Southeast Asian coast, which intermediated between the Indian Ocean and
the South China Sea. At the end of the 2nd century, the Champa(林邑) kingdom of Chams,
which was based on the Sa Huynh culture, was built in the central coast of Vietnam. Also,
Funan(扶南) was founded in the area of the southern part of Vietnam and Cambodia. Tin pieces
with Sanskrit characters, the Chinese bronze mirrors in the age of the Han dynasty as
well as Roman coins in the 2nd century were excavated from the remains of Oc-Eo(オケオ) which
was a port of Funan. This indicates that the civilizations of East Asia, South Asia and the
Mediterranean Sea interacted in this area.
When the 5th century began, and the Southern dynasties in China prospered, demands
for products from the southern seas, including spices, increased in the cities of Central
China. Funan collected tropical products from the Moluccas in the east and port polities of
Sumatra in the west by sea and river and exported them to China. The Champa kingdom
also collected such tropical products from plains and mountains behind and delivered them
to China. In this way, in Southeast Asia, East-West international markets were formed,
and trade networks between the port polities were also formed in conjunction with the
international markets.
As the relations with East-West worlds were strengthened, Chinese civilization, including
Chinese characters and Confucianism, was passed along to the northern part of Vietnam.
In addition, Indian civilization, such as Sanskrit, literature, Hinduism and Buddhism, was
passed along to the port polities in Southeast Asia. They were mixed with the Dong Son
culture of agricultural people and the Sa Huynh culture of fisherfolk, and eventually formed
the original Southeast Asian civilization(東南アジア文明).
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、86頁~88頁)
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
■States Ruling Maritime Routes
When the Strait of Malacca became the principal route, port polity groups formed a
coalition centering around Palembang of Sumatra and built Shrivijaya
(シュリーヴィジャヤ), a maritime state, and to manage the strait. Shrivijaya introduced
Buddhism of India and it became a Buddhism propagation center in Southeast and East
Asia. In the South China Sea, the power of Funan, which could not cope with the change
of the route, weakened, and instead, Champa in the central part of Vietnam, presided over
maritime trade of the South China Sea. It carried merchandise of the western world and
Southeast Asia to the East Asian markets.
On the other hand, the Malays around the Strait of Malacca also went into the northern
coast of Java, and connected the Moluccas, which was a production center of spices, and
the Strait of Malacca. In the 8th century, the Malays in Java established the Sailendra
(“Lord of the Mountain”)dynasty(シャイレンドラ朝), and succeeded Shrivijaya, and ruled
over the Southeast Asian maritime routes with mighty maritime power. In the 9th century,
Shrivijaya of the Sailendra dynasty built the largest Mahayana Buddhism(大乗仏教)
temple in the world in Borobudur(ボロブドゥール) in central Java.
■Development of Inland States
In the mid-7th century, the rice cultivation techniques of South India spread to Southeast
Asia and the rice cropping developed on the tropical savanna plain. A powerful nation
was built in inland Southeast Asia, which was also a production center of Southeast Asian
In Cambodia, the Khmer cities in the plain and the Khmer cities on the Mekong basin
built a coalition state respectively. The Chinese called the former Land Zhenla(陸真臘) and
the latter Water Zhenla(水真臘). Two Zhenlas introduced Hinduism from India and traded
with Protectorate General to Pacify the South (Annan Protectorate) that was a regional
government of the Tang dynasty in northern Vietnam. The savanna plain and the South
China Sea were connected by them.
In the same period, the Mons built the Dvaravati kingdom(ドヴァーラヴァティ) by
unifying port polities along the Chao Phraya River that flows through present-day
Thailand, and expanded powers into inland. In Burma, cities along the Irrawaddy River
were combined together and formed the state. They connected southwestern China with
the Bengal Bay by land route. Both the Dvaravati and the Pyu introduced Buddhism,
mainly the Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教) from India.
In the basin of central Java, where rice growing agriculture was prosperous,
the Javanese built Old Mataram(古マタラム) in the mid-8th century, and connected
the Java Sea with the inland. Old Mataram adopt Hinduism and built the Prambanan
temple complex(プランバナン寺院群) in central Java. In the 7th and 8th centuries,
political powers were born in each area of Southeast Asia, and by connecting routes
of land and sea, they built a network which connected Southeast Asian products
with the international markets of the East and the West.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、88頁~90頁)
3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
■Development of Port Polities
Although the Chinese economy lagged temporarily by the violent upheavals in China
in the end of the Tang(唐) dynasty, it recovered quickly under the Song. The South Sea
trade(南海交易) increased after the end of the 10th century. This brought big changes
to Southeast Asia.
In northern Vietnam, the Annan Protectorate(安南都護府) in Hanoi was dissolved
with ruin of the Tang dynasty. The junk ships which left South Chinese ports sailed
directly to Champa ports in central Vietnam. For this reason, northern Vietnam was
isolated from international trade. At this time, northern Vietnam became independent
of Chinese rule and the archetype of current Vietnam was made.
Instead of northern Vietnam, the Champa kingdom(チャンパー[占城]王国), which
was founded by Cham(チャム) of central Vietnam, prospered as a transit port of the South
China Sea route. Champa exported ivory and agarwood, which could be harvested in
its mountains, to China.
In that same period, on the coast of the Malay peninsula and Sumatra Island along the
Strait of Malacca, there emerged innumerable port polities which had connecting routes
among the South China Sea, the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. After the 11th century,
a federal state called San-fo-ch’i(三仏斉) was founded. It prospered from tributary trade
with the Song dynasty of China.
After the 11th century, the Kediri kingdom(クディリ王国), located in eastern Java,
prospered. The kingdom connected the Moluccas Islands that produced spices to the Strait
of Malacca. Thereafter, the Shinghasari kingdom(シンガサリ王国) prospered due to
the agricultural development of the inland region Java the relay trade of spices. They had
competed with San-fo-ch’i for hegemony, and by the middle of the 13th century their
influence expanded even to Sumatra. Although the Yuan dynasty attacked and conquered
the Singhasari kingdom at the end of the 13th century, the Javanese army repulsed the
Yuan and a new leader founded the Majapahit kingdom(マジャパヒト王国). The Majapahit
rode a wave of trade development, and overwhelmed San-fo-ch’i in the second half of
the 14th century. Then they controlled the trade of almost the whole area of what is now
Indonesia which ranges from eastern Indonesia, all the Javanese islands to the Sumatra’s
east coast.
Thus, in maritime Southeast Asia since around the 11th century, the port polities unified
the producing inland and port cities and formed vast territories beyond the conventional
rule over the coasts and the sea routes. Their states were strengthened by connecting
international commerce. At this time, the indigenous such as Wayang in Indonesia, Indian
and Islamic culture merged to ethnic cultures. Here, we can see the prototypes of
Southeast Asian island countries of today.
■Reorganization of the Inland States in Southeast Asia
Corresponding to the expansion movement of the port polities, inland states also
continued to expand their territories and came to govern vast domains.
As the Ly dynasty(李朝) of Dai Viet(大越国) built in northern Vietnam at the beginning of the 11th century, it was separated from international trade and not blessed with special produce. Therefore, it made efforts to receive the Chinese civilization, which emphasized
farming, and to consolidate its national strength. It also strove to expand the agricultural
output by cultivating the Red River Delta(紅河[ホン川]デルタ). The Tran dynasty(陳朝)
replaced the Ly in the 13th century and built the network of dykes in the Red River Delta,
thereby creating condition for a large farming population. The farmers of the delta fiercely
resisted three invasions from the Yuan army in the end of the century. The Tran dynasty,
which drove back the Yuan army, advanced south in order to participate in the South China
Sea trade, and it repeatedly invaded Champa, a port polity in the central coastal region,
thereby extending its domain to the south.
At the end of the 14th century, the Ho dynasty(胡朝), which replaced the Tran dynasty,
encouraged the use of the unique Chu Nom characters(チュノム[字喃]) of Vietnam. It also
promoted the translation of Chinese books using the Chu Nom and made efforts to develop
a new bureaucratic nation which appointed bureaucrats only who passed an employment
examination. Although Dai Viet was merged temporarily into the Ming in the early 15th
century, it soon regained its independence under the Le dynasty(黎朝). The Le introduced
Confucianism and built a centralized state which adopted the politico-legal system
(律令制度) modeled after the Chinese system. It merged the Champa kingdom and, by the
17th century, spread its domain almost to the whole area of present day Vietnam.
In Cambodia, since the 9th century, the Khmer kingdom(クメール王国, Angkor dynasty
アンコール朝) succeeded in agricultural exploitation of the plains of Cambodia and northeastern Thailand, and built the big Angkor Thom(アンコール=トム) city in Angkor. Since the beginning of the 12th century, the Khmer collected produce from Cambodia and
Thailand. It advanced into the South China Sea trade by carrying goods through the
Mekong River(メコン川). At the beginning of the 13th century, the Khmer kingdom
dominated the trade routes that connected the vast area around Angkor, including
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, to the northern Malay peninsula.
The development of the inland trade routes under the Khmer kingdom awoke the Thai
people, who were cultivating rice fields in the basins of great rivers such as the Chao
Phraya(チャオプラヤ) and Salween(サルウィン) Rivers. In the second half of the 13th
century, the Thais became independent of the Khmer in various places, and built a new
trade network. At the end of the 13th century the Sukhothai kingdom(スコータイ王国)
of central Thailand was dominant. The Ayutthaya kingdom(アユタヤ王国), founded in
the middle reaches of the Chao Phraya River, expanded its strength in about the
mid-14th century. It collected and brought inland produce to the Thailand bay
area and carried them to China or Ryukyu, thereby prospering. The king introduced and
protected Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教). The kingdom brought the district powers in
northern or northeastern Thailand under its control and succeeded in the integration
of the area that roughly corresponds to present day Thailand in the 15th century.
In Burma, the Burmese built the Pagan kingdom(パガン王国) in the middle Irrawaddy
River(イラワディ川) basin in the mid-11th century. This kingdom prospered from trade
which connected the Bay of Bengal(ベンガル湾) and Yunnan(雲南). It also started an
irrigation enterprise, and succeeded in agricultural development of the Burma plain.
The kingdom declined after the invasion of the Yuan army and southern incursions of
the Thai Shans(シャン人) after the end of the 13th century. The Mons(モン人),
who lived in the south of Burma, built port polities, such as Pegu(ペグー) on the Bay of
Bengal coast, and thereby controlled the bay trade.
Thus, in mainland Southeast Asia, the landlocked states built the inland routes and
continued to make their efforts to unify the coastal port polities. This is how the territories
of present nation state were gradually formed.
〇木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]
〇本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]
本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社
・英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
第6章 東南アジア世界
1 海の道の形成と東南アジア
2 東南アジア諸国家の再編成
第6章1 海の道の形成と東南アジア
第6章2 東南アジア諸国家の再編成
第11章2 海と陸の結合―東南アジア世界の発展
マラッカ海峡と香辛料の産地モルッカ諸島を結ぶジャワ島東部では、11世紀以来、クディリ王国(Kediri, 928~1222)、ついでシンガサリ王国(Singhasari, 1222~92)がジャワ島内陸部の農業発展と香辛料交易の中継で繁栄し、三仏斉と覇権を争っていたが、13世紀中ごろにはスマトラ島にまで勢力を拡大した。13世紀末、元はシンガサリ王国を攻撃したが、ジャワ軍は元軍を撃退し、新しい指導者がマジャパヒト王国(Majapahit, 1293~1520ごろ)を建てた。マジャパヒト王国は交易発展の波にのり、14世紀後半には三仏斉を圧倒して、東インドネシア、ジャワ全島からスマトラ島東海岸に及ぶ、ほぼ現在のインドネシア全域の交易を掌握した。
カンボジアでは9世紀以来、クメール王国(Khmer, アンコール朝 Angkor, 802ごろ~1431ごろ)がカンボジアや東北タイの平原の農業開拓に成功して、アンコールの地に大都市アンコール=トムを建設していた。12世紀に入ると、カンボジアやタイの物産を集荷して、メコン川を通じて南シナ海交易に進出した。クメール王国は13世紀はじめには、アンコールを中心にカンボジアからタイ、ラオス、マレー半島北部にいたる広大な地域を結ぶ交易路を支配下に置いた。
クメール王国による大陸内部の交易ルートの形成は、チャオプラヤ、サルウィンなど大河川の流域で稲作農業を営んでいたタイ人をめざめさせた。13世紀後半、タイ人は各地でクメールから独立し、新しい交易網をつくりあげていった。13世紀末には中部タイのスコータイ王国(Sukhothai, 1257~1438)が、14世紀中ごろにはチャオプラヤ川中流域におこったアユタヤ王国(Ayuthaya, 1351ごろ~1767)が有力になった。とくにアユタヤ王国は、内陸の物産をタイランド湾沿岸に集め、これを中国や琉球に供給して発展した。また、上座部仏教を導入し、これを保護した。15世紀には北タイや東北タイで敵対する勢力をやぶり、ほぼ現在のタイにあたる地域の統合に成功した。
ビルマでは、11世紀中ごろにビルマ人がイラワディ川中流域にパガン王国(Pagan, 1044~1287)を建てた。この王国は、雲南とベンガル湾を結ぶ交易で繁栄し、灌漑事業をおこしてビルマ平原の農業開拓に成功した。また、大乗仏教や密教と混在していた上座部仏教をとくに積極的に保護し、パガンを中心に多数の寺院を建立した。パガン王国は13世紀末以後、元軍の侵略とタイ系のシャン人の南下によって衰退したが、南部のモン人はベンガル湾沿岸にペグー(Pegu)などの港市国家を建設し、ベンガル湾交易を担った。
第2章 アジア・アメリカの古代文明
2 東南アジアの諸文明
紀元前後から盛んになるインドや中国との交流のなかで、1世紀末に東南アジア最古の国家ともされる扶南(1世紀末~7世紀)がメコン川下流域に建国された。インドから来航したバラモンと土地の女性が結婚して国をつくったという神話をもつこの国の港オケオでは、ローマ貨幣やインドの神像が出土している。また2世紀末、ベトナムの中部に、チャム人がのちにチャンパー(Champa, 2世紀末~17世紀)と呼ばれる国をたてた。
大陸部では、6世紀にメコン川中流域にクメール人によってヒンドゥー教の影響の強いカンボジア(Cambodia)がおこり、扶南を滅ぼした。この王国は、9世紀以降アンコールに都をおき、12世紀にはヒンドゥー教や仏教の強い影響をうけながらも独自の様式と規模をもつアンコール=ワット(Angkor Wat)を造営した。
イラワディ川下流域では、9世紀までビルマ(ミャンマー)系のピュー(Phū)人の国があった。11世紀にはパガン朝(Pagan, 1044~1299)がおこり、スリランカとの交流により上座部仏教が広まった。チャオプラヤ川下流では、7世紀から11世紀頃にかけてモン人によるドヴァーラヴァティー王国(Dvaravati)が発展し、上座部仏教が盛んにおこなわれた。なお、のちの13世紀半ばにタイ北部におこったタイ族最古の王朝であるスコータイ朝(Sukhothai, 13~15世紀)の歴代の王も、上座部仏教を信仰した。
諸島部でも「インド化」がすすみ、いくつかの王国が成立した。7世紀半ばには、スマトラ島のパレンバンを中心にシュリーヴィジャヤ王国(Srivijaya, 7~14世紀)が成立した。この王国は海上交易に積極的にたずさわり、唐にも朝貢使節を派遣した。義浄はインドへの往復の途中滞在し、仏教が盛んな様子を記している。中部ジャワでは、仏教国のシャイレンドラ朝(Sailendra, 8~9世紀頃)やヒンドゥー国のマタラム王国(Mataram, 732~1222)がうまれた。シャイレンドラ朝のもとでは、仏教寺院ボロブドゥール(Borobudur)が建造されたが、その後、ヒンドゥー教の勢力が強くなっていった。
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、62頁~65頁)
第3章 内陸アジア世界・東アジア世界の形成
3 東アジア文化圏の形成
(木村靖二ほか『詳説世界史 改訂版』山川出版社、2016年[2020年版]、90頁~92頁)
英文の記述~本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』(講談社)より
Chapter 4 :The East Asian World
3 World Empire in the East
■Chinese Civilization Spread
The expansion policy of the Han dynasty(漢) was also directed towards the south. It
destroyed Nanyue(南越) ; introduced a province-prefecture system in the Yunnan region; and expanded its territory to the middle of Vietnam and established nine provinces there
such as Jiaozhi (near Hanoi). However, the political and social situation in the Vietnam
area was always unstable. Northern part of Vietnam became under the control of the
Protectorate General to Pacify the South of the Tang dynasty. In Yunnan, Nanzhao
(南詔) of Tibet-Burma became independent. The center of their movement was Dali.
These states accepted a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty
and introduced Chinese characters and other aspects of Chinese Civilization. Champa
(チャンパー Linyi 林邑) in the middle part of Vietnam, Khmer (クメール Zhenla 真臘)
in the west, and Srivijaya (シュリーヴィジャヤ Sumatra) were under the influence
of India, but maintained a vassal relationship and tribute system with the Tang dynasty.
The Sui and Tang Empires were the only superpowers in East Asia at that time. Other
nations around the empires had to always consider the movement of the empires to keep
their own existence and growth. They adopted Chinese civilization such as Confucianism,
Buddhism, law systems, Chinese characters, and city planning and tried to make Chinese
Civilization to fuse into their own cultures. Thus, in East Asia, one civilized area was
created, where the surrounding nations more or less shared a common base of Chinese
This East Asian Civilization came into contact with Indian Civilization on the Tibetan
plateau and Southeast Asia.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、74頁~75頁)
Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World
1 Formation of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
Chapter 6 : The Southeast Asian World 東南アジア世界
Southeast Asia which is located in vast region of the southeastern Eurasia
belongs to the hot and humid tropical zone and the subtropical zone. Monsoons
blow from the Indian Ocean in summer and from the South China Sea in winter,
bringing plentiful rainfall to this region. The tropical climate provides a lot of heat.
All of these factors generate its natural environment such as thick forests and big
rivers with huge amounts of water. Corresponding to this environment, areas in
the region share a common set of cultural elements such as villages with raised-
floor houses, wrap-around type clothes and fish and rice eating culture. There is
ancestor worship and animism that worship nature such as mountains, rocks and
trees. This common culture of this region is similar to that of Japan.
The natural environment of Southeast Asia is classified to thre categories.
The mountainous areas in the north are laurel forest lands with many forests, and
their climate is very similar to that of western Japan. The mainland Southeast
Asian region has grasslands of tropical savanna which are good for rice farming.
The archipelago area is covered with tropical forests and yields international
commodities such as spices. The northern mountainous areas and the grasslands
are connected by big rivers namely, from west to east, the Chao Phraya River, the
Irrawaddy River, the Mekong River and the Red River. The islands and the mainland
areas are closely connected by numerous sea routes such as the Strait of Malacca.
There is no common language nor religion in Southeast Asia, and no one political
power historically could consolidate all areas there.
Southeast Asia is surrounded by rich seas such as the South China Sea and the
Indian Ocean, which has rich and large markets. Southeast Asia has been a place to
connect East and West markets via the sea routes. Southeast Asia has been also a
region to produce tropical commodities sought by whole world, such as spices and
ivory in the ascent time, and coffee, sugar and rubber in the modern time. Southeast
Asia is a self-sufficient region and also an international trade area.
Southeast Asia had kept close relations with international markets, being strongly
influenced by adjacent India and China, and yet generated its own culture.
In this chapter, we will see the period to the 8th century when the trade networks
had been developed on the basis of fundamental culture and the produce of
Southeast Asia became connected to international markets.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、85頁~86頁)
Chapter 6 :1 Formatio:n of the Sea Road and Southeast Asia
■Fundamental Culture of Southeast Asia
Rice cultivation of the lucidophyllous forest-type came to Southeast Asia in the 1st
millennium BC. Based on the development of rice cropping, metal culture called Dong Son culture
(ドンソン文化) was born around the northern Vietnam and Yunnan in southwestern China.
Dong Son culture was affected by Scythian art and the Chinese Bronze Age civilization.
Dong Son culture spread over current Thailand through the Malaysian peninsula to
Sumatra, Java and the eastern Indonesian islands on a route of the river and sea of Southeast
Asia. In the basins of these areas, many small states based on rice cultivation, were
founded. Figures of raised-floor houses, wrap-around type clothes, and farmers pounding
rice with mortar and mallet, as well as narrow river boats, were drawn on the bronze drum
which characterized this culture and we can see that the original model of Southeast Asian
culture was formed at that time.
On the other hand, the culture of fisherfolk, called the Sa Huynh culture(サーフィン文化),
spread over the coastal areas of the South Chinese Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, connecting the land
and sea of Southeast Asia together. Before and after the Christian era, the land of Southeast
Asia came to be tied together with sea by a common culture.
■Opening of the Sea Road
Around the beginning of the 1st century AD, the ships of kingdoms of South India, which
prospered in Indian Ocean trade(インド洋交易), came to visit Southeast Asia for its products
including spices. At the same time, under the Han dynasty in the east, the demand for Southeast
Asian products such as fragrant woods, spices, rhinoceros horns, pearls, and hawksbill sea
turtles began to increase in the cities of North China.
At the end of the 2nd century BC, Emperor Wu-di of the Han ruined the Nanyue Kingdom
(南越) in South China. He established command posts in the former region of the kingdom such as
the Nanhai Commandery(南海郡) in the Guangdong area, the Jiaozhi Commandery(交趾郡)
in the northern part of Vietnam and the Rinan Commandery(日南郡) in the central part of Vietnam,
and made them into hubs of the southern sea (Nanhai) trade(南海交易). In those days, the Chinese
merchants advanced along the seashore from the ports in South China and Vietnam to the east coast
of the Malaysian peninsula, and crossed the peninsula on land route. They appeared in the Bay of
Bengal, and arrived at South India. In the mid-2nd century AD, a man who called himself
a messenger of the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus arrived in the Rinan
Commandery. The sea road(海の道) connecting two worlds of the east and the west was opened to
■Birth of a Port Polity
When the maritime trade through coastal sea routes was developed, the port polities(港市国家) were
created on the Southeast Asian coast, which intermediated between the Indian Ocean and
the South China Sea. At the end of the 2nd century, the Champa(林邑) kingdom of Chams,
which was based on the Sa Huynh culture, was built in the central coast of Vietnam. Also,
Funan(扶南) was founded in the area of the southern part of Vietnam and Cambodia. Tin pieces
with Sanskrit characters, the Chinese bronze mirrors in the age of the Han dynasty as
well as Roman coins in the 2nd century were excavated from the remains of Oc-Eo(オケオ) which
was a port of Funan. This indicates that the civilizations of East Asia, South Asia and the
Mediterranean Sea interacted in this area.
When the 5th century began, and the Southern dynasties in China prospered, demands
for products from the southern seas, including spices, increased in the cities of Central
China. Funan collected tropical products from the Moluccas in the east and port polities of
Sumatra in the west by sea and river and exported them to China. The Champa kingdom
also collected such tropical products from plains and mountains behind and delivered them
to China. In this way, in Southeast Asia, East-West international markets were formed,
and trade networks between the port polities were also formed in conjunction with the
international markets.
As the relations with East-West worlds were strengthened, Chinese civilization, including
Chinese characters and Confucianism, was passed along to the northern part of Vietnam.
In addition, Indian civilization, such as Sanskrit, literature, Hinduism and Buddhism, was
passed along to the port polities in Southeast Asia. They were mixed with the Dong Son
culture of agricultural people and the Sa Huynh culture of fisherfolk, and eventually formed
the original Southeast Asian civilization(東南アジア文明).
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、86頁~88頁)
2 Reorganizaion of Southeast Asian Countries
■States Ruling Maritime Routes
When the Strait of Malacca became the principal route, port polity groups formed a
coalition centering around Palembang of Sumatra and built Shrivijaya
(シュリーヴィジャヤ), a maritime state, and to manage the strait. Shrivijaya introduced
Buddhism of India and it became a Buddhism propagation center in Southeast and East
Asia. In the South China Sea, the power of Funan, which could not cope with the change
of the route, weakened, and instead, Champa in the central part of Vietnam, presided over
maritime trade of the South China Sea. It carried merchandise of the western world and
Southeast Asia to the East Asian markets.
On the other hand, the Malays around the Strait of Malacca also went into the northern
coast of Java, and connected the Moluccas, which was a production center of spices, and
the Strait of Malacca. In the 8th century, the Malays in Java established the Sailendra
(“Lord of the Mountain”)dynasty(シャイレンドラ朝), and succeeded Shrivijaya, and ruled
over the Southeast Asian maritime routes with mighty maritime power. In the 9th century,
Shrivijaya of the Sailendra dynasty built the largest Mahayana Buddhism(大乗仏教)
temple in the world in Borobudur(ボロブドゥール) in central Java.
■Development of Inland States
In the mid-7th century, the rice cultivation techniques of South India spread to Southeast
Asia and the rice cropping developed on the tropical savanna plain. A powerful nation
was built in inland Southeast Asia, which was also a production center of Southeast Asian
In Cambodia, the Khmer cities in the plain and the Khmer cities on the Mekong basin
built a coalition state respectively. The Chinese called the former Land Zhenla(陸真臘) and
the latter Water Zhenla(水真臘). Two Zhenlas introduced Hinduism from India and traded
with Protectorate General to Pacify the South (Annan Protectorate) that was a regional
government of the Tang dynasty in northern Vietnam. The savanna plain and the South
China Sea were connected by them.
In the same period, the Mons built the Dvaravati kingdom(ドヴァーラヴァティ) by
unifying port polities along the Chao Phraya River that flows through present-day
Thailand, and expanded powers into inland. In Burma, cities along the Irrawaddy River
were combined together and formed the state. They connected southwestern China with
the Bengal Bay by land route. Both the Dvaravati and the Pyu introduced Buddhism,
mainly the Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教) from India.
In the basin of central Java, where rice growing agriculture was prosperous,
the Javanese built Old Mataram(古マタラム) in the mid-8th century, and connected
the Java Sea with the inland. Old Mataram adopt Hinduism and built the Prambanan
temple complex(プランバナン寺院群) in central Java. In the 7th and 8th centuries,
political powers were born in each area of Southeast Asia, and by connecting routes
of land and sea, they built a network which connected Southeast Asian products
with the international markets of the East and the West.
(本村凌二ほか『英語で読む高校世界史 Japanese high school textbook of the WORLD HISTORY』講談社、2017年[2018年版]、88頁~90頁)
3 Connection of Sea and Land; Development of Southeast Asia World
■Development of Port Polities
Although the Chinese economy lagged temporarily by the violent upheavals in China
in the end of the Tang(唐) dynasty, it recovered quickly under the Song. The South Sea
trade(南海交易) increased after the end of the 10th century. This brought big changes
to Southeast Asia.
In northern Vietnam, the Annan Protectorate(安南都護府) in Hanoi was dissolved
with ruin of the Tang dynasty. The junk ships which left South Chinese ports sailed
directly to Champa ports in central Vietnam. For this reason, northern Vietnam was
isolated from international trade. At this time, northern Vietnam became independent
of Chinese rule and the archetype of current Vietnam was made.
Instead of northern Vietnam, the Champa kingdom(チャンパー[占城]王国), which
was founded by Cham(チャム) of central Vietnam, prospered as a transit port of the South
China Sea route. Champa exported ivory and agarwood, which could be harvested in
its mountains, to China.
In that same period, on the coast of the Malay peninsula and Sumatra Island along the
Strait of Malacca, there emerged innumerable port polities which had connecting routes
among the South China Sea, the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean. After the 11th century,
a federal state called San-fo-ch’i(三仏斉) was founded. It prospered from tributary trade
with the Song dynasty of China.
After the 11th century, the Kediri kingdom(クディリ王国), located in eastern Java,
prospered. The kingdom connected the Moluccas Islands that produced spices to the Strait
of Malacca. Thereafter, the Shinghasari kingdom(シンガサリ王国) prospered due to
the agricultural development of the inland region Java the relay trade of spices. They had
competed with San-fo-ch’i for hegemony, and by the middle of the 13th century their
influence expanded even to Sumatra. Although the Yuan dynasty attacked and conquered
the Singhasari kingdom at the end of the 13th century, the Javanese army repulsed the
Yuan and a new leader founded the Majapahit kingdom(マジャパヒト王国). The Majapahit
rode a wave of trade development, and overwhelmed San-fo-ch’i in the second half of
the 14th century. Then they controlled the trade of almost the whole area of what is now
Indonesia which ranges from eastern Indonesia, all the Javanese islands to the Sumatra’s
east coast.
Thus, in maritime Southeast Asia since around the 11th century, the port polities unified
the producing inland and port cities and formed vast territories beyond the conventional
rule over the coasts and the sea routes. Their states were strengthened by connecting
international commerce. At this time, the indigenous such as Wayang in Indonesia, Indian
and Islamic culture merged to ethnic cultures. Here, we can see the prototypes of
Southeast Asian island countries of today.
■Reorganization of the Inland States in Southeast Asia
Corresponding to the expansion movement of the port polities, inland states also
continued to expand their territories and came to govern vast domains.
As the Ly dynasty(李朝) of Dai Viet(大越国) built in northern Vietnam at the beginning of the 11th century, it was separated from international trade and not blessed with special produce. Therefore, it made efforts to receive the Chinese civilization, which emphasized
farming, and to consolidate its national strength. It also strove to expand the agricultural
output by cultivating the Red River Delta(紅河[ホン川]デルタ). The Tran dynasty(陳朝)
replaced the Ly in the 13th century and built the network of dykes in the Red River Delta,
thereby creating condition for a large farming population. The farmers of the delta fiercely
resisted three invasions from the Yuan army in the end of the century. The Tran dynasty,
which drove back the Yuan army, advanced south in order to participate in the South China
Sea trade, and it repeatedly invaded Champa, a port polity in the central coastal region,
thereby extending its domain to the south.
At the end of the 14th century, the Ho dynasty(胡朝), which replaced the Tran dynasty,
encouraged the use of the unique Chu Nom characters(チュノム[字喃]) of Vietnam. It also
promoted the translation of Chinese books using the Chu Nom and made efforts to develop
a new bureaucratic nation which appointed bureaucrats only who passed an employment
examination. Although Dai Viet was merged temporarily into the Ming in the early 15th
century, it soon regained its independence under the Le dynasty(黎朝). The Le introduced
Confucianism and built a centralized state which adopted the politico-legal system
(律令制度) modeled after the Chinese system. It merged the Champa kingdom and, by the
17th century, spread its domain almost to the whole area of present day Vietnam.
In Cambodia, since the 9th century, the Khmer kingdom(クメール王国, Angkor dynasty
アンコール朝) succeeded in agricultural exploitation of the plains of Cambodia and northeastern Thailand, and built the big Angkor Thom(アンコール=トム) city in Angkor. Since the beginning of the 12th century, the Khmer collected produce from Cambodia and
Thailand. It advanced into the South China Sea trade by carrying goods through the
Mekong River(メコン川). At the beginning of the 13th century, the Khmer kingdom
dominated the trade routes that connected the vast area around Angkor, including
Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, to the northern Malay peninsula.
The development of the inland trade routes under the Khmer kingdom awoke the Thai
people, who were cultivating rice fields in the basins of great rivers such as the Chao
Phraya(チャオプラヤ) and Salween(サルウィン) Rivers. In the second half of the 13th
century, the Thais became independent of the Khmer in various places, and built a new
trade network. At the end of the 13th century the Sukhothai kingdom(スコータイ王国)
of central Thailand was dominant. The Ayutthaya kingdom(アユタヤ王国), founded in
the middle reaches of the Chao Phraya River, expanded its strength in about the
mid-14th century. It collected and brought inland produce to the Thailand bay
area and carried them to China or Ryukyu, thereby prospering. The king introduced and
protected Theravada Buddhism(上座部仏教). The kingdom brought the district powers in
northern or northeastern Thailand under its control and succeeded in the integration
of the area that roughly corresponds to present day Thailand in the 15th century.
In Burma, the Burmese built the Pagan kingdom(パガン王国) in the middle Irrawaddy
River(イラワディ川) basin in the mid-11th century. This kingdom prospered from trade
which connected the Bay of Bengal(ベンガル湾) and Yunnan(雲南). It also started an
irrigation enterprise, and succeeded in agricultural development of the Burma plain.
The kingdom declined after the invasion of the Yuan army and southern incursions of
the Thai Shans(シャン人) after the end of the 13th century. The Mons(モン人),
who lived in the south of Burma, built port polities, such as Pegu(ペグー) on the Bay of
Bengal coast, and thereby controlled the bay trade.
Thus, in mainland Southeast Asia, the landlocked states built the inland routes and
continued to make their efforts to unify the coastal port polities. This is how the territories
of present nation state were gradually formed.