


2023-12-01 21:41:34 | 危機管理





What we know so far about surging respiratory illnesses in China

By AFP - November 25, 2023 @ 1:47pm


PARIS: Cases of respiratory illnesses have been surging in northern China, particularly among children, sparking speculation online of a new pandemic threat four years after Covid-19 first emerged in the country.

However Chinese health authorities have said the rising infections are a mix of already known viruses and are linked to the country's first full cold season after strict Covid restrictions were lifted last December.

And while emphasising that the full situation remains unclear, experts say there is little to suggest the cases were caused by a new virus.

Here is what we know so far.

On Nov 13, China's National Health Commission reported a surge of respiratory illnesses, mostly in children.

Chinese authorities have attributed the rising cases to the end of Covid restrictions, the arrival of the cold season, and the circulation of known pathogens including influenza, mycoplasma pneumonia, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and SARS-CoV-2 -- the virus that causes Covid.








China says a surge in respiratory illnesses is caused by flu and other known pathogens

China says a surge in respiratory illnesses is caused by flu and other known pathogens

China’s health ministry says a surge in respiratory illnesses across the country that has drawn the attention of the World Health Organization is caused by the f...

AP News




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