Happy English Yokohama days



2007-06-19 20:06:42 | eating
Bad ass。

A new coffee shop has opened in Kannai. It came from Hawai’i. They serve a lot of flavour coffee that I‘ve never heard of before. The shop is quite smaller than I expected. And it is located near Isezaki-cyo. So, most of customers were grumpy men or elder ladies for chatting. Their concept could be fashionable, if their shop wasn’t located here. In fact I don’t like this area at all. I can’t relax being in this area. Well, still they changed the place, I’m wondering whether this shop’s name is a good one or not. ‘Bad ass’ sounds like old coffee. I don’t know why. I felt that impression from the first. And that ‘donkey’ gave me the feeling that their coffee is old and unfresh. I really don’t know why. But I can’t stop feeling that imagination. I ordered one of the flavour coffees, and it was a little bit too sweet for me, but still nice. They made my cookie warmed up. I was really surprised. First I couldn’t understand why they do like that thing. But actually it was nice too. When I came out the shop I looked and took a photo of the donkey, I still couldn’t change my mind from the bad impression from him. Maybe he reminds me of Eeyore of Winnie-the-Pooh. I mean not Disney’s one, the original Milne one.