

Wooden cutlery, chopstics, pre-processing

2008-07-12 16:39:40 | Weblog
Today, I did two additional things outside my
chopstic work.

At long last, I sent to Conchita, a packet
which contains a spoon for her infant baby girl,
along with some other things.

Secondly, I deposited requested itmes into
K's post at her home. Otherwise, all of my time today
was spent on preparing the chopstics for

eventual processing at the mountai cottage. What follows
is the result. I have not counted them, but my guess is that
I have more than 40 pairs.

The following illustration can show you the stage these
are at. They are at stage D. A is showing you the starting
shape of these workpieces.

The vertical red line is really the border line, to the
left of which you have more or less hexagonal crosssection,
and to the right the crosssection is a square.

My intention is that I will carry out the last process while
staying at the mountain cottage, using my belt sander (my disc
sander is too heavy to carry!).

Now, take a look at the following photo.

These are redudancies, almost, of securing the pieces you
saw earlier above.

As above illustration shows you, most of these redundancies
have oblong square crosssections. These have been shortened,
already, to 170 mm in length.

Tommorrow, I will have to make their crosssection square,
almost certainly by the disc sander, initially, at least,
because there is still a lot of mass to loose from each

I will then have to make a jig like in C for a much thinner
end width. D is just showing tyou the shape of the stick end.
Arrow is pointing to the pointed end, of course.

So, what major work have I got for tommorrow?

I do not know... I wish I could cry on somebody's shoulder!

パエ-リャ 51

2008-07-12 16:39:17 | Weblog
Conchita, que dia es hoy para ti? Como estas?

Aqui hoy ha hecho muchisomo calor! Debe de ser
mas de treinta!

Ahora, tendre que sacar dinero para el viaje
con mi madre a nuestra casa en la montanya,
una de las casas tenemos.

Hasta que hora estan abiertos los cajeros automaticos en tu pais?
Hoy es dia laborable. Aqui, los que estan cerca de
las estaciones estan abiertos hasta las ocho de la noche,

hasta tan tarde?

Se dice que con la prolongracion de las horas de
funcionamiento, se ha echo mas facil sacar dinero.
No estoy seguro!

En tu pais, los cajeros automaticos se pueden usar
veintecinco horas al dia, verdad?
Creo que por eso se llaman "cajeros permanentes", no?

Y ademas, como etan en la calle, puedes sacar dinero
sin entrar en el banco!? En este punto es mas comodo
que en mi pais!

Ahora, vamos?

A motorbike whizzed past me!

She whittled the wood into a figure!
(She is in the same business?)

He is a queer fish!

You are on the right track!

I quite agree on that!

I hammered it completely flat!

She backetted water at it!

What is your appointment for?

I just feel like an idiot!

What do you use that for?

Conchita, creo que esos son bastante para
el dia. Vaya con Dios!