

Chopsticks to be contained in what?

2008-07-03 16:11:29 | Weblog
There was this Kamakura busines, this morning.
On return I did continue with my coating, no photos.

Last night I was surfing through page after page
relating to "My chopsticks" and containers and
covers for them. If I have time left I may talk about them.

The rest of today was spent on taking yesterday's to
the final stage. Yesterday's are shown here.

By 16:00 they were looking like bellow. They have narrower gaps,
compared to earlier picker knife forks. Actually, these
narrower gaps may be better in view of structural stiffness.

These are ready to be coated any time. Their stems are
really tough and stiff!

A paralell work went from the photo bellow.

And, these ended up looking like bellow!
It was with twists and turns that I reached these!

They look like worms, and they are my prickers.
They are not for sale, though... Used at home,
some, and the rest, perhaps to be given away to friends.

I think I can now talk a little bit about chopstics
containers and chopsticks themselves.

About chopsticks length my contention is that they
can be shorter than those used at home. In fact,
I even found a page, starting at 170mm.

What follows is what I showed you earlier. This is
my magnetic container and the chopstics 175 mm long.

175 mm is meant for eating pretty in quiet office corners.
A lot of people commented that they are a little too short.
However, if you are eating out in restaurants and other

places, you may need a little longer and sturdier chopsticks.

It is known that ordinary home use chopsticks are 230 mm
for men, and 210 mm for women. My guess is that the length of
"My chopstics" at their optimum is something like 190 mm to 200 mm.

Anyway, there are two considerations to make regarding "My chopsticks".
These are chopsticks themselves, and their containers. I know that
there are collapsible ones on the market, but, I am not paying

my serious attention to them. So, in what follows I will take you
through some of the ideas curently on the market.

By far the most poplular, or, so it seems, idea is to
wrap up your chopstics in a wrapper cloth. To me, a very messy
idea, and a page showing you this will be at the bottom of my

First, you will have to wash the cloth each time. There is a
variation and this is an inner sheath, to be wrapped in the cloth.
But then, you must wash the inner sheath, and they are

designed to open up for washing. Fair enough!

The idea here is this. Getting your pretty wrapping cloth
greasy etc is not wanted, so let us have something inside
the cloth, which will in turn contain your chopsticks.

Take a look at the following URL, a bamboo thing.

I think this is neat, a little expensive, but
I can understand the idea itself.

Next, take a look at these rather traditional containers.

Now, there is a fundamental problem with these traditional
containers. Corners in the container are always at right
angles. This makes washing the inside very messy.

Now, take a look at the following. This is a better
for washing the container.

All corners and edges are round, making your washing a lot easier.
The docking mechanism is not on! Sooner or later, holes and
sticks will wear out! My magnetic docking system is forever!

Take a look at the following. Shapewise, this is closest
to my current idea.

However, sticking two case pieces together with a string is not
on! I want mine to be better and simpler to use!

Take a look at the following. Wrappers seem quie popular.

See? This sort of wrapper cloths are beatiful to look at,
but in reality they are messy! One advantage might be that you can
make them yourself...

At the end of the day, I am convinced that my magnetic containers
are much better. If you want, you could wrap mine in colorful and beautiful cloth tubes!

パエ-リャ 42

2008-07-03 16:11:07 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Que estas haciendo? Estas preparando la cena para tu familia?
Creo que si!

Hoy ha hecho mucho calor, y ahora mismo hace
mucho viento, lo mismo que ayer!

Oye! Mi suenyo es seguir trabjando, trabajando
con mis cucharas y palillos!

Bueno, ahora vamos!

Can I chip in there?
Can I come in there?

It is good to see him back in some sort of form!

Make a cut down along this line!

A duck is a very fatty bird!

Do not let it sit in the fat!

Bring it up to a shimmering popint!

Put it on the curving board!

Cut it straight down the centre!

Quite rightly it is so!

with regard to dounokouno...

Conchita, this should do for today.
Take care!

Wooden baby feeders, my chopsticks containers

2008-07-02 16:53:22 | Weblog
There was no Kamakura business today, so, in theory
I should have worked out something substantial.

In reality, polyp removal and continued coating
of those large number of pieces, taking up a lot of
my time. Besides, I must confess I had no idea today,

of doing something new, other than continuing with
the latest icecream business.

Anyway, during the inspection I found that one of the
two baby feeders could become problematic. I did try and
fix the portion in question.

However, I was not so sure if that repair work will
do the trick. So, I made another one, this time with
oak. What follows is it.

What it was all about is this. Dark coloured walnut
pieces are notorisouly difficult to coat. A tiny spot
of mul-coating will stand out, very conspicously.

With light coloued materials like oak you do not
have this problem. Since this is a present to Conchita
I really cannot take risks.

Her first born baby girl will be starting to be fed
in August. So, I really must hurry in delivering the final

Take a look at this.

You have seen these over the last few days, while on
their way to being ready for coating. They are now.
They need to be marked with "K", of course.

You have seen this before, too. Why it is here?

This really is a reminder for me. All of the guests
we had last Sunday enthusiastically endorsed my
magnetic chopsticks container.

I have heard about "My chopsticks", of course, but then
I did not know how real this phenomenon is in town.
They said it is all too real!

Why not! There are issues to be solved, but they are
largely technical and with much smaller disk magnets,
with similar attractive forces, I should be able to

mas-produce these chopstick containers. I will see!

パエ-リャ 41

2008-07-02 16:53:07 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas?

Oye! Sabes? Cuanto tiempo se tarda en ir
desde aqui hasta tu pais?

Yo creo que es unas treinta horas. Tantas
horas dentro de un avion! Que te parece
si vamos juntas al oceano pacifico sur?

Bueno, vamos...

It has hatched out of the egg!

Weather has really made a mess of things!

in a very nice sort of way (副詞句)

Look at the speed they are going at!

In fact the opposite is nearer the truth!

Draw two cards from the pack!

as we go through the day, ...

Commonsense prevailed in the end!

Look! He is going down all over the place!


What's the day?


Conchita, I have lost control of character conversion.
So, I go now, rather prematurely!
Take care!   

Wooden cutlery, icecream SPs, bandsaws

2008-07-01 16:23:28 | Weblog
There was no Kamakura business today. In fact,
my wife went to Tokyo for something, a concert?

Today, really started with the next image.

What I am doing here is that I am removing a lot of polyps
on the pieces in the box on the right, and processed ones
are tossed into the box on the left.

It took me something like 90 minutes. Coating on them took up
another 90 minutes, or more of my time. They are getting there, though.

I spoke to K's shop a few days ago and she wants
icecream SPs. I have made a few of them, in the last lot,
but they are meant for my friends.

They do not differ in the top profile, but they are
slighty different in thickness. It matters not, after
all you only need a few to have your icecream.

Selling them is another story. They have to be identical.

So, I started producing the materials of the same thickness,
from the block you see above. I went for 20 pieces and the
result is shown bellow.

You can see a template at the bottom of this above image.

With the above, can you ientify those transcription lines
drawn on each of the pieces? They are then jigsawed, as you can
see in the following image.

These, I call propellers, because they look like them.
While looking like them, there are still discontinuities,
around the peripherals. I will have to remove them, tommorrow.

Propellers are fairly easy to fabricate, but rarely you find
the right sized pieces from which you can form them. The resultant
is newly created redundancies, as you see bellow.

It is ever so easy to throw these away. I do not want to!
Can you see the transcription lines being off-set to one
side of the starting pieces? This is for me to make the maximum

use of the leftovers. Quite what they will be, I do not know
at this stage.

What I am trying to convey to you is this, I think.
OK, propellers look simple and look easy to be finalised.

In reality, it is not! Cutting out one of them takes,
2 minutes, and I will have to remove discontinuties,
let alone coating of them and all other things.

Therefore, I hope you do not mind if I charge you
JPY 800 for each one of the completed propellers!

パエ-リャ 40

2008-07-01 16:23:05 | Weblog
Conchita, como estas? Estoy seguro de que estas
muy bien!

Escuchame! Quisiera ir al Mexico!
Tengo que ir lo mas pronto posible!
Pues, vamos, no?

Who is rocking the boat!?

I reserve my judgement on that!

Resurfacing work is under way!

You can take your car by train!

He gave himself up at the airport

strain on your eyes

Breathe out!

Jerk it up!

Funny, you should say that!

That is what I wish I knew!

a full length photo

a head and shoulders photo

He fancies himself as a cupid!

a clove of garlic

This meat cooks well and juicy!

While it is cooking, ...

Let it cook for twenty minutes!

I kept saying this to people around me,
many times over, in fact.

By far the best way to learn a foreign language
is not to attend those language schools, but instead
attend cooking schools, or any other schools

which involve things working with your hands.
Any language comes naturally with hand and body

After all, that is precisely where languages
originated!, to supplement the body motions!

Hang on!, We need a thingy!

a file

They lay eggs!

Conchita, bastante para hoy?
Hoy, aqui, hace mucho sol! Ya me voy!
Y, tu, vaya con Dios!

Hasta manyana!