もう2週間後になってしまいましたが、今月9月30日と翌日10月1日の夜、南青山にあるブルーノート東京で演奏します。大御所と言っても過言ではないブルースシンガー、SweetGeorgia Brown のバンドでのエネルギッシュなステージになると思います。よろしければお誘い合わせの上是非お越し下さい!
I am playing at Blue Note Tokyo on this coming September 30th and October 1st with Sweet Georgia Brown and Her Band. It's going to be a hot stage, so if you are in the area, it would be wonderful to see you there!
I am playing at Blue Note Tokyo on this coming September 30th and October 1st with Sweet Georgia Brown and Her Band. It's going to be a hot stage, so if you are in the area, it would be wonderful to see you there!