

BBC 米国が5年連続で高失業率

2008-09-05 | Weblog
Page last updated at 13:00 GMT, Friday, 5 September 2008 14:00 UK

US jobless rate near 5-year high

1: The unemployment rate in the US is at its highest level in nearly five years after a higher-than-expected 84,000 jobs were lost last month.

2: The jobless rate has risen to 6.1%, the highest since December 2003, adding to concern about the US economy and its ability to stave off a recession.

3: In a further blow, the Labor Department revised upwards job loss figures for each of the past two months.
The Federal Reserve said earlier this week economic activity remained "weak".
さらなる衝撃として、労働局は過去2ヶ月の失業率をそれぞれ上方修正した。 連邦準備局は、今週初めに、経済活動は停滞したままだと発表した。

4: The number of jobs lost last month was significantly higher than the 75,000 forecast by economists.
All sectors of the economy were affected with manufacturing worst hit, shedding 61,000 jobs.

5: The labour market has worsened noticeably in recent months, reflected by the fact that it is now apparent that more jobs were lost in June and July than was previously thought.

6: Revised figures show that in June, 100,000 jobs were lost while in July 60,000 jobs disappeared. This was up from the 51,000 figure initially forecast for both months.

7: Employers have now reduced their payrolls for eight straight months, with the dramatic downturn in the housing market and the credit crunch hurting all sectors of the economy.

8: "This is more convincing evidence that the economy is still in trouble," said Gary Thayer, senior economist at Wachovia Securities.
「これは、経済がいまだに危機状態にあることを確証しているものだ、」とWachovia Securitiesの経済学者ガリー・サイヤーさんは言った。




次の大統領は戦争よりも国内の経済問題を危機から救うことを優先すべきです。今日のマケインさんの受諾演説では戦争の話が主で経済立て直しの策はほとんど聞かれませんでした。 経済面ではオバマさんの方が弱者救済に期待できると思いますが、選ばれるかどうか・・・?