

BBC 北朝鮮の指導者が試合を観戦

2008-11-02 | Weblog
Page last updated at 05:48 GMT, Sunday, 2 November 2008

N Korean leader 'watches match'

Mr Kim is seen smiling and wearing his trademark sunglasses

1: North Korea has released photos of its leader, Kim Jong-il, watching a football match.

2: Mr Kim's health has been the subject of intense speculation since he failed to appear at a key parade in September.

3: US and South Korean officials say he may have suffered a stroke, but the North says this is a lie.

4: This is the second set of photos in the past month, purporting to show Mr Kim well - but there was no mention of when the photos were taken.

5: The 14 pictures show Mr Kim, 66, wearing sunglasses and sitting at a game between two army teams. However, the players and other spectators are not seen in any of the photos.

6: "After watching the match, Kim Jong-il congratulated the footballers on their success in the match, expressing great satisfaction over a high level of the game played by them," the official KCNA news agency reported.

7: There have been reports that Mr Kim was receiving treatment from a French brain surgeon.

8: Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso said last week that Mr Kim was probably still in hospital, but capable of making decisions.

9: In the newly-released pictures, Mr Kim is wearing autumn clothes and has a full head of hair.

10: The North Korean leader failed to attend last Thursday's funeral of one of the founding revolutionaries of the communist state, Pak Song-chol, giving further credence to speculation about a serious illness.


Q: 全体訳の確認とご指導をお願いします。

@: 北朝鮮はこの辺で指導者をもう一度国内外にアピールしておかないと権力内に不信感を持たれると思ったのでしょうか。観客も選手も写っていない写真に説得力があるのかどうか・・・? それにしてもマスコミというのは物好きな‶追っかけマン〝ですね。 でも、そのおかげで真実が見えてくるのかも・・・北朝鮮の崩壊は我が国にとっても重大問題ですから・・・気にはなりますね。
