

BBC ドイツがナチスの番人の罪を求める

2008-11-11 | Weblog
Page last updated at 11:44 GMT, Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Germans seek 'Nazi guard' charges

Mr Demjanjuk says he was a prisoner of war with the Nazis

1: German investigators have said they have enough evidence for charges to be brought against an alleged Nazi death camp guard who now lives in the US.

2: They said they had obtained new files that would prove John Demjanjuk, 88, was responsible for the death of 29,000 Jews at the Sobibor camp in Poland.
They said they would now ask German prosecutors to request his extradition.
彼らは、「88才のジョン・デムヤンジュクがポーランドのソビバー・キャンプで29,000人のユダヤ人を殺した責任者であることを証明する新たな証拠を手に入れた」と言った。 彼らは、ドイツの検察官に彼の引き渡しを求める予定だとも言った。

3: Mr Demjanjuk was sentenced to death in Israel in the 1980s, but was then acquitted and returned to the US.

4: Born Ivan Demjanjuk in Ukraine, he had migrated to the US in the 1950s. He denies any involvement in Nazi crimes.

5: The file on Mr Demjanjuk - nicknamed "Ivan the Terrible" - was compiled by the special German office investigating Nazi crimes.

6: Kurt Schrimm, who heads the office, told Reuters that investigators "have managed to obtain hundred of documents and have also found a number of witnesses who spoke out against Demjanjuk".

7: "For the first time we have even found lists of names of the people who Demjanjuk personally led into the gas chambers. We have no doubt that he is responsible for the death of over 29,000 Jews," he said.

8: Mr Schrimm added that the investigators' report had already been submitted to prosecutors in Munich - where Mr Demjanjuk lived briefly after the war - to press for his extradition.

9: Mr Demjanjuk has always insisted he was a prisoner of war of the Nazis, rather than a guard serving under them.

10: Mr Demjanjuk emigrated to the US in 1952.

11: In 1986, he was extradited to Israel and sentenced to death for war crimes, but the ruling was overturned.

12: He returned to the US but was accused of lying on his immigration application about working for the Nazis.

13: In 2002, a US immigration judge ruled that there was enough evidence to prove Mr Demjanjuk had been a guard at several Nazi death camps and stripped him of his citizenship.

14: Earlier this year, the retired Ohio car worker lost his legal fight to stay in the US.


