Page last updated at 12:58 GMT, Tuesday, 4 November 2008
Baghdad rocked by fresh bombings

Insurgents still have the ability to wreak havoc though violence is down
1: Police in Iraq say that at least 11 people have been killed in two separate explosions in the capital Baghdad.
2: Seven people died and a number of others were wounded in one blast, which occurred in a car park in east Baghdad.
3: The bomb was hidden under a car at a bus station. Police say four people were killed in a second attack, a roadside bomb in northern Baghdad.
4: Violence has dropped since security forces gained the upper hand against insurgents, but attacks still occur.
Iraqi security officials have been quoted saying insurgents are resorting to using smaller bombs and planting them in vehicles.
治安維持軍が反乱兵に対して支配力を高めたので暴動は減ったものの、爆撃はまだ起こっている。 イラクの治安軍によると、反乱兵は小型爆弾を使ってそれを乗り物に仕掛ける方法を取っていると言う。
5: At least one woman was among the dead in the first attack in the Shia-dominated area of Mashtal in eastern Baghdad.
6: Elsewhere, the US military said two civilians died in a road accident involving US troops near the city of Tikrit, north of Baghdad.
7: Iraqi police said a Humvee vehicle hit four Iraqis as they were hanging a banner in the middle of a road.
イラク警察は、「道路の真ん中で横断幕を掛けていた4人のイラク人がハンビー車(Humvee vehicle)にひかれた」と言った。
Q: 地名などを、全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。
(Humvee vehicleというのは4WD軍用車のようです。)
@: 米大統領選挙の最中にイラクでは爆弾事件が再燃しているようです。(余談ですが、イランでは有力聖職者がアメリカに武力ではなく対話を求める演説をしていました。) 次期大統領は軍事的にも経済的にも大変な仕事をしなければならないでしょう。 それをするのは誰なのでしょうか。
Baghdad rocked by fresh bombings

Insurgents still have the ability to wreak havoc though violence is down
1: Police in Iraq say that at least 11 people have been killed in two separate explosions in the capital Baghdad.
2: Seven people died and a number of others were wounded in one blast, which occurred in a car park in east Baghdad.
3: The bomb was hidden under a car at a bus station. Police say four people were killed in a second attack, a roadside bomb in northern Baghdad.
4: Violence has dropped since security forces gained the upper hand against insurgents, but attacks still occur.
Iraqi security officials have been quoted saying insurgents are resorting to using smaller bombs and planting them in vehicles.
治安維持軍が反乱兵に対して支配力を高めたので暴動は減ったものの、爆撃はまだ起こっている。 イラクの治安軍によると、反乱兵は小型爆弾を使ってそれを乗り物に仕掛ける方法を取っていると言う。
5: At least one woman was among the dead in the first attack in the Shia-dominated area of Mashtal in eastern Baghdad.
6: Elsewhere, the US military said two civilians died in a road accident involving US troops near the city of Tikrit, north of Baghdad.
7: Iraqi police said a Humvee vehicle hit four Iraqis as they were hanging a banner in the middle of a road.
イラク警察は、「道路の真ん中で横断幕を掛けていた4人のイラク人がハンビー車(Humvee vehicle)にひかれた」と言った。
Q: 地名などを、全体訳と共に確認とご指導をお願いします。
(Humvee vehicleというのは4WD軍用車のようです。)
@: 米大統領選挙の最中にイラクでは爆弾事件が再燃しているようです。(余談ですが、イランでは有力聖職者がアメリカに武力ではなく対話を求める演説をしていました。) 次期大統領は軍事的にも経済的にも大変な仕事をしなければならないでしょう。 それをするのは誰なのでしょうか。