

神は約束する God promises

2024-12-01 08:07:41 | 日記
創世記 18:1-15 NIV [1] 主は、暑い日中、アブラハムが天幕の入口に座っていたとき、マムレの大木の近くで彼に現れた。[2] アブラハムは目を上げて、近くに3人の男が立っているのを見た。彼らを見ると、天幕の入口から急いで彼らを迎えに行き、地にひれ伏した。[3] 彼は言った。「もし私があなたの目に恵みを得ているなら、わが主よ、このしもべを通り過ぎないでください。[4] 少し水を持って来させてください。それから、あなた方は皆足を洗い、この木の下で休んでください。[5] しもべのところに来られたのですから、何か食べ物を持って来ましょう。元気を回復してから、出発してください。」彼らは答えた。「よろしい、あなたの言うとおりにしてください。」[6] そこでアブラハムは天幕のサラのもとに急いで行き、「急いで」と言った。「上等の小麦粉を3セア持ってきてこね、パンを焼きなさい。」 [7] それから彼は群れのところへ走って行き、上等な柔らかい子牛を一頭選び、召使いに渡した。召使いは急いでそれを調理した。 [8] それから彼は凝乳と乳と調理しておいた子牛を持って来て、彼らの前に供した。彼らが食事をしている間、彼は木の下で彼らのそばに立っていた。 [9] 彼らは彼に尋ねた。「あなたの妻サラはどこにいますか」。彼は言った。「天幕の中にいます。」 [10] すると彼らのうちのひとりが言った。「来年の今ごろ、私はきっとあなたのところへ戻って来ます。そのとき、あなたの妻サラは男の子を産んでいるでしょう。」 サラは彼の後ろの天幕の入口で聞いていた。 [11] アブラハムとサラはすでに非常に年老いており、サラは子供を産める年齢を過ぎていた。 [12] それでサラは心の中で笑った。「私は疲れ果て、主人も年老いているのに、今ごろになってこの楽しみが私にあるのか。」 [13] 主はアブラハムに言われた。「なぜサラは笑って、『私はもう年老いているのに、本当に子供ができるだろうか』と言ったのか。 [14] 主にとって、できないことがあるだろうか。来年の定められた時に、わたしはあなたのところに戻ってくる。そのとき、サラは男の子を産むであろう。」 [15] サラは恐れて、うそをついて言った。「私は笑いませんでした。」 しかし彼は言った。「そうです、あなたは笑いました。」
Genesis 18:1-15 NIV [1] The Lord appeared to Abraham near the great trees of Mamre while he was sitting at the entrance to his tent in the heat of the day. [2] Abraham looked up and saw three men standing nearby. When he saw them, he hurried from the entrance of his tent to meet them and bowed low to the ground. [3] He said, “If I have found favor in your eyes, my lord, do not pass your servant by. [4] Let a little water be brought, and then you may all wash your feet and rest under this tree. [5] Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way—now that you have come to your servant.” “Very well,” they answered, “do as you say.” [6] So Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah. “Quick,” he said, “get three seahs of the finest flour and knead it and bake some bread.” [7] Then he ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to a servant, who hurried to prepare it. [8] He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree. [9] “Where is your wife Sarah?” they asked him. “There, in the tent,” he said. [10] Then one of them said, “I will surely return to you about this time next year, and Sarah your wife will have a son.” Now Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him. [11] Abraham and Sarah were already very old, and Sarah was past the age of childbearing. [12] So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, “After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?” [13] Then the Lord said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Will I really have a child, now that I am old?’ [14] Is anything too hard for the Lord? I will return to you at the appointed time next year, and Sarah will have a son.” [15] Sarah was afraid, so she lied and said, “I did not laugh.” But he said, “Yes, you did laugh.”

創世記 21:1-6 NIV [1] 主は言われたとおりサラに恵みを与え、主は約束されたことをサラに果たされた。[2] サラは妊娠し、神が約束されたまさにその時に、老齢のアブラハムに男の子を産んだ。[3] アブラハムはサラが産んだ子にイサクという名を与えた。[4] 息子イサクが生後8日目に、アブラハムは神が命じたとおりに割礼を施した。[5] 息子イサクが生まれたとき、アブラハムは100歳であった。[6] サラは言った。「神は私を笑わせてくださいました。このことを聞く人は皆、私と一緒に笑うでしょう。」
Genesis 21:1-6 NIV [1] Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised. [2] Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age, at the very time God had promised him. [3] Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him. [4] When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him, as God commanded him. [5] Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him. [6] Sarah said, “God has brought me laughter, and everyone who hears about this will laugh with me.”

God promises

聖書の中で私が最も好きな女性の一人は創世記 18 章に出てきます。サラは、今日の基準では、リスクを冒す人と見なされるでしょう。彼女は何百マイルも旅し、17 か所の異なる場所を訪れ、なじみのない文化の中で落ち着きました。サラが生きていた時代は、女性は名誉を受けるために子供を産むことが期待されていました。しかし、サラには子供がいませんでした。人生の他の分野で成功を収めたにもかかわらず、サラは自分の目的の一部が果たされていないと感じていたのかもしれません。
One of my favorite women in Scripture is found in Genesis 18. Sarah, by today’s standards, would be considered a risk-taker: She traveled hundreds of miles, to 17 different locations, settling among unfamiliar cultures. She lived during a time when, in order to receive honor, women were expected to have children. But Sarah had no children. Despite finding success in other areas of life, Sarah may have felt that part of her purpose was unfulfilled.

When Sarah was 90 years old, clearly past childbearing age, she overheard three holy visitors say she would have a child within the year. Genesis 18:12 says, “So Sarah laughed to herself as she thought, ‘After I am worn out and my lord is old, will I now have this pleasure?’” She laughed. Any of us would probably have had the same reaction as we mentally clicked through the rational impossibilities.

私たちは自分の論理に頼って、神の約束を何度あざ笑ってきたでしょうか。毎日、私たちは破綻を思い起こさせられます。専制的で抑圧的な政府、権力の濫用、精神的および肉体的な病の苦悩などです。破綻は遠いもののように感じられることもあれば、家族や私たち自身に忍び寄ることもあります。堅固な姿勢を保ち、善行を続けるという私たちの責任 (ガラテヤ 6:9) は、神ご自身が働いておられ、神の約束が真実であるという現実と並行して存在します。
How many times have we scoffed at the promises of God, resting in our own logic? Each day we are reminded of brokenness: tyrannous, oppressive governments; power abused; the anguish of mental and physical illness. Sometimes brokenness feels distant; other times it creeps into our families, our own selves. Our responsibilities to remain steadfast and persist in good work (Galatians 6:9) exist in tandem with the realities that God Himself is at work and His promises remain true.

Recalling stories like Sarah’s, I regularly find myself saying, “And yet.” She was 90 years old, and yet Sarah had a son. The world is broken, and yet, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). We witness oppression all around, and yet, “He will rescue them from oppression and violence, for precious is their blood in his sight” (Psalm 72:14).


Praise God, for His promises are true!

God, we praise You that in every circumstance and season, Your promises are true. Help us to remember and cling to Your promises when we are overwhelmed by the weight of brokenness. Our faithful God, we put our trust in You.

イエスは私たちの光Jesus Our Light

2024-12-01 02:25:14 | 日記
ヨハネ 1:5 NIV [5] 光は闇の中に輝き、闇は光に打ち勝つことができない。
John 1:5 NIV [5] The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.


暗い部屋でつまずいたり、明かりのない夜に歩き回ろうとしたことはありますか? 壁にぶつかったり、何かに足をぶつけたりしたかもしれません。






ヨハネ 1:5 には、イエスの光はどんなものにも打ち負かされないとも書かれています。イエスの光を打ち負かすことのできる霊的な力や世界情勢はありません。また、神の愛と光から私たちを引き離すためにできることは何もありません。


Jesus Our Light

Have you ever stumbled through a dark room, or tried to walk around at night when there were no lights? Maybe you ran into a wall or hit your foot on something.

Do you remember how great it was to turn on the light so you could see where you were walking?

God’s Word says that we similarly walk in the darkness. Life apart from Jesus is characterized by darkness. When we try to live life by our own sight, we inevitably fail.

Jesus is the light that shines within the darkness of the world around us, and within our own lives. He illuminates the truth so that we don’t have to remain captive to our old ways, but can be transformed by Jesus and His grace.

Without His light shining in the darkness, we would be lost and without hope.

Jesus is also the one who directs our paths. Just like how we stumble through darkness without a physical light, Jesus is the light that illuminates the way of life for us.

John 1:5 also tells us that the light of Jesus cannot be overcome by anything. There are no spiritual powers or world events that can overcome the light of Jesus. And there is nothing that anyone can do to separate us from the love and light of God.

Spend some time today in prayer, thanking Jesus for the salvation that you have, but also asking Him to continue to illuminate the path of life for you. Then, let the light of Jesus shine through you in the way you love those around you.

A Prayer for God’s Light

Jesus, thank You for being the Light of the World. Thank You for shining light in the darkness and showing me how to live a life that honors You. Help me to be an example of You to everyone I encounter, and give me the courage to shine Your light in my community. Amen.