ルカによる福音書 9:10-17 NIV
[10] 使徒たちは帰って来て、自分たちのしたことをイエスに報告した。イエスは使徒たちを連れて、ベツサイダという町に自分たちだけで退いた。[11] 群衆はそれを聞いてイエスに従った。イエスは彼らを歓迎し、神の国について語り、また、癒しを必要とする人々を癒された。[12] 夕方遅くなって、十二人がイエスのもとに来て言った。「群衆を解散させてください。周りの村や村落へ行って、食べ物や宿を見つけさせてください。私たちはこんな辺鄙な所にいるのですから。」[13] イエスは言われた。「あなたがたが彼らに食べ物を与えなさい。」彼らは答えた。「私たちにはパン五つと魚二匹しかありません。この群衆全員のために食べ物を買いに行かなければ。」[14] (そこには約五千人の男たちがいた。)そこでイエスは弟子たちに言われた。「彼らを五十人ずつ組にして座らせなさい。」 [15] 弟子たちはそのとおりにし、皆が座った。[16] イエスは五つのパンと二匹の魚を取り、天を仰いで感謝の祈りをささげ、それを裂き、弟子たちに渡して人々に配らせた。[17] 皆が食べて満腹した。弟子たちは残ったパン切れを十二籠集めた。
Luke 9:10-17 NIV
[10] When the apostles returned, they reported to Jesus what they had done. Then he took them with him and they withdrew by themselves to a town called Bethsaida, [11] but the crowds learned about it and followed him. He welcomed them and spoke to them about the kingdom of God, and healed those who needed healing. [12] Late in the afternoon the Twelve came to him and said, “Send the crowd away so they can go to the surrounding villages and countryside and find food and lodging, because we are in a remote place here.” [13] He replied, “You give them something to eat.” They answered, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish—unless we go and buy food for all this crowd.” [14] (About five thousand men were there.) But he said to his disciples, “Have them sit down in groups of about fifty each.” [15] The disciples did so, and everyone sat down. [16] Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke them. Then he gave them to the disciples to distribute to the people. [17] They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.
Jesus feeds
Jesus was the best teacher of all time. Yet I believe it wasn’t solely His teaching that attracted crowds to Him, but His miracles. The people who flocked to Jesus were tired of suffering and waiting. They were thirsty for well-being, yearning for abundance, desperate for healing. And they were hungry—often physically as well as spiritually.
In this passage, Jesus’ 12 disciples show compassion for a crowd that has not eaten since daybreak. Their solution is logical and practical: Conclude this time of ministry and send them back to surrounding villages for food and rest. But Jesus’ response shows that meeting physical needs was not outside the realm of His ministry. Ministry didn’t have to end for people to eat; feeding people was part of the ministry.
私が HOPE コンゴの霊的統合担当ディレクターとして務めるコンゴ共和国では、私たちはイエスの模範に倣って、物質的ニーズと霊的ニーズの両方を満たすことを目指しています。私たちは朝の祈り、家庭での聖書研究、祈りの日など、弟子訓練の機会を提供しています。また、基本的なビジネス トレーニングや小規模ビジネス ローンも提供し、男性と女性が持続可能な生活を送り、神がその子供たちに与えた賜物と才能を肯定できるようにしています。霊的ニーズへの奉仕は永遠に重要ですが、私たちは物質的ニーズの正当性を認識しています。飢えた群衆が福音の希望を聞くのは難しいことです。
In the Republic of Congo, where I serve as HOPE Congo’s director of spiritual integration, we aim to follow Jesus’ example in meeting physical as well as spiritual needs. We offer discipleship opportunities like morning devotions, home Bible studies, and prayer days. We also provide basic business training and small business loans that empower men and women to earn a sustainable living and affirm the gifts and talents God has given each of His children. Though ministering to spiritual needs matters eternally, we recognize the legitimacy of physical needs. It is difficult for a hungry crowd to hear the hope of the Gospel!
The method of this miraculous feeding is also striking to me and instructive in our own ministries. Christ could have conjured food from nothing, but instead He welcomes the contributions of others. Following Jesus’ example, we invite the men and women we serve to bring what they have: talents, ideas, small savings. Then we imitate Jesus by presenting to God what we have, using the abilities He has given, and trusting Him for provision and multiplication.
I am grateful to serve a God who looked with compassion on a hungry crowd. He met physical needs in abundance, affirming His power to meet spiritual needs as well. As Jesus’ hands and feet in a broken world, may we—like Him—see the eternal significance in meeting temporal needs.
Creator God, help us to see people not as their parts but a whole. Teach us to meet needs as You would, ministering to both body and soul. May we help in ways that dignify and affirm the image of You in each one of Your creations.