There Is A Ship There is a ship and she sails the sea She's loaded deep, as deep can be But not as deep as the love I'm in I know not if I sink or swim 一艘の船が行く、その海のかなたに向かって 積みこんだ荷物の重さに 船は深く沈みそうになる しかしそれとて私の愛に比べる事は出来ない 私は知ることはない それがどうなるのかを
I leaned my back against an oak Thinking it was a trusty tree But first it bent and then it broke Just as my love proved false to me 私はオークの木に背をもたれた その木が信頼できると思ったのだ しかしすぐそれは曲がり、それは折れてしまった ちょうど私が愛の過ちにすぐ気がついたように
Oh, love is gentle, and love is kind The sweetest flower when first it's new But love grows old and waxes cold And fades away like the mornin' dew ああ、愛は優しく、思いやりに満ちている その花が瑞々しく甘く香るうちは しかし愛は古びて行き、ひび割れてしまう そしていずれ消えてしまう、花びらをぬらす朝露のように
The water is wide, I cannot get o'er Neither have I the wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I その水は果てしなく広がっていて、私には渡ることが出来ない 空を飛ぶ翼も無い ああ、2人を乗せる舟が欲しい あなたと私を乗せ漕ぎ行く舟を
The water is wide
The water is wide, I can’t cross over And neither have I wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I
Oh love is gentle and love is kind And sweetest flower when first it’s new But love grows old and waxes cold And fades away like morning dew
There is a ship and she sails the sea She’s loaded deep as deep can be But not as deep as the love I’m in I know not how I sink or swim
The water is wide, I can’t cross over And neither have I wings to fly Give me a boat that can carry two And both shall row my love and I