2020/5/20 ランセット
Since the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the virus that caused coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the use of face masks has become ubiquitous in China and other Asian countries such as South Korea and Japan. Some provinces and municipalities in China have enforced compulsory face mask policies in public areas;
however, China's national guideline has adopted a risk-based approach in offering recommendations for using face masks among health-care workers and the general public. We compared face mask use recommendations by different health authorities (panel). Despite the consistency in the recommendation that symptomatic individuals and those in health-care settings should use face masks, discrepancies were observed in the general public and community settings.
For example, the US Surgeon General advised against buying masks for use by healthy people. One important reason to discourage widespread use of face masks is to preserve limited supplies for professional use in health-care settings. Universal face mask use in the community has also been discouraged with the argument that face masks provide no effective protection against coronavirus infection.たとえば、米国の外科医総長は、健康な人が使用するためのマスクを購入しないようにアドバイスしました。フェイスマスクの普及を思いとどまらせる重要な理由の1つは、医療現場での専門的な使用のために限られた物資を保存することです。コミュニティでの普遍的なフェイスマスクの使用も、フェイスマスクがコロナウイルス感染に対する効果的な保護を提供しないという議論で推奨されていません。
Recommendations on face mask use in community settings
If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection.
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People at moderate risk中程度のリスクの人of infection: surgical or disposable mask for medical use.
**People at moderate risk of infection include those working in areas of high population density (eg, hospitals, train stations), those have been or live with somebody who is quarantined, and administrative staff, police, security, and couriers whose work is related to COVID-19.
*感染リスクが中程度の人には、人口密度の高い地域(病院、駅など)で働く人、隔離されている人、または一緒に住んでいる人、COVID-19に関連する仕事をしている管理スタッフ、警察、警備員、宅配便業者が含まれます。 - •
People at low riskリスクの低い人of infection: disposable mask for medical use.
††People at low risk of infection include those staying in areas of high population density (eg, supermarket, shopping mall), who work indoors, who seek health care in medical institutions (other than fever clinics), and gatherings of children aged 3–6 years and school students.感染の:医療用使い捨てマスク。
†感染リスクの低い人には、人口密度の高い地域(スーパーマーケット、ショッピングモールなど)に滞在する人、屋内で働く人、医療機関(発熱クリニック以外)で医療を求める人、3〜6歳の子供や学校の生徒の集まりが含まれます。 - •
People at very low risk非常にリスクの低い人々of infection: do not have to wear a mask or can wear non-medical mask (such as cloth mask).
‡‡People at very low risk of infection include those who mostly stay at home, who do outdoor activities, and who work or study in well-ventilated areas.感染の:マスクを着用する必要がないか、非医療用マスク(布製マスクなど)を着用できます。
Hong Kong
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Surgical masks can prevent transmission of respiratory viruses from people who are ill. It is essential for people who are symptomatic (even if they have mild symptoms) to wear a surgical mask.
- サージカルマスクは、病気の人からの呼吸器ウイルスの感染を防ぐことができます。症状のある人(軽度の症状がある場合でも)は、サージカルマスクの着用が不可欠です。
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Wear a surgical mask when taking public transport or staying in crowded places. It is important to wear a mask properly and practice good hand hygiene before wearing and after removing a mask.
- 公共交通機関を利用するときや混雑した場所に滞在するときは、サージカルマスクを着用してください。マスクを適切に着用し、マスクを着用する前と取り外した後は、適切な手指衛生を実践することが重要です。
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Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms, such as a cough or runny nose.
- 咳や鼻水などの呼吸器症状がある場合は、マスクを着用してください。
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The effectiveness of wearing a face mask to protect yourself from contracting viruses is thought to be limited. If you wear a face mask in confined, badly ventilated spaces, it might help avoid catching droplets emitted from others but if you are in an open-air environment, the use of face mask is not very efficient.
- ウイルスの感染から身を守るためにフェイスマスクを着用することの効果は限られていると考えられています。換気の悪い限られた場所でフェイスマスクを着用すると、他の人から放出された飛沫を避けるのに役立つかもしれませんが、屋外環境にいる場合、フェイスマスクの使用はあまり効率的ではありません。
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention does not recommend that people who are well wear a face mask (including respirators) to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19.
- 疾病管理予防センターは、COVID-19を含む呼吸器疾患から身を守るために、フェイスマスク(人工呼吸器を含む)をよく着用することを推奨していません。
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US Surgeon General urged people on Twitter to stop buying face masks.
- 米国の外科医総長は、フェイスマスクの購入をやめるようツイッターで人々に促しました。
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Face masks play a very important role in places such as hospitals, but there is very little evidence of widespread benefit for members of the public.
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There is not enough evidence to prove that wearing a surgical mask significantly reduces a healthy person's risk of becoming infected while wearing it. According to WHO, wearing a mask in situations where it is not recommended to do so can create a false sense of security because it might lead to neglecting fundamental hygiene measures, such as proper hand hygiene.
However, there is an essential distinction between absence of evidence and evidence of absence. Evidence that face masks can provide effective protection against respiratory infections in the community is scarce, as acknowledged in recommendations from the UK and Germany.
However, face masks are widely used by medical workers as part of droplet precautions when caring for patients with respiratory infections. It would be reasonable to suggest vulnerable individuals avoid crowded areas and use surgical face masks rationally when exposed to high-risk areas. As evidence suggests COVID-19 could be transmitted before symptom onset, community transmission might be reduced if everyone, including people who have been infected but are asymptomatic and contagious, wear face masks.
Recommendations on face masks vary across countries and we have seen that the use of masks increases substantially once local epidemics begin, including the use of N95 respirators (without any other protective equipment) in community settings. This increase in use of face masks by the general public exacerbates the global supply shortage of face masks, with prices soaring,
and risks supply constraints to frontline health-care professionals. As a response, a few countries (eg, Germany and South Korea) banned exportation of face masks to prioritise local demand.
WHO called for a 40% increase in the production of protective equipment, including face masks.
Meanwhile, health authorities should optimise face mask distribution to prioritise the needs of frontline health-care workers and the most vulnerable populations in communities who are more susceptible to infection and mortality if infected, including older adults (particularly those older than 65 years) and people with underlying health conditions.一方、保健当局は、最前線の医療従事者や、高齢者(特に65歳以上)や基礎疾患のある人々など、感染や死亡の影響を受けやすいコミュニティの最も脆弱な人々のニーズを優先するために、フェイスマスクの配布を最適化する必要があります。
People in some regions (eg, Thailand, China, and Japan) opted for makeshift alternatives or repeated usage of disposable surgical masks. Notably, improper use of face masks, such as not changing disposable masks, could jeopardise the protective effect and even increase the risk of infection.
Consideration should also be given to variations in societal and cultural paradigms of mask usage. The contrast between face mask use as hygienic practice (ie, in many Asian countries) or as something only people who are unwell do (ie, in European and North American countries) has induced stigmatisation and racial aggravations, for which further public education is needed. One advantage of universal use of face masks is that it prevents discrimination of individuals who wear masks when unwell because everybody is wearing a mask.
It is time for governments and public health agencies to make rational recommendations on appropriate face mask use to complement their recommendations on other preventive measures, such as hand hygiene. WHO currently recommends that people should wear face masks if they have respiratory symptoms or if they are caring for somebody with symptoms. Perhaps it would also be rational to recommend that people in quarantine wear face masks if they need to leave home for any reason, to prevent potential asymptomatic or presymptomatic transmission. In addition, vulnerable populations, such as older adults and those with underlying medical conditions, should wear face masks if available. Universal use of face masks could be considered if supplies permit. In parallel, urgent research on the duration of protection of face masks, the measures to prolong life of disposable masks, and the invention on reusable masks should be encouraged. Taiwan had the foresight to create a large stockpile of face masks; other countries or regions might now consider this as part of future pandemic plans.
We declare no competing interests.
Editorial note: the Lancet Group takes a neutral position with respect to territorial claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.