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イタリアのCOVID-19:重要な決定と多くの不確実性   ランセット  2020/3/18

2020年03月20日 02時07分49秒 | 地理・歴史・外国(時事問題も含む)

The Lancet
March 18, 2020


On March 10, at 00:30 h, the official news was posted on the website of the Italian Ministry of Health: a new decree effective until at least April 3 limits the movement of individuals in the whole Italian national territory unless strictly motivated (in written form) by reasons of work or health. Schools, museums, cinemas, theatres, and any other social, recreational, or cultural centre must stay closed. Any gathering in public spaces is forbidden, including sporting events and funerals. Most shops must stay closed. Those selling essentials, such as supermarkets or pharmacies, need to ensure a distance of at least 1 m between customers.1
スーパーマーケットや薬局などの必需品を販売する人は、顧客間で少なくとも1 mの距離を確保する必要があります。
These measures are without precedent and aim to contain the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) epidemic in Italy after an increase in total deaths of nearly 100% in the 48 h before the decree. They follow a series of restrictions of increasing severity, starting on Feb 23, 2020, with the lockdown of the geographical area, Codogno, where the first COVID-19 cases occurred. The number of positive cases, according to the most recent estimates as of March 16, 18:00 h, is 27 980, which is about 2·8 times higher than 1 week before (10 149 cases recorded on March 10).2
,  3
 Among these, 2339 (8·4%) are health workers, a proportion that has been increasing over time.2
 With 2158 deaths, the estimated case fatality rate stands at 7·7%, which is about twice the rate reported in the first weeks of the epidemic.2
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 Overall, 11 125 (39·8%) patients have been hospitalised and 1851 (6·6%) admitted to intensive care units (ICUs).2
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陽性症例の数は、3月16日18:00時間の最新の推定によると、27 980であり、1週間前の約2倍の8倍です(3 10 10日に記録されたcases 149症例)。 3これらのうち、2339人(8%)は医療従事者であり、その割合は時間の経過とともに増加しています。

The economic and psychological impact of the epidemic is enormous. Many sectors of the Italian economy, which is largely based on family-owned small businesses, are suffering. The tension is palpable. On March 9, riots broke out in prisons, leading to seven deaths and 18 hospitalisations in Modena and 50 escaped prisoners in Foggia.4

流行の経済的および心理的影響は巨大です。家族経営の中小企業に基づいているイタリア経済の多くの部門が苦しんでいます。緊張は明白です。 3月9日、暴動が刑務所で発生し、モデナで7人が死亡し、18人が入院し、フォッジャで50人が脱走しました。

These difficult decisions on public health measures were taken without the support of official, real-time data being available for the public on key surveillance indicators. Before March 5, when total deaths were 105, there was no description available of the characteristics of the deceased cases in Italy. Later data, still not including all deaths, revealed only one death in a patient under the age of 50 years,5
and 85·5% of patients presenting with at least two pre-existing pathologies.6
 While an open-access monitoring dashboard containing several essential indicators was created on March 8, no official Italian Government websites provide a full description of the characteristics (both age and comorbidities) of cases in the ICU, nor of those hospitalised, while unofficial and sometimes conflicting data are circulating in the media. Of the multitude of people tested for COVID-19 in Italy, as well as in other countries, it is not clear how many were asymptomatic versus symptomatic, and it is not clear whether a homogeneous criterion for testing has been applied. Data are lacking on the prevalence of the disease among asymptomatic populations, so the real prevalence of COVID-19, its spectrum of presentation, and the real mortality rate all remain unknown. Moreover, reported case fatality rates across countries are very heterogeneous, with Germany reporting very few fatalities compared with other European countries with similar populations and health systems that reported notably higher case fatality rates, thus suggesting a lack of uniform case definitions (table).
公衆衛生対策に関するこれらの困難な決定は、主要な監視指標に関して公衆が利用できる公式のリアルタイムデータのサポートなしで行われました。総死亡者数が105人の3月5日までは、イタリアの死亡者の特徴に関する説明はありませんでした。まだすべての死亡を含まない後のデータは、50歳未満の患者で1人の死亡のみを明らかにしました5、少なくとも2つの既存の病状を呈する患者の85・5%。6 3月8日にいくつかの重要な指標が作成されました。イタリア政府の公式ウェブサイトでは、ICUの症例や入院患者の特徴(年齢と併存疾患の両方)を完全に説明するものはありませんが、非公式で矛盾するデータがメディアで流通しています。イタリアや他の国でCOVID-19の検査を受けた多数の人々のうち、無症候性と症候性の関係者が何人いたかは不明であり、検査の均質基準が適用されているかどうかは不明です。無症候性集団における疾患の有病率に関するデータが不足しているため、COVID-19の実際の有病率、その症状の範囲、および実際の死亡率はすべて不明のままです。さらに、報告された国全体の症例死亡率は非常に不均一であり、ドイツは同様の人口と健康システムを持つ他のヨーロッパ諸国と比較して非常に少ない死亡率を報告しており、著しく高い症例致死率を報告しており、したがって均一な症例定義の欠如を示唆しています(表)。

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