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狂気のイスラエルのジェノサイドを止められない私たち  アビー・マーティンの憤り 

2024年10月09日 16時05分46秒 | 中東
Take matters into our own hands This lady, Abby Martin, is furious. Of course she is outraged by the brutal mass murder of Palestinians by Israel, but her outrage is not only directed at that. She is outraged by the narrative that sums up the situation as "this happened because Netanyahu is aberration". The implication behind this narrative is that the state of Israel is absolved of the crime of this mass murder. There is no denying that Hitler and Stalin were extremely personally deranged. However, subsequent research has revealed that they were not sudden accidents/mutations. The roles they played cannot be explained without the society that allowed or sought their emergence. The psychological catharsis that can be gained by criticizing Hitler and Stalin as individuals demonstrates that people tend to be indulged  in the historical view of evil as the B-side of the heroic historical view. The heroic historical view/historical view of evil is an ancient product of the time when historians such as Herodotus and Thucydides were active, and it has long since become a thing of the past in modern historical studies, but it still survives in countries that only have a low quality of history education such as Japan. It is not difficult to find all kinds of "explanations" for World War II in Japan, such as "it was the Japanese military that did it, they were the bad guys", or "it was the Emperor who was at fault, we were innocent victims, there were lots of Japanese who opposed the war, but they were tortured and killed, and if you had said you were against the war you were called a traitor and killed, so you just kept quiet". The crowning example of this is the liberals who reappeared after the war, using their wartime "silence" as a badge of honor shamelessly. I'm not trying now to condemn these Japanese people who were in each of these classes. I'm just confirming that the mentality of Japanese people trying to absolve themselves with the logic that "I'm not like those people" existed across the whole spectrum of society. The blame for the war is to be laid on the entire nation. The entire nation is punished collectively, regardless of whether it is "an old and helpless farmer in the Japanese countryside" or ’a soldier who committed the most atrocious acts on the Chinese mainland.’ The Nuremberg and Tokyo Trials, which were the first in history to attempt to punish individuals who were "bad", ended up having to single out individuals as an organ of the state, and became nothing more than a piecemeal addition to the state's crimes. The phrase "military was at fault" evaporated as a hollow excuse. If you said "bad", then all the Japanese were bad. In 2014, there was a large-scale invasion of Gaza by Israel. The daily bombing raids continued to kill ordinary Palestinians. Around the UN headquarters building in Manhattan, there were demonstrations every day condemning the barbarism of Israel. They were fighting injustice, and we were fighting a sense of powerlessness. One day, while walking with three colleagues - a Jew, an Iraqi and an Afghan - we came across a group of demonstrators who looked a little different. They were wearing black trousers and coats, black top hats and their hair was braided. They were Ultra-orthodox Jews. I asked my Jewish colleague who was with me what they were doing. After interrupting a long story that spanned the entire history of the Jewish people, I understood that they were demonstrating against Israel's air strikes on Gaza. I can't deny that I felt a little relieved when I heard that. There is no such thing as a nation that can be seen as a monolith. I had just confirmed that. However, that does not mean that the crimes of the state of Israel, which continues to invade Palestinian territory and kill innocent Palestinians, are absolved. Just as Japan cannot be absolved by saying "Tojo was at fault" or "the military was at fault", the crimes of the state of Israel will not disappear by saying "Netanyahu was at fault" or "the Zionists were at fault". Abby Martin gives several examples to prove the overall nature of Israel as a state that continues to massacre Palestinians. that "less than 2% of Israelis think that Israel's attacks on Gaza were excessive", that "95% of Israelis supported Israel's 2014 attack on Gaza, which killed 2,500 Palestinians, including 500 children", that 90% of Israelis support Israel's settlement (invasion) and construction of walls in Palestinian territory, and that "Israeli human rights organizations brought it to the Knesset, and unanimously passed a resolution approving the construction of the walls and allowing those approaching it to be shot dead" etc... These kinds of figures would certainly support the claim of the complicity of ordinary Israelis. However, I don't think that this kind of proof is necessary. This is the kind of logic that says that, for example, if only 10% of the population supported the crazy barbarism of Zionism, then it is not the responsibility of the state of Israel, but if 90% of the population supported it, then it is the responsibility of the state of Israel etc. Such convenient lines of demarcation or extenuating circumstances have never been accepted by the international community. Crimes by a state cannot be forgiven on the basis of domestic issues. Such a legal principle does not exist. When I post something condemning the endless cruelty of Israel, I often receive comments saying that we should make a distinction between Zionists and Jews, or comments attached with a short movie showing that ultra-traditional Jews have been assaulted by Zionists. I have no objection at all. Perhaps this is also a uniquely Japanese act of "goodwill". I don't have time to be bothered by all "good intentions", so I just ignore them. However, I feel a coldness in the fact that there is no sign of the kind of anguish that comes from thinking "so what?". This is probably a variant of the mentality of the Japanese people, who to this day avoid taking any responsibility by saying "it was the military that was at fault". If you strip away all the metaphysical rhetoric of the Zionist movement, I would describe it as "the work of turning an illusory nation into a physical entity". Japanese people will probably immediately think of the phrase "Kokutai No Goji” (Preserve the National Polity). At the end of the 19th century, Japan tried to create a new national polity by picking up the remnants of the ancient order and giving substance to an extremely abstract order. An order that is not built on substance will collapse if it is not believed in. The Japanese people sincerely believed in and worked to reconstruct and protect the Kokutai. During World War II, they slaughtered civilians in enemy countries, let their own soldiers starve to death, and immediately after the war, they gathered up ordinary women to create a national facility to provide organized prostitution to prevent rapes and sexual violence by US troops on the general population (RAA = Recreation and Amusement Association), all in order to protect the Kokutai. The stage where Israel is absolved for "Netanyahu is bad" or "the Zionists are bad" has long since passed, at the point where Israelis were unable to stop either Netanyahu or the Zionists. Similarly, we foreigners have long since passed the stage where we are absolved for "Israel is bad". We were unable to stop the Israeli genocide, and we are still unable to stop it. The real effect of looking at photos and videos of children reduced to burnt pieces of flesh every day and yet becoming the champion of justice by accusing the villains in the comfortable sofa is that it is a temporary cover-up of the stupidity of all of humanity. I absolutely agree with Abby Martin's outrage.
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自らの手で問題を解決しましょう アビー・マーティンというこの女性は激怒している。もちろん彼女はイスラエルによるパレスチナ人の残忍な大量虐殺に憤慨しているが、彼女の怒りはそれだけに向けられているのではない。
ある日、ユダヤ人、イラク人、アフガニスタン人の3人の同僚と歩いていると、少し変わった見た目のデモ参加者の集団に出会った。彼らは黒いズボンとコートを着て、黒いシルクハットをかぶり、髪は編んでいた。彼らは超正統派ユダヤ教徒だった。 私は一緒にいたユダヤ人の同僚に何をしているのか尋ねた。ユダヤ人の歴史全体にわたる長い話を中断した後、彼らがイスラエルのガザ空爆に抗議するデモをしているのだと理解した。 それを聞いて、少しホッとした気持ちになったのは否めない。一枚岩とみなせる国家など存在しない。そう確信したのだ。
「イスラエル人の2%未満が、イスラエルのガザ攻撃は過剰だと考えている」、「イスラエル人の95%が、500人の子供を含む2,500人のパレスチナ人を殺害した2014年のガザ攻撃を支持した」、「イスラエル人の90%が、パレスチナ領土におけるイスラエルの入植(侵攻)と壁の建設を支持している」、「イスラエルの人権団体がこれをクネセトに持ち込み、壁の建設を承認し、壁に向かう者を射殺することを認める決議を満場一致で可決した」など... こうした数字は、確かに一般イスラエル人の共犯の主張を裏付けるものとなるだろう。しかし、私はこうした証明は必要ないと思う。これは、例えば、シオニズムの狂気じみた蛮行を支持したのが国民の10%だけならイスラエル国家の責任ではないが、国民の90%が支持したのならイスラエル国家の責任である、といった類の論理である。こうした都合のよい線引きや酌量すべき情状酌量は、国際社会で一度も認められたことがない。国家の犯罪は、国内の問題を理由に許されるものではない。こうした法理は存在しない。 イスラエルの際限のない残虐行為を非難する投稿をすると、シオニストとユダヤ人を区別すべきだというコメントや、超伝統的ユダヤ人がシオニストに暴行されたことを示す短い動画が添付されたコメントがよく寄せられる。私は全く異論はない。これも日本独特の「善意」なのかもしれない。 善意にかまけている暇はないので、無視する。
実体のない秩序は、信じられなければ崩壊する。 日本国民は国体を心から信じ、国体の再建と防衛に努めた。
私たちはイスラエルの大量虐殺を止めることができなかったし、今も止められない。 毎日、焼けただれた肉片と化す子供たちの写真やビデオを見ながら、快適なソファに座りながら悪者を告発することで正義のチャンピオンになることの本当の効果は、それが全人類の愚かさを一時的に隠蔽することだ。

On Gaza, Ukraine & Working at Russia Today | Ash Sarkar meets Abby Martin

424,519 回視聴 • 2024/04/07に公開済み • Downstream - NEW episodes every Sunday 3pm UK

Abby Martin is an advocate, journalist, and host of the Empire Files. She joins Ash Sarkar to talk about being politicised by the war on terror, working at Russia Today, and how Israelis really talk about Palestinians.

2024/04/07に公開済み Downstream - NEW episodes every Sunday 3pm UK


Abigail Suzanne Martin (born September 6, 1984) is an American journalist,[2][3] TV presenter, and activist. She helped found the citizen journalism website Media Roots and serves on the board of directors for the Media Freedom Foundation which manages Project Censored.[4][5] Martin appeared in the documentary film Project Censored The Movie: Ending the Reign of Junk Food News (2013),[5] and co-directed 99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film (2013).[6]

アビゲイル・スザンヌ・マーティン(Abigail Suzanne Martin、1984年9月6日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国のジャーナリスト[2][3]、テレビ司会者、活動家である。彼女は、市民ジャーナリズムのウェブサイト「Media Roots」の設立を支援し、Project Censoredを管理するMedia Freedom Foundationの理事を務めています。[4][5] マーティンはドキュメンタリー映画『Project Censored The Movie: Ending the Reign of Junk Food News』(2013年)に出演し[5]、『99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film』(2013年)を共同監督した。[6]

She hosted Breaking the Set on the Russian state-funded network RT America from 2012 to 2015 and gained attention for condemning the Russian annexation of Crimea on-air, and then launched The Empire Files in that same year as an investigative documentary and interview series on Telesur, later released as a web series. In 2019, she released the film documentary The Empire Files: Gaza Fights for Freedom.

2012年から2015年までロシアの国営ネットワークRTアメリカで「ブレイキング・ザ・セット」の司会を務め、ロシアによるクリミア併合を非難したオンエアで注目を集めた後、同年にテレスールで調査ドキュメンタリーとインタビューシリーズとして「エンパイア・ファイルズ」を立ち上げ、後にウェブシリーズとしてリリースした。2019年には、ドキュメンタリー映画『The Empire Files: Gaza Fights for Freedom』を公開。

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