2019年04月27日12時51分 jiji.com
(現地時間) 26日午後、米ワシントンのホワイトハウスでトランプ大統領と会談。大統領迎賓館ブレアハウスで報道各社のインタビュー。昭恵夫人とともにホワイトハウスでトランプ大統領夫妻と夕食会。
Trump Welcomes Japanese PM Shinzo Abe to the White House
President Trump Meets with the Prime Minister of Japan
Trump and Japanese PM Abe talk trade and the DPRK
President Trump and Melania host couples dinner
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and First Lady Akie Abe arrive at the White House where President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will host a couple's dinner Friday in the White House residence. (April 26)