Benjamin Clementine – Adios (2014)
A song from his second EP, "Glorious You". Completely self-taught and born in North London, Clementine moved fairly spontaneously to Paris at 19. Homeless, he busked his way around the city until he was discovered by agent Aysam Rahmania FdP. A few years later, he was adeptly named ‘la revelation anglaise des Francos’; “The English revelation of the ‘Francofolies’ festival” and became known for performing in just a trench coat and bare feet. Ladies, form an orderly queue. This is Clementine’s second EP, Glorious You.
セカンドEP「Glorious You」に収録されている曲。完全に独学でノースロンドンで生まれたクレメンタインは、19歳でかなり自然にパリに引っ越しました。ホームレスになった彼は、エージェントのアイサム・ラフマニアFdPに発見されるまで、街中を大道で歩き回った。数年後、彼は巧みに「la revelation anglaise des Francos」と名付けられました。「『フランコフォリー』フェスティバルの英語の啓示」であり、トレンチコートと素足だけでパフォーマンスを行うことで知られるようになりました。女性の皆さん、整然とした列を作ります。クレメンタインの2枚目のEP『Glorious You』です。
The opening dynamic of Glorious You is to say the least, standout. The Nina Simone-esque of “Condolence” breaks through the haunting piano; the strings are absolutely beautiful. The song also includes a gentle monologue showcasing Benjamin’s poetry talents. With equally sweet yet bleak lyrics such as you’re the “pigeon to my Trafalgar,” Benjamin’s music has been classed as ‘expressionism’. The genre is clear.
Glorious Youのオープニングのダイナミックさは、控えめに言っても傑出しています。ニーナ・シモン風の「Condolence」は、心に残るピアノを突き破ります。弦は本当に美しいです。この曲には、ベンジャミンの詩の才能を示す穏やかなモノローグも含まれています。「君は私のトラファルガーの鳩だ」というような、同じように甘くも暗い歌詞を持つベンヤミンの音楽は、「表現主義」に分類されています。ジャンルは明確です。
Despite the difference in style, Benjamin is often compared to the brilliant Simone, and you can see why. He has a really astounding voice, and each song has Clementine’s heart and soul poured into it. The last track, “Mathematics” is extremely beautiful. Just as “Condolence” is the perfect dynamic opening, “Mathematics” is a melancholy and deep ending, with lyrics such as “subtract one from two and you’re left with you.” Benjamin Clementine is one of the most soulful beings out there at the moment, and Glorious You fully lives up to the expectation of the first. This EP is only four songs long and has you wanting more.
Benjamin Clementine - Adios (Live @ Portugal)
adios さらば 歌詞 ↓
Benjamin Clementine──さらば|STRONGER THAN PARADISE (
Benjamin Sainte-Clémentine (/sən ˈklɛməntaɪn/ sən KLEM-ən-tyne; born 7 December 1988),[1] known as Benjamin Clementine, is a British composer, musician and actor.[2]
ベンジャミン・クレメンティーヌ(Benjamin Sainte-Clémentine、1988年12月7日 - )[1]は、イギリスの作曲家、音楽家、俳優である。[
Born and raised in London, Clementine later moved to Paris, where he experienced homelessness for a time.[3] After moving back to London, he released his debut album At Least for Now, which won the 2015 Mercury Prize. In February 2019 he was named a Knight of the Order of Arts and Letters by the French government, in recognition of his contribution to the arts.[4]
ロンドンで生まれ育ったクレメンタインは、後にパリに移り住み、そこで一時期ホームレスを経験しました。[3] ロンドンに戻った後、デビューアルバム『At Least for Now』をリリースし、2015年のマーキュリー賞を受賞した。2019年2月、彼は芸術への貢献が認められ、フランス政府から芸術文学勲章の騎士に任命された[4]。
Three critics have described him as becoming one of the great singer-songwriters of his generation, and the future sound of London, whilst struggling to place his music in any one genre.[5][6][7] Clementine's compositions are musically incisive and attuned to the issues of life but also poetic, mixing revolt with love and melancholy, sophisticated lyricism with slang and shouts, and rhyming verse with prose monologues. He often performs topless and barefoot onstage, dressed entirely in black or dark grey, with a long, wool trench coat.