

ジロデ展 @ ルーヴル美術館 Muse'e du Louvre(3)

2005-12-20 | 美術
ジロデ展 @ ルーヴル美術館 Muse'e du Louvre(3)
Girodet 1767-1824


Pathe'tique chre'tien et pittoresque du Nouveau Monde
  • Atala au tombeau (The Burial of Atala or The Entombment of Atala アタラの埋葬), 1808, Muse'e du Louvre, 英語解説
    The Burial of Atala would preserve Girodet’s place in history. Widely acclaimed upon its first presentation at the Salon of 1808, this painting, which associated one of the most literary of painters with Chateaubriand, the most pictorial writer of the period, was often copied and is considering as exemplifying the transition from Neoclassicism to Romanticism. The preparatory studies for Revolt at Cairo, the studies for Ossian, the academic drawings for Scene of a Deluge and the meticulously finished drawings, which Girodet valued as highly as the history paintings themselves, enable us to appreciate his peerless draughtsmanship.


    L'enfance selon Rousseau
  • Benoit-Agnes Trioson, dit Ruehaus ou Ruoz (1790 - 1804). Autrefois dit Romainville Trioson, 1800, Muse'e du Louvre
  • La Lec,on de ge'ographie, 1803, Montargis Muse'e Girodet, (解説PDFに図版, Nr.15)

    Portraits d'orientaux et colorisme
  • Odalisque
  • Amazone, France, collection particulie`re, (La Tribune De l'Art図版)
  • Portrait de Mustapha, 1819, Montargis, Muse'e Girodet, (La Tribune De l'Art図版)
    Beaute's me'lancoliques
  • Portrait de Hortense de Beauharnais, Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum
  • Portrait de la comtesse de Bonneval,1800
    L'Italie francophie
  • Portrait de Giuseooe Fravega, 1795,

    Le deriner chef-d'oeuvre
  • Pygmalion et Galate'e, 1819, Muse'e du Louvre
    Pygmalion and Galatea, presented at the Salon of 1819, where Ge'ricault’s Raft of the Medusa was also first shown, is a return to the Neoclassical ideal, while at the same time serving as its fitting swan song.

    Virgile et Racine
  • Descente d’Ene'e dans le Latium, muse'e des Beaux-arts d’Orle'ans, (解説PDFに図版,p.19)

    At Other Museums
    The Cleveland Museum
  • Self-Portrait in a Hat
  • The Meeting of Orestes and Hermione
  • The Oath of the Seven Chiefs against Thebes
  • Sketch for "The Revolt of Cairo," 1798
  • Aurora and Cephalus

    Ministe`re de la culture - base Joconde


    Wikipedia France

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