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New York Timesの戦争前「600万人」
Fake prophet of apocalypticism
Is Fish Illuminati or ichthus?
Joel Scott Osteen of prosperity gospel missionary
Non-church Movement by Kanzo Uchimura
Fully understanding about history by Pro-Japanese Christian
"6 million people" in front of WW1 by New York Times
YouTube: Why does Japan need Christianity? According to Uchimura Kanzo
YouTube: Kanzo Uchimura-Missionary Timeline
「Selected readings from Kanzo Uchimura's writtings, read by Samuel Lee. My vision and goal is to keep Kanzo Uchimura's legacy alive among the western people. My name is Samuel Lee, and I a great fan of Kanzo Uchimura. A website has been created for Uchimura especially in English language. I have also written three books on Christianity in Japan for further information see Please note that just like for Uchimura, English is not my mother tongue, so if in my readings I make a mistake, I humbly ask you to see it through...
……Later Uchimura Kanzo’s ideas were crystallized into a movement called “Non-Church” movement, or Mukyukai.……」
以下、2013/08/16付・Project Japan「The Capitulation of Japan and Christianity」より
「War Guilt Information Program
During the early years of the occupation, Japan might have taken Western Christianity to be the religion of the occupiers. Thus, the reason why Christianity succeeded in South Korea was because it was seen as the religion of the liberator (i.e., United States). In Japan, it was likely viewed as the religion of the enemy. The occupying US authorities also organized the War Guilt Information Program. It aimed to implant a sense of war guilt in the minds of Japanese through "education." If it were to be successful, the resulting sense of war guilt would be passed on to future generations.
In his paper, “Some Aspects of Humanism that Combines East and West:……
……Also, John H. Minagawa wrote in the Newsletter Pray For This Nation (11 May, 2003) that the War Guilt Information Program was to implant the guilty feeling that the Greater East Asian War was a war of aggression to the Japanese, they thoroughly disseminated the information through the mass communications such as newspapers, magazines, radio broadcast, etc.” He further argues that the biased public education by the leftist ideology have taught the Japanese history as “the history of aggressions against Asian nations by the Imperial militarism” for the past 50 years after the war .……」
(以上、2013/08/16付・Project Japan「The Capitulation of Japan and Christianity」より)
2020/01/03付・OnderWeg「Samuel Lee: ‘Ik preek zo simpel mogelijk’」
Samuel Lee: ‘Ik preek zo simpel mogelijk’ - OnderWeg
Hoe blijf je als kerkelijke gemeente betrokken bij mensen die uit het ...
上のYouTube「UCHIMURA PROJECT」のサミュエル・リー氏(Samuel Lee)は、アムステルダムの移民教会の牧師という事らしいが、同じオランダの元アムステルダム市長であるエドゥアルド・ヴァン・ティン氏(Eduard van Thijn)は、1985年、日本側傷痍軍人会代表団がオランダを訪問した際に行われた市長主催の親善パーティの歓迎挨拶に於いて、「大東亜戦争こそ人類最高の功績だ」とおっしゃられた。
以下、1994/03/24付・Bose of Japan「The light of Amsterdam The speech by Ed van Thijn (mayor of Amsterdam, current minister of the interior)」より
“Your country Japan lost the past world war and our country the Netherlands won, but we experienced a great defeat. Japan is now one of the top economic powers in the world. Our country the Netherlands in the meantime has experienced a string of humilations. That’s to say, although we were supposed to have won we became an impoverished nation.
Before the war, we had a huge colony in “Asia” (the dutch east indies = approximately the present day Indonesia) and the mother country luxuriated from the resources and products such as petroleum. But now we have become a much reduced country with a size no larger than that of Kyushu in Japan.
Your country Japan says, “We are sorry to have initiated wars of invasion in many parts of Asia. We caused much distress to many peoples of Asia.” You belittle yourselves, bow down in apology, but this is a mistake.
You were the ones who shed your own blood in order to liberate and save the peoples of Asia. A truly human and good thing. You should know that the true history has been hidden from you people. You are taught only about the superficial elements of the past world war, or have been brain washed to think in your own minds that you have done bad deeds. But it is about time that you looked back in history and look at the truth of the matter.
In reality, it is us the white race who were at fault. For one hunder or even two hundred years, we subjugated the East Asian people by force of arms, made their land ours and ruled over them.
It was your country Japan which took to arms under the flag of the Greater East Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, driven by the highest ideals of common prosperity, and led to freedom the people of east asia who for such a long time had been colonized or annexed, and long time exploited almost as slaves.
The truly wrong people were us west Europeans who invaded and ruled over them. As a result of Japan fighting for them, the peoples of Asia were able to each gain independence.
Japan has done a great deed, and you who fought for this shedding your blood, are the greatest contributors. You should stop belittling yourselves, and stand up tall again, and regain your pride.
Eduard van Thijn
Mayor of Amsterdam, who later was to become the minister of the interior
Youtube video “Amsterudamu no Koubou” (the light of Amsterdam) featuring the speecy by Eduard van Thijn:
Website of Soumou Zenkoku Chihougiin no Kai (Grass roots political group of politicians in local government) featuring the text of the van Thijn speech」
(以上、1994/03/24付・Bose of Japan「The light of Amsterdam The speech by Ed van Thijn (mayor of Amsterdam, current minister of the interior)」より)
※ 日本語翻訳文を併記した引用元:
The light of Amsterdam
The speech by Ed van Thijn (mayor of Amsterdam, current minister of th...
Rash Behari Bose
YouTube: アムステルダムの光芒【照らされた日本の誇り】
— アラムシャ第三副首相、1987年】
— ジョージ・S・カナヘレ『日本軍政とインドネシア独立』】
Osteen's first book, Your Best Life Now: 7 Steps to Living at Your Full Potential, was released in October 2004, and reached the number 1 position on The New York Times Best Seller list.
He released his second book, titled Become a Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day, in October 2007. It also topped The New York Times Best Seller list and had a first printing of three million copies. Osteen has said that the book focuses more on relationships and not getting stuck where we are in life.」
(Wikipedia「Joel Osteen」より)
ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙のベストセラーに1週でもランクインすると、「ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙ベストセラー作家」という肩書を使えるみたいや。なんせ、New Yorkは”Jew York”やもんから、そのJew York Timesの肩書で社会的成功を手に入れたいんとちゃうか。
Wikipedia「The New York Times Best Seller list」
特に創価学会の場合は、毎年、日本で開催される「アンネ・フランク展」を主催しとる。やはり、米国で”Jew” York Timesと繋がる事でステータスが上がる事と同じく、ユダヤと繋がる事のメリットが大きいんやろなぁ(使われとるだけか?)。
そのNew York TimesならぬJew York Timesが、第二次世界大戦後のニュルンベルク裁判よりもずっと前から、「600万人」という数字を既に使っていたのであった。
The 6 Million New-York-Times Since 1869
出典:gfycat「The 6 Million New-York-Times-Since-1869」
出典:pinterest「Six-Million-Jews-New-York-Times-May-1-1920-P-8.gif (750×485) | New york, York, New york times」
2017/08/11付・The Gas Mask Blog「140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust & The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began |」
140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust & The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began |
[Here I will post a short excerpt of the occurrences of the word “Holo...
The Gas Mask Blog - Resistiendo al JWO/Resisting the JWO
2011/10/07付・「140 occurrences of the word "holocaust" and the number 6,000,000 before the Nuremberg Trials began」
・2020/10/21付:『終末期の偽預言者(1/3):魚はイルミナティ?それとも「イクトゥス」?/Fake prophet of apocalypticism:Is Fish Illuminati or ichthus?』
・2020/10/21付:「終末期の偽預言者-2/3:オスティーンの繁栄に反する内村鑑三の無教会/Fake prophet in End:Uchimura Non-church against Osteen prosperity」
・2020/03/07付:『瀬戸内の春を告げるイカナゴの不漁 & 静寂の釣りの中で察知する「終末期」の「地球寒冷化」/Fish poor catch, Global cooling in Apocalyptic time』
・2020/03/07付:『悪魔カルトの宇宙人イルミナティのカードと米大統領選挙と「Go Fish!」/Devil cult ET Illuminati card, US Presidential election, Fish』
・2020/04/30付:「おっとトイレットペーパーが!&天国への資格は創造主により備えられる/Oh toilet paper! & License to enter heaven be prepared by the Lord」
おっとトイレットペーパーが!&天国への資格は創造主により備えられる/Oh toilet paper! & License to enter heaven be prepared by the Lord - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考
おっとトイレットペーパーが!&天国への資格は創造主により備えられる/Oh toilet paper! & License to enter heaven be prepared by the Lord - 頑狷曲捻者TNの日々雑記、沈思黙考
・1994/03/24付・Bose of Japan:「The light of Amsterdam The speech by Ed van Thijn (mayor of Amsterdam, current minister of the interior)」
・2013/08/16付・Project Japan:「The Capitulation of_Japan and Christianity」
・2020/09/08付・Christian Press:『アマゾン・プライム・ビデオで視聴数トップ「イエス・キリストの生涯」第1話、ユーチューブで無料配信開始 』
・Amos3:7:「Joel Osteen's New Age Origins」
・Wikipedia:「Joel Osteen」
・Wikipedia:「Prosperity theology」
・Wikipedia:「The New York Times Best Seller list」