

The Big Four  7

2023-03-02 23:32:08 | Big Four


2. 収容所から来た男

Fortunately the train had stopped near a station. A short walk brought us to a garage where we were able to obtain a car, and half an hour later we were spinning rapidly back to London. Then, and not till then, did Poirot deign to satisfy my curiosity.


"You do not see? No more did I. But I see now. Hastings, I was being got out of the way."


「わからないかい? 私もわからなかったが、今はわかるよ。ヘイスティングス、私は邪魔者だったのだ。」


"Yes. Very cleverly. Both the place and the method were chosen with great knowledge and acumen. They were afraid of me."

"Who were?"



"Those four geniuses who have banded themselves together to work outside the law. A Chinaman, an American, a Frenchwoman, and—another. Pray the good God we arrive back in time, Hastings."


"You think there is danger to our visitor?"

"I am sure of it."



Mrs. Pearson greeted us on arrival. Brushing aside her ecstasies of astonishment on beholding Poirot, we asked for information. It was reassuring. No one had called, and our guest had not made any sign.


With a sigh of relief we went up to the rooms. Poirot crossed the outer one and went through to the inner one. Then he called me, his voice strangely agitated.

"Hastings, he's dead."



I came running to join him. The man was lying as we had left him, but he was dead, and had been dead some time. I rushed out for a doctor. Ridgeway, I knew, would not have returned yet. I found one almost immediately, and brought him back with me.


"He's dead right enough, poor chap. Tramp you've been befriending, eh?"


"Something of the kind," said Poirot evasively. "What was the cause of death, doctor?"


"Hard to say. Might have been some kind of fit. There are signs of asphyxiation. No gas laid on, is there?"


"No, electric light—nothing else."


"And both windows wide open, too. Been dead about two hours, I should say. You'll notify the proper people, won't you?"


He took his departure. Poirot did some necessary telephoning. Finally, somewhat to my surprise, he rang up our old friend Inspector Japp, and asked him if he could possibly come round.


No sooner were these proceedings completed than Mrs. Pearson appeared, her eyes as round as saucers.


"There's a man here from 'Anwell—from the 'Sylum. Did you ever? Shall I show him up?"

「男性が来てまけど。アンウェル、しゅようじょから? 知ってます? 来てもらいます?」

We signified assent, and a big burly man in uniform was ushered in.


"'Morning, gentlemen," he said cheerfully. "I've got reason to believe you've got one of my birds here. Escaped last night, he did."


"He was here," said Poirot quietly.


"Not got away again, has he?" asked the keeper, with some concern.


"He is dead."


The man looked more relieved than otherwise.


"You don't say so. Well, I dare say it's best for all parties."


"Was he—dangerous?"


"'Omicidal, d'you mean? Oh, no. 'Armless enough. Persecution mania very acute. Full of secret societies from China that had got him shut up. They're all the same."

「人を傷つけるような? いや、そうじゃない。まったく無害なもんだ。ひどい被害妄想だったがね。中国から秘密結社が彼を黙らせるってね。みんなそんなもんさ。」

I shuddered.


"How long had he been shut up?" asked Poirot.


"A matter of two years now."


"I see," said Poirot quietly. "It never occurred to anybody that he might—be sane?"


The keeper permitted himself to laugh.


"If he was sane, what would he be doing in a lunatic asylum? They all say they're sane, you know."

「もし正気なら、なんで精神病院にいるのかね? みんな正気だというさ。」

Poirot said no more. He took the man in to see the body. The identification came immediately.


"That's him—right enough," said the keeper callously; "funny sort of bloke, ain't he? Well, gentlemen, I had best go off now and make arrangements under the circumstances. We won't trouble you with the corpse much longer. If there's a hinquest, you will have to appear at it, I dare say. Good morning, sir."


With a rather uncouth bow he shambled out of the room.


A few minutes later Japp arrived. The Scotland Yard Inspector was jaunty and dapper as usual.


"Here I am Moosior Poirot. What can I do for you? Thought you were off to the coral strands of somewhere or other today?"

「来ましたよ、ポアロさん。どういったことです? 今日、珊瑚の国かどこかへ行かれるんだと思ってましたけど?」

"My good Japp, I want to know if you have ever seen this man before."


He led Japp into the bedroom. The inspector stared down at the figure on the bed with a puzzled face.




Asylumから来た男は、sylum とか hinquest とか言いますが、発音が悪いという表現と思われます。Asylum, inquest のことで。

The Big Four ビッグ4 6

2023-03-02 21:31:32 | Big Four

Leaving our mysterious visitor in the charge of Mrs. Pearson, we drove away, and duly caught the train by the skin of our teeth. Poirot was alternately silent and loquacious. He would sit staring out of the window like a man lost in a dream, apparently not hearing a word that I said to him. Then, reverting to animation suddenly, he would shower injunctions and commands upon me, and urge the necessity of constant marconigrams.


We had a long fit of silence just after we passed Woking. The train, of course, did not stop anywhere until Southampton; but just here it happened to be held up by a signal.


"Ah! Sacré mille tonnerres!" cried Poirot suddenly. "But I have been an imbecile. I see clearly at last. It is undoubtedly the blessed saints who stopped the train. Jump, Hastings, but jump, I tell you."


In an instant he had unfastened the carriage door, and jumped out on the line.


"Throw out the suit-cases and jump yourself."


I obeyed him. Just in time. As I alighted beside him, the train moved on.


"And now Poirot," I said, in some exasperation, "perhaps you will tell me what all this is about."


"It is, my friend, that I have seen the light."


"That," I said, "is very illuminating to me."


"It should be," said Poirot, "but I fear—I very much fear that it is not. If you can carry two of these valises, I think I can manage the rest."




The Big Four ビッグ4 5

2023-03-02 19:20:09 | Big Four

"The time, it marches with a rapidity unbelievable. Come now, Hastings, you cannot say that I have left you with nothing to do. A most sensational problem. The man from the unknown. Who is he? What is he?


Ah, sapristi, but I would give two years of my life to have this boat go tomorrow instead of to-day. There is something here very curious—very interesting. But one must have time—time. It may be days—or even months—before he will be able to tell us what he came to tell."


"I'll do my best, Poirot," I assured him. "I'll try to be an efficient substitute."




His rejoinder struck me as being a shade doubtful. I picked up the sheet of paper.


"If I were writing a story," I said lightly, "I should weave this in with your latest idiosyncrasy and call it The Mystery of the Big Four." I tapped the pencilled figures as I spoke.


And then I started, for our invalid, roused suddenly from his stupor, sat up in his chair and said clearly and distinctly:

"Li Chang Yen."



He had the look of a man suddenly awakened from sleep. Poirot made a sign to me not to speak. The man went on. He spoke in a clear, high voice, and something in his enunciation made me feel that he was quoting from some written report or lecture.


"Li Chang Yen may be regarded as representing the brains of the Big Four. He is the controlling and motive force. I have designated him, therefore, as Number One. Number Two is seldom mentioned by name. He is represented by an 'S' with two lines through it—the sign for a dollar; also by two stripes and a star.


It may be conjectured, therefore, that he is an American subject, and that he represents the power of wealth. There seems no doubt that Number Three is a woman, and her nationality French. It is possible that she may be one of the sirens of the demi-monde but nothing is known definitely. Number Four—"


His voice faltered and broke. Poirot leant forward.


"Yes," he prompted eagerly. "Number Four?"


His eyes were fastened on the man's face. Some overmastering terror seemed to be gaining the day; the features were distorted and twisted.


"The destroyer," gasped the man. Then, with a final convulsive movement, he fell back in a dead faint.


"Mon Dieu!" whispered Poirot, "I was right then. I was right."


"You think—?"

He interrupted me.



"Carry him on to the bed in my room. I have not a minute to lose if I would catch my train. Not that I want to catch it. Oh, that I could miss it with a clear conscience! But I gave my word. Come, Hastings!"
