"I'm awfully sorry, Poirot," I murmured, rather crestfallen. "I thought I'd downed him all right."
"Yes, that was a Japanese trick, I fancy. Do not distress yourself, mon ami. All went according to plan—his plan. That is what I wanted."
"What's this?" I cried, pouncing on a brown object that lay on the floor.
It was a slim pocket-book of brown leather, and had evidently fallen from our visitor's pocket during his struggle with me. It contained two receipted bills in the name of M. Felix Laon, and a folded-up piece of paper which made my heart beat faster. It was a half sheet of note-paper on which a few words were scrawled in pencil but they were words of supreme importance.
"The next meeting of the council will be on Friday at 34 Rue des Echelles at 11 a.m."
It was signed with a big figure 4.
And today was Friday, and the clock on the mantelpiece showed the hour to be 10:30.
"My God, what a chance!" I cried. "Fate is playing into our hands. We must start at once—though. What stupendous luck."
"So that was why he came," murmured Poirot. "I see it all now."
"See what? Come on, Poirot, don't stay daydreaming there."
Poirot looked at me, and slowly shook his head, smiling as he did so.
「何が見えたって? さぁ、ポアロ、そこで夢見てないで。」
"'Will you walk into my parlour, said the spider to the fly?' That is your little English nursery rhyme, is it not? No, no—they are subtle—but not so subtle as Hercule Poirot."
"What on earth are you driving at, Poirot?"
「『[私のパーラーへ行ってごらん] 蜘蛛は蠅に言った』君の国イギリスの童謡だったかな。いやいや、彼らは巧妙だな。しかしエルキュール・ポアロほどではない。」
"My friend, I have been asking myself the reason of this morning's visit. Did our visitor really hope to succeed in bribing me? Or, alternatively, in frightening me into abandoning my task? It seemed hardly credible. Why, then, did he come?
「いいかい、私はずっと、この訪問の理由を考えていたんだ。あの訪問者は、本当に賄賂が通用して成功することを願っていたのか? それとも、脅して私に責務を捨てさせることができると? それは信じ難い。では、なぜ来たんだ?
And now I see the whole plan—very neat—very pretty—the ostensible reason to bribe or frighten me—the necessary struggle which he took no pains to avoid, and which should make the dropped pocket-book natural and reasonable—and finally—the pitfall! Rue des Echelles, 11 a.m.? I think not, mon ami! One does not catch Hercule Poirot as easily as that."
これでいま、計画がわかった。大変よくできている。大変綺麗だ。賄賂か脅しが表向きの理由だが、取っ組み合いを避けるつもりはないから、自然に財布を落とすこともできる。そして最後に落とし穴だ! ルーデゼシェルで午前11時? 行かないよ、きみ! エルキュール・ポアロはそう簡単に捕まらんよ。」
"Good heavens," I gasped.
Poirot was frowning to himself.
"There is still one thing I do not understand."
"What is that?"
"The time, Hastings—the time. If they wanted to decoy me away, surely night time would be better? Why this early hour? Is it possible that something is about to happen this morning? Something which they are anxious Hercule Poirot should not know about?"
「時間だよ、ヘイスティングス。時間だ。もし私をおびき寄せたいなら、夜の方がいいだろう。なぜ早い時間なんだ? いま何か起きようとしているのか? エルキュール・ポアロに知られたくない何かが?」
He shook his head.
"We shall see. Here I sit, mon ami. We do not stir out this morning. We await events here."
It was at half-past eleven exactly that the summons came. A petit bleu. Poirot tore it open, then handed it to me. It was from Madame Olivier, the world-famous scientist, whom we had visited yesterday in connection with the Halliday case. It asked us to come out to Passy at once.
Will you walk into my parlour, said the spider to the fly?'