Pottery Challenge!!!(Grade 6)

2012年10月05日 17時27分02秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class A.

We made pots with a hand powered wheel.

I couldn’t take many pictures because my hands got dirty too.

Everyone was working enthusiastically to make their bowls.

Taking the bowl off the wheel is quite tense.

 Often it can’t be taken off because of the weight and stickiness of the clay.

It is surprisingly difficult to get some good work.

You can’t write your name if you don’t cooperate.

 With the bowl finished we can now work more on shaping.







A design for Fukuoka Futaba(Grade 6)

2012年10月03日 09時33分29秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class B.

One of the appeals of this project is in choosing which material to laminate.

There were some quite elaborate materials brought from home, sequins and dyed cotton.

It’ll make an interesting effect!I look forward to seeing the finished work.

 There are lots of materials being used in lots of different ways.

Some people have written words in a cool way.

Sometimes if you didn’t already know the words and numbers being written it would be hard to know what they said.

Grade 6s use ingenuity to think about how to use new materials.

 When you laminate it is important to be careful to keep your design looking good.


Some people put their work onto a cutter mat and gently feed into the machine.

There was an incident with the laminate machine with Miss A.


 “I’m a little bit scared because the machine is weak”

She said before feeding into the machine.

It’s just a machine, quite a simple operation, the machine shouldn’t be too weak if it is used properly.

 “OK, OK”

And she started to feed into the machine.

… But then…

Suddenly when Miss A’s work was 1/3rd through

 “Beep, beep, beep”

There was a warning sound from the machine. It surprised everyone including the teacher as it had never made a sound before.

  I never really thought the machine would have a problem, but after doing everything carefully it did. Sorry Miss A!











A design for Fukuoka Futaba (Grade 6) Part 4

2012年10月01日 11時30分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class C.

We have prepared out paper design in the laminate film.People have their own material for their design.

As I expect from the 6th grade their ideas are interesting.There are lots of different types of material.

This material has a nice effect.

We can use patterns on coloured paper effectively too.

 The materials being used is important, but so is the skill and originality of how they are used.

。How to best use things is a case of trial and error, learning what works well in a design.

We have to be careful with the laminating machine. The rollers need to work properly, trying not to crush our design, checking the temperature is ok, there are lots of things to think about and unfortunately sometimes things go wrong.

After talking about this people were very careful.

There are smiles of relief and joy when the work comes out of the machine safely.

There is sometimes some surprise seeing what the work looks like when it comes out.


A design for Fukuoka Futaba (Grade 6) Part 3

2012年09月28日 09時00分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from Class A.

The 6th graders have lots of great ideas, using imagination and skill.

Some people work carefully using a ruler.

Some people used techniques which they have learned in club time.

Some people have used the texture of the laminate and drawn directly onto it.

Some people have used words.

There are many ways to finish this project.

Some people have come up with ideas I have never thought of before.

Well, this is interesting!

There were some people who looked at work from last year for inspiration.

Here I will show a design which have stayed in my mind.

Two people wearing summer uniform holding hands. When I saw this I started to think it was the student and their past.

 Actually it is an image of them with a 1st grade student.

I remembered talking with some 1st grade students yesterdayI think they have captured the character of the younger child well.

 I’m glad to see such thoughtful work.


Shiny instruments portraits (Grade 6) Part 12

2012年09月04日 08時30分00秒 | Grade 6

The japanese page is this page.


Students from class C.

 We did an exchange activity with our finished work.

Above the picture is the artist’s name.

Below the picture are comments received in the exchange activity.


Ms. IM’s work “Practicing the tuba”.

I think Ms. I has drawn someone blowing hard.

I think this from looking at the figure’s eyes looking at the pistons.

I think it is amazing how you have painted the shadows and wrinkles on the fingers.

                                                      From Ms. KM


 Ms KA’s work “A fun sound (trumpet)”

 It is different to the other work as you haven’t concentrated on just the trumpet or tuba.

You have lots of people in the picture with the trumpet and other details drawn in.

The distortion on the floor is interesting to look at.

I like that you have drawn so many things from the classroom.

                                                       From Ms. SK



Ms. KN’s work “The sound of a trombone flows through the classroom”.

Ms. K has drawn quite a serious face on the person playing here. 

 (The eyes are serious but the mouth looks happy!)

You can feel the size of the trombone as it comes out from the picture!

                                                  From Ms. KA